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Topic: mom with IUD birth control
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Thu 06/17/10 09:28 PM
just wondering this past week i have felt sick head has hurt been so tired but cant sleep breast are sore and cry over the stupidest things but i have an IUD it has been in over a year and from what i read its almost imposable to get pregnant whit an IUD

with all that said my almost 5 year old has also been giving me a hard time she through a toy at my face when i put her to bed about 4 days ago then slamed her bed room door on my arm kicked me in the stomic and it has gone on like that since we are going on day five of her fit or tantrum

so i guess my question is should i be worried that i might be pregant or could it be the lack of sleep and stress of not knowing whats up with my little girl ????? HELP please

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 06/17/10 09:31 PM
Not sure...I had to have an IUD removed it messed me up..was 20 years ago though, they may be different now.

Maybe you should get a home pregnancy test and find out, their pretty accurate these days.

no photo
Thu 06/17/10 09:44 PM
and yeah that is what i am thinking i am a mom of two and only 24 not ready to take on a third child am so scared that i almost dont want to find out but i know i cant ignore it if i am not like if i were a guy and sorry not trying to run men down but they seam to like to walk away and say its not mine

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 06/17/10 09:46 PM
There are problems associated with IUDs and toxic shock syndrome is one of them. Get checked out! Also you should take a home pregnancy test just in case!

AS far as your five year old... There is NO Excuse for her behavior and if you do not nip it in the bud she will gradually become more abusive. She hits you smack her in the azz with an open hand real hard (well, at least 'pull the punch' I am not advocating brutality of any kind but a good slap on the *** is just a warning shot!) and expect for her to retaliate or attempt retaliation. If she does crack her in the *** even harder. If she decides to put up a fight paddle her *** good until it radiates red light! There is no excuse for violent behavior and she could be going through "That" phase. The angry 'mean as piss' phase.

Now as far as what may be setting her off, maybe she is getting hit at pre-school by another kid or possibly picked on by older kids. Another off hand possibility is any relatives and care givers or abusive teachers.

Not to scare you but Pedophiles like to start off with 5 year olds. BFs and even relatives can be a problem. You do need to find out if she is being treated badly by someone and possibly be ready to call the local PD.

Another possibility and I have seen this first hand is if any BF or "FWBs" are abusive to you. If so she is cluing in on that as a way of manipulating you. She may also be getting it from shows you watch and let her watch too!

The reason more single parent women have such problems later with their children is they do not know how to or refuse to discipline their children. At five Children begin to learn to manipulate their environment. That includes parents. More often than not a single mother not afraid to spank their children manage more adjusted kids than one who lets their kids do whatever.

I do not buy that Dr. Spock crap. Violence begets Violence. If a child hits you you punish them on the spot. They need to learn certain behaviors will not be tolerated right up front or it will get worst. If they are just acting defiant there are non violent ways of breaking that behavior.

But with that aside you should be seeing your doctor tomorrow. If you are having an associated problem with your IUD it can kill you totally by surprise! You could be worst off than you think if you are getting physically sick.

And throwing a toy at your face deserves a slap on the azz!

Just my opinion!

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 06/17/10 09:52 PM
Amy, don't listen to others who tell you to hit your children...they are your children and we all should know by now that hitting our kids isn't a good thing.

I raised 3 boys alone and never hit them.
You will have many here tell you to hit your kid, follow your heart.
I'm not saying there are no consequences...there are other options without violence.

Go to a IUD messed me up in many way, it may need to come out.

Godspeed flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 06/17/10 10:03 PM
Edited by Amy24 on Thu 06/17/10 10:05 PM
thanks i will go to the doctor even if i have to go to the ER and i know my little girls anger is not coming from tv or my bf or school she is not in preschool and she dose not see my bf

but her dad beat use a lot and i left him when she was 6 months my sons dad was abusing us too but it was not hitting it was name calling and isolating us from other people

my son will be 2 next month and little girl will be 5 in October i feel like i lost control of them but i know i am doing all i can its always some thing new my son has health problems going to the doctor with him all the time my daughter gets left out or she is at her dads and that is so hard for me but the court gave him visitation they watch him and he has other kids and has a wife he says he dont do drugs anymore and his wife and i talk alot i am sure the abuse is not still happen but i really cant be sure

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 06/17/10 10:17 PM
Be careful about this but you might want to see if your daughter shows any real signs of bipolar disorder. Be careful of a fad diagnosis! Sometimes the kids really need a crack on the azz to get them to stop.

The thing with Bipolar disorder is they go off like someone flipped a switch. If she is Jekyll one moment then becomes Hyde the next OUT OF THE BLUE then it is possible. If it is set off becasue she is not getting her way then she is trying to manipulate you through violence.

