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Topic: Team Awesome!!!!
MelodyGirl's photo
Wed 06/30/10 06:14 PM

The jello pool must be full at all times. Women wrestling in the pool is at the top of the hour, of every hour. Acceptable attire to use the slipe n' slide is as follows....

Women: Thong with no top on. However, sexy lingerie will also be acceptable.

Men: Speedo. However, if you use the slip n' slide in a three piece suit, you will earn club points and free house drinks.

And finally, all men must wear pimp hats on disco nights.

I'm ready! Where's the jello pool??

crossroad123's photo
Wed 06/30/10 06:19 PM
all i can say is JELLOsurprised

Goofball73's photo
Wed 06/30/10 06:19 PM
See.....it pays to have a Jello pool.:thumbsup:

krupa's photo
Wed 06/30/10 07:24 PM
I just spent 10 solid minutes staring at Melody's running boobs.....I am such a simple man.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 06/30/10 07:59 PM
Jello wrestling!!!!! IM IN team awesome is sounding better n better.

i'll get up on the 1 and 2's and deff keep the party rocking !!

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