Topic: The betrayal
wm_55's photo
Wed 04/07/10 04:43 PM
The betrayal

Sometimes the worst of our enemies are among the very closest to us.
For they alone know of our true weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

The years pass as if they were days.
Hurtful changes harbored deep within, held there through sadistic years.
Sins hidden from obvious view cultivate, leaving me unnerved and crying silent tears

With the Devil’s gaze upon you I was helpless to detour or appease.
My strength was my weakness, my trust and belief my downfall.
Our love is lost in anxious years, my despair will not aleve.

As yet unproven sacrilege in droves the cursed ones did come.
The sanctity of our home did not deter.
To the altar of lust you claimed your knees,
be it friend or be it enemy.
With fortitude! You were most eager to please.

You grew emboldened in your pace.
Ever pursuing, as if in a race.
Obviousness surpassed my denial, finally to see truth’s horrid face.

With nothing held sacred, you whored.
Not even a mother’s virtue was left unslain.
Our children were sacrificed upon your altar of lust, God bless them for what they bore witness to, your motherly Veil uplifted and stained.

No longer whence we met did I see love’s shimmer upon your face.
That anticipatic glance, that unerring look, replaced with utter paste.
For the simple act of getting caught, our marriage now accepts its death.

Systemic in its illness, terminal with no cure, our love now must reap it's fate and find it’s final resting place.
Unfaithfulness hath wrought a coffin filled of our hopes and dreams and love trimmed in hateful lace.

Evil, pure evil, was your way. Lie upon lie until you could not hide,
from a persistent truth that was stronger than I.

Laughter heard so aloud.
Drowned out my cries of pain over defiled vows.
Oh how you reveled in my anguish, as if somehow proud.

In almost disbelieving horror I listened as you confessed, to what I knew all along, but yet denied to myself.
I was blinded by love to your deceit, as to the person that you had become. The years, they went passing by, as my heart grew more and more numb.

I feel insane from unrelenting pain.
For these feelings of fear and dread.
If it were not that I loved you so and for the two glorious beings we share. Surely, you’d be dead.

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 04/07/10 04:57 PM
wow, just wow

wm_55's photo
Wed 04/07/10 08:18 PM
Thank you,
I wrote that the day after all my suspicion were finally proven true. I was in utter despair. 8 years later we get along better than we did when we were married. Kinda odd what forgiveness can do for the soul.

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 04/07/10 08:20 PM
yep, forgiveness is a beautiful thing indeed...the world could sure stand more of it.

wm_55's photo
Sun 04/18/10 11:38 AM

yep, forgiveness is a beautiful thing indeed...the world could sure stand more of it.

Yes, so long as it is true forgiveness. It truly unburdens the heart.