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Topic: Wiccans
Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/02/12 09:47 AM

I find the most common question I get asked when people find out I'm a Witch is "Do you dance through the woods naked?" The answer to that is no, we don't work Skyclad. 1) it would not be a pretty sight as we are all different sizes and ages, b) it is usually too cold here in the UK and c) the midges and insects would make merry LOL.


Yeah, this was always funny to me, too. Even when the weather is beautiful I would worry about about insects. I've never done the skyclad thing either. I don't want to see my friends naked and they don't wanna see me! noway

I am very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how painful it was to lose your spouse. :heart: flowerforyou

I am actually not a Pagan or Wiccan. I am Catholic. And, I practice witchcraft. So, kind of different there. :tongue:

Corkycat's photo
Fri 03/02/12 10:44 AM
Edited by Corkycat on Fri 03/02/12 10:46 AM

I am actually not a Pagan or Wiccan. I am Catholic. And, I practice witchcraft. So, kind of different there. :tongue:

I find it strange that so many Catholics practice Witchcraft. I was born and brought up Catholic, went to Catholic school but knew from about the age of 8 it was not for me.

Our High Priestess was also Catholic. She went to Catholic boarding school as a youngster as her father was in the Armed Forces and they moved around a lot so her parents felt it better that she have some stability by putting her to boarding school.

I wonder if it has anything to do with when they changed the Mass from Latin into each country's language. I can still remember the Mass said in Latin. I also remember that it was shortly after that people stopped going to Mass. When it was in Latin, it had an air of mystery about it, not to mention the sung Masses were beautiful, especially the Easter Sunday Mass and Midnight Mass at Christmas.

It certainly is interesting.

What is another interesting point.

Nearly all religions worship a male God, no Goddess.

The Catholic church (as far as I know) is the only church that worships a female diety - the Virgin Mary as well as a God.

Similar to Witchcraft wherein we have Gods and Goddesses thus having a balance of male and female.

no photo
Fri 03/02/12 10:48 AM
quoteI was wondering if I should do a caging spell for someone who has feelings for me but wont tell me they love me.

But then you'll always wonder if they love you for real, or is it because of the caging ritual?

Corkycat's photo
Fri 03/02/12 11:40 AM

quoteI was wondering if I should do a caging spell for someone who has feelings for me but wont tell me they love me.

But then you'll always wonder if they love you for real, or is it because of the caging ritual?

This is very true.

Back to the Wiccan Rede...An' if it HARM none...

so by doing a caging spell you would be taking away that person's free will, thus doing harm. Ultimately, the rule of 3 would also apply as sooner or later that spell would bounce back on you.

I have never (and would never) use a caging spell. If I'm fortunate to one day meet someone else I would want him to give his love freely, straight from the heart :smile:

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/02/12 04:54 PM

I wonder if it has anything to do with when they changed the Mass from Latin into each country's language. I can still remember the Mass said in Latin. I also remember that it was shortly after that people stopped going to Mass. When it was in Latin, it had an air of mystery about it, not to mention the sung Masses were beautiful, especially the Easter Sunday Mass and Midnight Mass at Christmas.

Yes, Catholics left in droves once they replaced the Mass. They Protestantized (nothing against Protestants) the whole religion as much as possible during the Vatican II Council in the 1960's to make Catholicism more "acceptable" and mainstream. Seminaries and monasteries have gradually closed over the last 50 years due to a lack of young men wanting to be priests.

I, obviously, don't adhere to much of the dogma of Catholicism. But, in trying to make it more palatable to the masses, they destroyed it's real beauty. I guess you could say they threw the baby out with the bathwater. This is why I attend a tiny little Traditional Catholic Church where they adhere to Latin Mass and the traditional Sacraments.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/02/12 04:56 PM
Catholics don't actually worship Mary as a Goddess. But, you are right. She gives a female balance to the whole concept and is who I turn to when I am in need of Motherly Love.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/02/12 04:57 PM

quoteI was wondering if I should do a caging spell for someone who has feelings for me but wont tell me they love me.

But then you'll always wonder if they love you for real, or is it because of the caging ritual?

I can't imagine living with someone knowing they were only with me because of a spell. How is that even fun or romantic???

