Topic: Do you feel as if you're on a roll tonight?
Marley's photo
Tue 05/25/10 07:12 PM
...or do you feel like you might get rolled tonight? Should I be expecting a call shortly?

no photo
Tue 05/25/10 07:13 PM
I feel as if I'm on a ball chair ...

... Oh, yeah, that's cuz I am ...

Rollin' comes w/ the territory ...

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 05/25/10 07:15 PM
I'm hoping that your on a roll tonight Marley....

delilady's photo
Tue 05/25/10 07:16 PM
I'm absolutely on a roll! A call could be a possibility!pitchfork

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 05/25/10 08:30 PM

Totage's photo
Tue 05/25/10 08:50 PM

...or do you feel like you might get rolled tonight? Should I be expecting a call shortly?

I don't know, I just found out I'm 29% "hot", which is 29% more than what I thought. ohwell

"Your really not that great to look at, but don't worry there is definately some potential there. With a bit of work and some confidence I'm sure someone will hit that. "

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl