Topic: Infiltration and Subversion
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Mon 04/19/10 06:39 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Mon 04/19/10 06:41 AM
This was supposed to be the 'game plan' for the April 15th 'Tax Day' Tea Party rallies but they evidently couldn't get their game plan in place in time. The point of the exercise is simple: (1) The Tea Party is WAY too effective. (2) They don't like that. (3) Their side's losing the war of ideas. (4) The rallies are peaceful - AND clean. (5) They don't like that. (6) To make the Tea Party look bad, they'll infiltrate with 'poseurs' who 'look' and 'sound' like 'conservatives', but who are, in reality, agitprop demonstrators whose agenda is to disrupt and attract TV cameras - where they'll then have the 'opportunity' to deceive the larger public. Simple application of Agitprop 101 ... at least the Gov of TX pointed it out ahead of time.


Gov. Perry warns tea partiers to watch their backs

04/15/2010 | By APRIL CASTRO  / Associated Press

Gov. Rick Perry warned tea party organizers to watch their backs for liberals who wish to make them look bad as thousands were set to stage tax-day rallies across the state on Thursday.

At rallies from El Paso to Tyler, supporters of the conservative tea party movement were planning to send their message of limited government and lower taxes to Washington. About 150 activists, many shouting chants against President Barack Obama, gathered in Austin on Thursday. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was set to speak at another rally at the Capitol later in the day.

Thousands are expected to participate the gatherings, and tea party leaders are striving to divert fringe groups, extremists or infiltrators obsessed with hateful messages.

In an invitation-only conference call with tea party organizers on Wednesday, Perry urged participants to "continue looking over your shoulder ... for people trying to make the tea party into something that it's not."

Perry, a frequent Washington basher who capitalized on the tea party movement to defeat Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison in the March primary elections, was not scheduled to speak at any rallies. But he cautioned supporters against tea party opponents.

"You can bet that every dirty trick is going to get played on tea parties, trying to marginalize them, trying to make them into something that they're not," said Perry, who faces Democrat Bill White in November's gubernatorial election.

There was plenty of flag waving and shouts opposing the federal government and health care at the rally in Austin on Thursday. One woman held an anti-tax sign that said, "Even my God only asks for 10 percent." Others held flags showing a picture of a cannon and the slogan "Come and Take It."

cashu's photo
Mon 04/19/10 06:18 PM
Edited by cashu on Mon 04/19/10 06:20 PM
The democrates did a head count that day . and were laughing there tiny heads off . better planing and advertiseing is needed . and a hugh voter count later this year ..