Corkycat's photo
Sat 03/03/12 05:58 AM

Yes, Catholics left in droves once they replaced the Mass. They Protestantized (nothing against Protestants) the whole religion as much as possible during the Vatican II Council in the 1960's to make Catholicism more "acceptable" and mainstream. Seminaries and monasteries have gradually closed over the last 50 years due to a lack of young men wanting to be priests.

I, obviously, don't adhere to much of the dogma of Catholicism. But, in trying to make it more palatable to the masses, they destroyed it's real beauty. I guess you could say they threw the baby out with the bathwater. This is why I attend a tiny little Traditional Catholic Church where they adhere to Latin Mass and the traditional Sacraments.

There are quite a few Catholic churches here that still do the Mass in Latin. None in my town though. Think the nearest one is 40 miles away. My brother is staunch Catholic so the next time he visits (he lives in Scotland - I live over 500 miles away in England) I'll take him to one.

I still remember one Easter Sunday from my childhood. The church was full of flowers and candles. They had a good choir at the time. It really was beautiful.

Also remember a little ceremony the girls used to do - the strewing of the petals. I have a photo somewhere where there were about 12 of us, all dressed in white complete with white veils. I would have been 9 or 10 at the time.

They don't do that anymore. So much has been lost and they wonder why no-one goes now. Such a shame.

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 03/03/12 03:58 PM
Sounds like it may have been the Mary procession in May. They still do that at the church I go, too. But, again, I ago to a very small Catholic Church that still holds to the old ways.

It really is a shame. They have thrown away all the beauty.

I find that the practice of magick flows very easily with traditional Catholicism.

Do you still belong to a coven?

Corkycat's photo
Sat 03/03/12 04:53 PM

Sounds like it may have been the Mary procession in May. They still do that at the church I go, too. But, again, I ago to a very small Catholic Church that still holds to the old ways.

It really is a shame. They have thrown away all the beauty.

I find that the practice of magick flows very easily with traditional Catholicism.

Do you still belong to a coven?

Yes. I belong to a small Coven. We usually meet every fortnight but it's on hold at the moment as a few of the members have been down with 'flu and one member's sister is very ill. She had a bad brain haemorrage on Christmas Eve and wasn't expected to live but she pulled through. Unfortunately she's been left with a degree of brain damage and is in full-time care at the moment but the doctors are hoping in a few months she'll be able to return home but will still need a lot of help.

Another problem we have at the moment is the high price of fuel here in the UK. Our Coven is 40 miles away and it is getting too expensive to get there as most of us are on a limited budget. We're all feeling a bit isolated but keep in touch by phone.

I still like going to midnight Mass at Christmas but go to the local Church of England. Their Mass is very similar to the Catholic church and if you're Catholic you can take communion although I don't because of my Pagan beliefs.

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 03/03/12 05:21 PM
How long were you Catholic? Most people don't realize that they should not receive Communion if they are not Catholic.

I understand about the gas prices. My church is also about 40 miles from me and with these gas prices, I am going less frequently. frown

no photo
Sat 03/03/12 06:17 PM
IMHO, Catholic women who practice magick are sexy.

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 03/03/12 06:26 PM

IMHO, Catholic women who practice magick are sexy.

blushing :heart: :heart: :heart:

Corkycat's photo
Sat 03/03/12 07:37 PM
Edited by Corkycat on Sat 03/03/12 07:41 PM

How long were you Catholic? Most people don't realize that they should not receive Communion if they are not Catholic.

I understand about the gas prices. My church is also about 40 miles from me and with these gas prices, I am going less frequently. frown

I was Catholic up until the age of 16. In Scotland once you reach the age of 16 your parents can't make you do anything. You can leave home, get married and you don't need your parent's permission.

It wasn't until I was in my mid 20s that I became a Witch and have been ever since. My faith and beliefs have given me a lot of strength to cope with the bad times - and made me grateful for the good times.

I haven't considered myself to be Catholic since I was 8 but had to grin and bear it until I was 16. My Mum wasn't too pleased the first time I refused to go to Mass LOL.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 03/04/12 08:30 AM

I haven't considered myself to be Catholic since I was 8 but had to grin and bear it until I was 16. My Mum wasn't too pleased the first time I refused to go to Mass LOL.

