Topic: The Beardy-House - part 67
arcadefan's photo
Sat 06/18/11 07:15 AM


whoa grow a beard!!!!!!!!!!

laugh laugh

HELLO BEARDY BOYZZZZZZZ!!!!!! Missin ya all!!!
Hope ya all are havin a great summer so far!drinker :thumbsup:

nice to see you (((Beckie))) drool flowers smitten :angel:
glad that you are having fun shades :thumbsup: smile2

arcadefan's photo
Sat 06/18/11 07:16 AM

biggrin Hi Beardys & BLLs!

ED!! its good to see you in heredrinker shades

& you too Beckie!!flowerforyou

this place has cobwebs in the doorway!ohwell


morning ((Dee)) flowers :angel: waving shades flowerforyou

just dropping by to see how things are

no photo
Sat 06/18/11 03:13 PM

biggrin Hi Beardys & BLLs!

ED!! its good to see you in heredrinker shades

& you too Beckie!!flowerforyou

this place has cobwebs in the doorway!ohwell


morning ((Dee)) flowers :angel: waving shades flowerforyou

just dropping by to see how things are

waving Charles!! shades Good to see you too!drinker

txmomof2's photo
Thu 06/30/11 12:09 PM
~sneaks in, looks around~

hmmmm, has the beardy house gone empty?

txmomof2's photo
Thu 06/30/11 12:13 PM
~picks up chairs, dust off the cobwebs, wipes down the tables~

Wow this place is a ghost town

~turns and leaves a note on the bar~

Hi Beardy's and BLL's. Long time no see. I just thought I'd stop in and say hi. Miss all of yall. I need some beardy action!

txmomof2's photo
Fri 07/01/11 04:40 PM
~walks in, looks around, turns around and leaves~

arcadefan's photo
Fri 07/08/11 03:18 AM

~picks up chairs, dust off the cobwebs, wipes down the tables~

Wow this place is a ghost town

~turns and leaves a note on the bar~

Hi Beardy's and BLL's. Long time no see. I just thought I'd stop in and say hi. Miss all of yall. I need some beardy action!

nice to see you back ((((Lee))) flowerforyou smooched smitten flowers :angel: waving shades i know it hasn't been like it was 2yrs ago i try to keep in touch but you can find me in FB

OrangeCat's photo
Wed 09/07/11 10:18 AM
:banana: :banana: :banana:

plk1966's photo
Sun 09/18/11 11:57 AM
sad sad where o where are all my favorite beardies gonesad sad

noway looks like they took the bbl's with them toosad

miss all my friends:cry: brokenheart

txmomof2's photo
Sun 09/18/11 01:56 PM
It's been a ghost town

arcadefan's photo
Tue 10/04/11 03:33 AM
good morning to everyone drinker flowers

i agree it has been a ghost town since facebook came about ppl have left

i try my best to check in on my friends

BL4766's photo
Fri 10/28/11 02:41 AM
peekin in to say HI....!!!waving waving

arcadefan's photo
Fri 10/28/11 03:40 AM

peekin in to say HI....!!!waving waving

sorry i missed ya Beckie smooched flowers drool waving :angel:

A64WOODY's photo
Sat 10/29/11 12:04 AM

peekin in to say HI....!!!waving waving

BL4766's photo
Sat 10/29/11 01:01 AM
hi Charles!!! drinker sorry I missed you too!!!

hi Woody!!drinker How ya been???

no photo
Sat 10/29/11 06:23 PM
waving waving waving

Hey BECKIE!! Charles!! WOODY!! (& everyone else too)!
Good to see ya! I miss you guyssad2 I thought
this place CLOSED DOWN!tears

Hope all is well with you all!!drinker

BL4766's photo
Sat 11/12/11 07:21 AM
laugh where the heck IS everyone??????????????????????

txmomof2's photo
Sat 11/12/11 07:23 AM
The beardies left us high and dry

arcadefan's photo
Fri 11/25/11 09:39 AM
sorry i haven't been keeping in touch lately for the past 15days

you all can find me on facebook or shoot me an e-mail to keep in touch i check my e-mail every day if you send me an e-mail here i will reply to it

arcadefan's photo
Fri 11/25/11 09:40 AM

hi Charles!!! drinker sorry I missed you too!!!

hi Woody!!drinker How ya been???

i have been alright (((Beckie))) smooched :heart: love flowerforyou flowers drool smitten :angel: