Topic: American Vigilante AttempsTo Kill Bin Laden and Top AQ Leade | |
this story shows the pure stupidity of the american right wing. pakistan let him off light And we call suicide bombers stupid too. The thing is this man had BIG HUGE WARBELS! Hell, if I could assemble a team to hunt Bin Laden down I would go too and Eff Pakistan! They are two faced LIARS too! they are not doing enough to put the problem of the Taliban down. Besides I think Bin Laden is Hiding in Iran anyways. Hell, I would try to take out their entire government and blast a few Mosques along the way too and go Devils Rejects on their ***** for harboring Bin Laden! This man shows not all of us Americans are Candy azzes like so many Middle Easterners think we are! ![]() ![]() PS You are aware the Quar-ran does not forbid you from drinking Mead? That is cause it is made with Honey and NOT grapes! Maybe you should have a drink and reflect on ways of solving the problems of the Middle East that do not rely on religious fanaticism or blood shed? You are aware how rich and famous that man would be if he did get Bin Laden? |