No doubt. laugh

I am raising my children Catholic because I think family traditions are important and faith is a good thing to instill. However, I also teach my children to question things and think for themselves. They will have to make their own decisions about what they believe when they are grown up.

teadipper's photo
Wed 03/07/12 06:09 AM
I burn dragon's blood incense all the time and you would not believe how many people that freaks out. Incense in used in so many religions but I learned it from a Wiccan. That Dragon's blood incense expels evil and negativity. But if you google it, it's even used by the Catholic church but someone how because it's "dragon's blood". People just freak the heck out. I mean no one freaks out over my Himalayan salt bowls or my Chakra aligning CDs or my meditating. BUT OH MY GOD, SHE'S BURNING INCENSE. I mean are you going to tell me my Hello Kitty Fetish is dangerous because really, I hear Hello Kitty collector's are axe murderers. And my Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn posters are dangers because I hear they promote sexism. I am being sarcastic. Wicca is very earth based. Wicca is actually quite peaceful and positive. I am not one but lots of people where I come from are. I think people fear that they do not understand.

I mean I wear a cross, a tree of live (star of David in it) and a amethyst pendant that is supposed to provide protection. People are always like, WTF???

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 03/07/12 06:37 AM
I don't care too much for Dragon's Blood incense or any of the incenses the Catholic Church uses. Especially frankinsence (sp?)They give me a headache.

I know they are really good for removing harmful energy, but I prefer Sage. I know it smells like I've been smoking weed in my apartment for a few minutes, but it doesn't give me a headache and the energy change is instaneous for me.

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 08:13 AM
I don't know anything about incense, but I went to buy "Oil of Abramelin" at an occult bookstore and I was told by the very nervous owner "I just have the most common incense, I don't carry any of the..the darker incense". So is "Oil of Abramelin" bad?

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 03/07/12 09:17 AM

I don't know anything about incense, but I went to buy "Oil of Abramelin" at an occult bookstore and I was told by the very nervous owner "I just have the most common incense, I don't carry any of the..the darker incense". So is "Oil of Abramelin" bad?

Ah, "fluffy bunny witches". (sorry if that offends anyone, that's what I've heard them called). Witches or practioners of magic who are afraid of what they perceive to be "dark magic".

My recollection is that is an oil used in ceremonial magick and associated with Aleister Crowley. And fluffy bunny witches shy away from that because they believe it to be evil. Although there is nothing evil or bad about the ingredients used in the incense or the oil, it is the oil's association with Crowley that makes it "bad". I know the hoodoo website I shop at has a few different versions of it depending on whose recipe you want to use.

I have never purchased it as I don't practice ceremonial magick. Mainly because I am too lazy. And I have never delved that far into Thelemic magick (I think that is what Crowley used) as some of the things about it bother me. It's been a while since I read anything about it. Crowley was a pretty disgusting individual from what I've read.

And I dont care to conjure demons or spirits as I think that is dangerous.

no photo
Wed 03/07/12 09:22 AM

I don't know anything about incense, but I went to buy "Oil of Abramelin" at an occult bookstore and I was told by the very nervous owner "I just have the most common incense, I don't carry any of the..the darker incense". So is "Oil of Abramelin" bad?

Ah, "fluffy bunny witches". (sorry if that offends anyone, that's what I've heard them called). Witches or practioners of magic who are afraid of what they perceive to be "dark magic".

My recollection is that is an oil used in ceremonial magick and associated with Aleister Crowley. And fluffy bunny witches shy away from that because they believe it to be evil. Although there is nothing evil or bad about the ingredients used in the incense or the oil, it is the oil's association with Crowley that makes it "bad". I know the hoodoo website I shop at has a few different versions of it depending on whose recipe you want to use.

I have never purchased it as I don't practice ceremonial magick. Mainly because I am too lazy. And I have never delved that far into Thelemic magick (I think that is what Crowley used) as some of the things about it bother me. It's been a while since I read anything about it. Crowley was a pretty disgusting individual from what I've read.

And I dont care to conjure demons or spirits as I think that is dangerous.

I don't remember why I wanted to buy it, this was...15+ years ago. I just remember the reaction the guy at the store had.