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Topic: Turning 40
Fade2Black's photo
Mon 05/10/10 08:31 AM

I had a WONDERFUL weekend.
Dinner on Friday night with my family...we went out afterwards and I didn't buy myself a drink all night.
Saturday they threw me a party and we had about 35 or so people...lots of food, beer, wine and good friends.
I couldn't have asked for anything better...well, except maybe a trip to nyc....

Hear ya on the NYC. GREAT that you had such a wonderful time. LIFE is good eh?flowerforyou

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 05/10/10 08:33 AM

Try turning 40 and not having enough life experience of even a 20 Y O, a virgin, not ever having a wife, or a girlfriend because all the women you encounter get the impression that you cant "handle it", still living with "mommy". Cant there at least be one women out there not to feel sorry for me, but just give me that one chance ive been waiting for for all these 20 years, just out of curiosity, just to see what can happen. Yes, to alot, i might come off as "creepy and pathetic", but you know what, wheres your sense of adventure, let your guard down once in a while, at least with me, what harm could i possably do. I know that sounds "creepy". but hey, live on the edge! Take a chance! Thats what id say to women now.
But this is about turning 40...I HATE IT! because i dont have the life experience of a 40 Y O, only that of a young teen.

Sorry, but life is what you make it dude. If you want to EXPERIENCE life then for God's sake ... DO IT! That's in your control hon. :wink:

"Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it, I say! Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows." (Pope Paul VI ) .... CARPE DIEM

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