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Topic: Sparkly Vampires and werewolves, oh my!
no photo
Wed 06/09/10 01:54 PM
I admit, I like the books and movies. Though the movies (especially the first one) could have been better.

thayet153's photo
Wed 06/09/10 04:13 PM
My sister keeps trying to get me to read the books, but I find it hard to get into. Doesn't draw me in like the other books that I enjoy reading. I've read better written books than Twilight. But then again, I've never been much of a fan of of vampires and the likes. indifferent

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 06/09/10 04:31 PM

"Tusseled bronze hair."

"I was mugged!
What did he look like?!
He was tall with bronze hair!"

Brilliant description.

silentsam's photo
Wed 06/09/10 05:10 PM
Unfortunately most vampire fiction/film just seems so hackneyed. I did like the anthology Love in Vein edited by Poppy Z. Brite though.
And frankly, I haven't been excited about vampires since Buffy. Joss Whedon is excellent at what he does (loved Firefly-Serenity too).
I honestly can't get past the fact that they sparkle. That is just so lame. So they live in the forest and sparkle? They're not vamps, they're fairies.

Goofball73's photo
Wed 06/09/10 08:47 PM

Unfortunately most vampire fiction/film just seems so hackneyed. I did like the anthology Love in Vein edited by Poppy Z. Brite though.
And frankly, I haven't been excited about vampires since Buffy. Joss Whedon is excellent at what he does (loved Firefly-Serenity too).
I honestly can't get past the fact that they sparkle. That is just so lame. So they live in the forest and sparkle? They're not vamps, they're fairies.

Next thing you know, the cast of these Twilight films will be singing "I feel pretty. Oh so pretty......"

dreamwalkn's photo
Tue 06/15/10 10:28 AM
this vamp doesnt sparkle

dreamwalkn's photo
Tue 06/15/10 10:32 AM

Wed 06/16/10 12:06 PM
Ok I have to weigh in on this Twilight well how can I say this is umm gay just my opinion but let me say I have watched vampire movies since Nosferatu years ago.... The one thing all vampire movies with exception to Blade is they burst into flames in the sun not sparkle like a Russian dancer in a ballet... I guess it's because I liked shows like The Kindred and Even Moonlight where vampires rip people's throats out lol.. have a gal friend of mine that loves Twilight and I tolerate it cause of her but please make a good vampire movie again.....

no photo
Wed 06/16/10 12:26 PM
For all I care the movies and books can burn in a rubbish bin.

Which is saying something because book burning makes me ill.
They are mediocre books, that turned into mediocre movies.

If they didn't have so many people saying they're wonderful ...
"Edward is the new Romeo" type of bs...

I'm sure I would hate them less.:smile:

Despite all this though, at least they're reading something.

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