Topic: The BP apology
Shasta1's photo
Mon 06/07/10 11:36 AM
to be released today, they are heartfelt sorry (as*es) and he 'wants his life back'. Having snowed us for weeks that they 'had it under control' NOW they are sorry????

I really think the American people should just not buy anything for one day, all of us, on a set date. No gas, no food, water, nothing. Showing that we really are the ones in control, sort of like the boycott day done a few years back on the gas hikes. It worked and it will bring them to thier knees.
I realize people will fight this just because thats what they like to do without even considering it, thats they way they roll...but for the rest of us, isn't it about time we started taking things back?

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 06/07/10 11:37 AM
Meh, doesn't matter, never has.

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 06/07/10 11:40 AM
The unrepairable damage is done...

delilady's photo
Mon 06/07/10 11:43 AM
Boycotting for a day never works. If people know ahead of time that they are going to boycott gas on Wednesday, they fill their tank on Tuesday. It is like grocery stores here in the east when it is going to snow. Two days before the storm is predicted to hit the stores are packed and people stock up. Therefore, the companies never really feel a pinch cause sales for the week even it all out. The only way a boycott would work is if it was ongoing and that is never going to happen.

Shasta1's photo
Mon 06/07/10 11:50 AM
ye of little faith, apathy runs this country now...thats why we are suffering and will continue until someone starts doing somethinig, if you think this won't work why not try thinking of something that will? I don't mean this as a attack yet am tired of the complaining yet no solutions.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Mon 06/07/10 11:52 AM

to be released today, they are heartfelt sorry (as*es) and he 'wants his life back'. Having snowed us for weeks that they 'had it under control' NOW they are sorry????

I really think the American people should just not buy anything for one day, all of us, on a set date. No gas, no food, water, nothing. Showing that we really are the ones in control, sort of like the boycott day done a few years back on the gas hikes. It worked and it will bring them to thier knees.
I realize people will fight this just because thats what they like to do without even considering it, thats they way they roll...but for the rest of us, isn't it about time we started taking things back?

Not likely to matter. The regime will bail them out if they go bankrupt, as Bush and Obama have shown with their cronyist tactics.

delilady's photo
Mon 06/07/10 11:53 AM

ye of little faith, apathy runs this country now...thats why we are suffering and will continue until someone starts doing somethinig, if you think this won't work why not try thinking of something that will? I don't mean this as a attack yet am tired of the complaining yet no solutions.
I am not saying boycotting is bad. That definitely works and I agree that it would make these companies stand up and take notice. My point was that the commitment has to be made to boycott for an extended amount of time. You know the expression "Rome wasn't built in a day" well companies are not brought to their knees by a one day boycott

Shasta1's photo
Mon 06/07/10 11:56 AM
Not to their knees but one day of not buying gas from one oil company and it's a shock, millions of dollars.

no photo
Mon 06/07/10 12:02 PM
How 'bout, instead of an 'apology' that's insincere and meaningless, an explanation about HOW someone WITHOUT the licensure to be a MARINE ENGINEER was in the position to make the decision to CONTINUE DRILLING after being informed of dangerous overpressure downhole ... ? I'd also like to know WHO put him in that position of authority. THAT, the two peope mentioned, a couple of trees, some rope, a lot of large-caliber rounds, and an afternoon filled with the sounds of repeated loud 'bang's, would be a lot more satisfactory in my version of 'double-ledger accountability' ...

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 06/07/10 12:56 PM

How 'bout, instead of an 'apology' that's insincere and meaningless, an explanation about HOW someone WITHOUT the licensure to be a MARINE ENGINEER was in the position to make the decision to CONTINUE DRILLING after being informed of dangerous overpressure downhole ... ? I'd also like to know WHO put him in that position of authority. THAT, the two peope mentioned, a couple of trees, some rope, a lot of large-caliber rounds, and an afternoon filled with the sounds of repeated loud 'bang's, would be a lot more satisfactory in my version of 'double-ledger accountability' ...

Quit making **** up.

no photo
Mon 06/07/10 12:59 PM
Gee - I don't recall soliciting an opinion ...

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 06/07/10 01:06 PM

Gee - I don't recall soliciting an opinion ...

Quit posting misinformation then.