Don't put up with violent behavior. Don't be quick to judge any possibility of a Mental Condition either. It rally takes a lot of time to properly diagnose anything mental especially with children since they change during their development anyways.

Queene123's photo
Thu 06/17/10 10:18 PM
a old bf of mine a old gf of his got pg on the iud
they actually found the iud in the afterbirth

so yea you can get pg on any form of birth control

unsure's photo
Thu 06/17/10 10:26 PM
How in the heck did we jump to being Bi-polar? I think kids act up esp when the parents are split. They always try to see how far they can push you being a single parent!! I do agree, you should get control of your daughter BUT as far as her being punished...ONLY you know how you do that!!
I do think you need to be checked about how you are feeling. Maybe you are just feeling really stressed...stress can do so much!!!
Good Luck flowerforyou

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 06/17/10 11:04 PM

How in the heck did we jump to being Bi-polar? I think kids act up esp when the parents are split. They always try to see how far they can push you being a single parent!! I do agree, you should get control of your daughter BUT as far as her being punished...ONLY you know how you do that!!
I do think you need to be checked about how you are feeling. Maybe you are just feeling really stressed...stress can do so much!!!
Good Luck flowerforyou

Like I said the child has to act like someone flipped a switch. This came up with the mention of "recovering from drugs." My speculation is Meth. She did say her ex BF had quit. Children born of one or both parents abusing Meth have a VERY high probability of having Bi-Polar children. Look it up! Again the sure sign of it is when child goes from cheerful and happy one moment to being Hell On Feet the next out of the blue. It could also be split Personality disorder but in a child that young very HIGHLY unlikely! Not impossible but VERY VERY unlikely.

Yes children do act out! But I wonder when drugs, especially Meth are involved! Trust me, my suspicions are not unfounded. Catching a condition like that early can be dealt with by behavior modification and since she is young it would be better than using more drugs to deal with it if that was the case!

Likewise a proper diagnosis takes time. Not one or two sessions with a head shrinker.

Also a good smack on a tender cheek can do wonders getting an unruly child's attention but punishment has to be carefully metered. tiers of action need to be established. Making a child do a time out for being mouthy is pretty good. They get a time out and scream their heads off? A spanking is not untoward. I know one lady's rule of thumb was never spank them more than five times. She managed to raised well adjusted kids alone. It is funny hearing her teenage boys tell their friends "mom doesn't put up with that shet from no one! Not me, don't ask! I am not pissing off my mom!"

All I can do is sit back and :smile: !

I knew one mother who got so fed up with her teenage son being a total Shart head she actually punched him in the face when he told her to go Eff herself in front of all of his friends. She hit him, he hit the ground, and his friends respected her more than they respected him after that! I know violence doesn't prove anything but humans are like dogs and sometimes you got to crack them on the head to get them to pay attention and shut up!

Or is that Billy Goats?

no photo
Fri 06/18/10 05:27 AM
AndyBgood the drugs he used mer just weed and he would crush and snort a drug that was used to on children with ADD or ADHD

i dont think my daughter is got any problems she is just acting out

no photo
Fri 06/18/10 05:30 AM
and thanks everyone i am going to see a doctor to day and as far as my lil girl i hope i get her under control soon too

StillLooking29's photo
Fri 06/18/10 07:35 AM
I, personally, have not heard anything good about IUD's. I hope you can figure out whats going on soon. No matter what it is- just take a deep breath- YOU CAN HANDLE IT!! Best wishes with all you have going on!

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 06/18/10 09:31 AM

AndyBgood the drugs he used mer just weed and he would crush and snort a drug that was used to on children with ADD or ADHD

i dont think my daughter is got any problems she is just acting out

If that drug was Ritalin it is almost the same thing as meth except it is more concentrated and twice as powerful. I know, I had to take it myself by order of the LA Unified School District. I know all about that one. Weed is nothing. Pharms on the other hand????noway

no photo
Fri 06/18/10 02:19 PM
yeah it was Ritalin

Queene123's photo
Fri 06/18/10 07:35 PM

yeah it was Ritalin

ritalin can be a problem

i have a friend when her son was 2yrs old he was on it
and literly picked up a full clothes hamper and threw it against the wall

a friend of my daughter her brother was on it and he hit his teacher

i dont know if you have ever watch maury povivk but one yr they had a show on ritalin
and many of kids didnt need it

they were stating they wanted my son on it because hes a very active child
we refused for he didnt need it
my son is a special needs child, he doesnt need to be a zombie
he had eye surgery to drain his tear ducks shortly after they had mention the ritalin. and watching him coming out his surgery and how his reaction was... just think how he would acted on that medican it would had been worse

unsure's photo
Sat 06/19/10 10:50 AM

How in the heck did we jump to being Bi-polar? I think kids act up esp when the parents are split. They always try to see how far they can push you being a single parent!! I do agree, you should get control of your daughter BUT as far as her being punished...ONLY you know how you do that!!
I do think you need to be checked about how you are feeling. Maybe you are just feeling really stressed...stress can do so much!!!
Good Luck flowerforyou

Like I said the child has to act like someone flipped a switch. This came up with the mention of "recovering from drugs." My speculation is Meth. She did say her ex BF had quit. Children born of one or both parents abusing Meth have a VERY high probability of having Bi-Polar children. Look it up! Again the sure sign of it is when child goes from cheerful and happy one moment to being Hell On Feet the next out of the blue. It could also be split Personality disorder but in a child that young very HIGHLY unlikely! Not impossible but VERY VERY unlikely.

Yes children do act out! But I wonder when drugs, especially Meth are involved! Trust me, my suspicions are not unfounded. Catching a condition like that early can be dealt with by behavior modification and since she is young it would be better than using more drugs to deal with it if that was the case!

Likewise a proper diagnosis takes time. Not one or two sessions with a head shrinker.

Also a good smack on a tender cheek can do wonders getting an unruly child's attention but punishment has to be carefully metered. tiers of action need to be established. Making a child do a time out for being mouthy is pretty good. They get a time out and scream their heads off? A spanking is not untoward. I know one lady's rule of thumb was never spank them more than five times. She managed to raised well adjusted kids alone. It is funny hearing her teenage boys tell their friends "mom doesn't put up with that shet from no one! Not me, don't ask! I am not pissing off my mom!"

All I can do is sit back and :smile: !

I knew one mother who got so fed up with her teenage son being a total Shart head she actually punched him in the face when he told her to go Eff herself in front of all of his friends. She hit him, he hit the ground, and his friends respected her more than they respected him after that! I know violence doesn't prove anything but humans are like dogs and sometimes you got to crack them on the head to get them to pay attention and shut up!

Or is that Billy Goats?

All I can say to this post is WOW! As far as the mother punching her son in the face...if I saw that bytch do that, I would have punched her!!! You DO NOT punch your child in the face no matter what...what in the hell are you teaching them? I DO KNOW, SOME PEOPLE DO NOT DESERVE CHILDREN!!!

unsure's photo
Sat 06/19/10 10:51 AM

AndyBgood the drugs he used mer just weed and he would crush and snort a drug that was used to on children with ADD or ADHD

i dont think my daughter is got any problems she is just acting out

If that drug was Ritalin it is almost the same thing as meth except it is more concentrated and twice as powerful. I know, I had to take it myself by order of the LA Unified School District. I know all about that one. Weed is nothing. Pharms on the other hand????noway

Weed is nothing? LOL

unsure's photo
Sat 06/19/10 10:53 AM

yeah it was Ritalin

ritalin can be a problem

i have a friend when her son was 2yrs old he was on it
and literly picked up a full clothes hamper and threw it against the wall

a friend of my daughter her brother was on it and he hit his teacher

i dont know if you have ever watch maury povivk but one yr they had a show on ritalin
and many of kids didnt need it

they were stating they wanted my son on it because hes a very active child
we refused for he didnt need it
my son is a special needs child, he doesnt need to be a zombie
he had eye surgery to drain his tear ducks shortly after they had mention the ritalin. and watching him coming out his surgery and how his reaction was... just think how he would acted on that medican it would had been worse

Not ALL medicine for ADHD makes your child be a zombie!! You have to find the right medicine for your child...I think depending on the child, medicine can be a good thing!!!

Winx's photo
Sat 06/19/10 12:32 PM
Edited by Winx on Sat 06/19/10 01:30 PM

just wondering this past week i have felt sick head has hurt been so tired but cant sleep breast are sore and cry over the stupidest things but i have an IUD it has been in over a year and from what i read its almost imposable to get pregnant whit an IUD

with all that said my almost 5 year old has also been giving me a hard time she through a toy at my face when i put her to bed about 4 days ago then slamed her bed room door on my arm kicked me in the stomic and it has gone on like that since we are going on day five of her fit or tantrum

so i guess my question is should i be worried that i might be pregant or could it be the lack of sleep and stress of not knowing whats up with my little girl ????? HELP please

You have felt sick, your head hurts and you're so tired because you can't sleep. That has been going on for a week. Your 5-year-old has been giving you a hard time for about 5 days.

Do you see the correlation? When we don't feel good, we aren't our usual, nice selves. We also give the children less attention when we don't feel well. They don't have the words to tell us how they feel about it.

IMO, it's time-out time (one minute for each year old) and privileges taken away. Also, some one on one time like reading a book before bedtime may help. She had to deal with a crabby mom all day. One on one attention playing with her helps too.flowerforyou

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