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 06/07/10 01:12 PM
How about all of us dump used motor oil on their gas stations in protest!

Then we can all apologize and tell them we are sorry we stuck them will all the clean up!

They are not fooling me.

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 06/07/10 01:42 PM

How about a bullet to the head of each president, ceo, cfo, cio, cao and any c-o of all companies involved!

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 06/07/10 01:44 PM

to be released today, they are heartfelt sorry (as*es) and he 'wants his life back'. Having snowed us for weeks that they 'had it under control' NOW they are sorry????

I really think the American people should just not buy anything for one day, all of us, on a set date. No gas, no food, water, nothing. Showing that we really are the ones in control, sort of like the boycott day done a few years back on the gas hikes. It worked and it will bring them to thier knees.
I realize people will fight this just because thats what they like to do without even considering it, thats they way they roll...but for the rest of us, isn't it about time we started taking things back?

Just find out who sells BP products and don't go to those stores, buy your gas at another store.

Shasta1's photo
Mon 06/07/10 02:00 PM

to be released today, they are heartfelt sorry (as*es) and he 'wants his life back'. Having snowed us for weeks that they 'had it under control' NOW they are sorry????

I really think the American people should just not buy anything for one day, all of us, on a set date. No gas, no food, water, nothing. Showing that we really are the ones in control, sort of like the boycott day done a few years back on the gas hikes. It worked and it will bring them to thier knees.
I realize people will fight this just because thats what they like to do without even considering it, thats they way they roll...but for the rest of us, isn't it about time we started taking things back?

Just find out who sells BP products and don't go to those stores, buy your gas at another store.

I already do this with Exxon, who does own BP or what companies are they affiliated with? Any one know? There are no BP stations here, perhaps in Vegas, not sure because never go there unless for a appointment.

CatsLoveMe's photo
Mon 06/07/10 02:21 PM

How about all of us dump used motor oil on their gas stations in protest!

Then we can all apologize and tell them we are sorry we stuck them will all the clean up!

They are not fooling me.

Dude, I really love that idea, and I hope you are not kidding. Seriously, everyone, change your oil, and dump it on the nearest BP service station you can find, just don't get caught. Yes it is illegal, but wgaf, so is what BP did to the Gulf. I hope BP drowns in it's own sorrow and goes belly-up like Enron. I feel no pity or empathy for such a corrupt greedy company. And if you can't go that extra mile by "making a statement," at least never buy anything BP sells, Americans need to take a stand and bury this company, their apology means nothing, and only adds insult to injury. Shame on BP!

InvictusV's photo
Tue 06/08/10 07:54 AM

This link is one of the best articles I've read in regards to what was going on in the lead up to this disaster.

This article maintains based on interviews immediately after the explosion that no one on the rig knew exactly who was in charge or what to do.

It makes the case that BP was using untested technology, and bypassed testing the blowout preventer with the approval of government regulators.

Read the article make your own conclusions.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 06/08/10 02:24 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Tue 06/08/10 02:25 PM

How about all of us dump used motor oil on their gas stations in protest!

Then we can all apologize and tell them we are sorry we stuck them will all the clean up!

They are not fooling me.

Dude, I really love that idea, and I hope you are not kidding. Seriously, everyone, change your oil, and dump it on the nearest BP service station you can find, just don't get caught. Yes it is illegal, but wgaf, so is what BP did to the Gulf. I hope BP drowns in it's own sorrow and goes belly-up like Enron. I feel no pity or empathy for such a corrupt greedy company. And if you can't go that extra mile by "making a statement," at least never buy anything BP sells, Americans need to take a stand and bury this company, their apology means nothing, and only adds insult to injury. Shame on BP!

The spill was a bad thing, but not illegal. The Oceans are recognized as "common property" (except within certain distance of the shore which varies by geography) by international laws and treaties.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 06/08/10 02:26 PM

ye of little faith, apathy runs this country now...thats why we are suffering and will continue until someone starts doing somethinig, if you think this won't work why not try thinking of something that will? I don't mean this as a attack yet am tired of the complaining yet no solutions.

I've offered solutions, as have many others (not on this site so much, tho). Seasteading and other forms of privatizing the ocean would give incentive to owners to prevent oil spills and clean them if they do happen.