Topic: Secrets of the Heart | |
The little girl all tatterd and torn with tears in her eyes that
wont fall talks to the the only one thing she feels is her friend. The only one who knows the hate that burns her throat and fills her gut even on days that food is only a thought. She talks and tells her dog of the days she wont feel the pain anymore, she talks of the lovely places mommies and daddies dont fight and argue,where parents love there little children, Where there are no bruises and no pain. She holds her dogs close and bares all. She thinks this time she will tell Grandma, but next when she sees grandma everything is so perfect that she does not want to spoil it by talking about something so ugly and bad. When Grandma is there it is always a treat. There is food to eat and everything smells good. Mommy and daddy stop yelling,the hitting stops,and so do the midnight calls. Everyday the little girl prays for "Grandma days". But to often they are few and far apart.So in the silience of the night she takes what she knows is comming. She sees the tail-tale sighn by the dawns early light, the ugly bruises that mark her other wise pretty pink skin. Even though her heart is broke she goes on and on.. Everyday she wishes she could understand why she is put on this earth. Everyday she wonders why her? Why cant anyone see the truth of the lie she lives in. Weeks and months and years go by,her little dog stay at her side watching as the tears pour and the hate mounts. And yet she goes on and on... But one can only take so much and as her mother lies sleeping in the next room she takes a knife and just like the scene from her mothers favorite show she slides the knife in deep... The pain is there but not like the pain he has inflicted on her body and deep down in her soul. She weeps as the blood seeps out worried about who will take care of the one thing in life she adores. She closes her yes and sees life as it should be...peaceful She just goes on and on... No more tears no more fright, no more hiding the ugly secret that binds there family tight. No more hate and no more pain, all the fear runs out of her with the warth of the blood. No more unanswered questions spoken to those who wont listen. She just goes on and on... The sweet feel of freedom takes the pain from her face and the tears leave her eyes and a smile crosses her lips as she slips to the palce she long awaited to go. she knew in her heart that her life long companion would understand as she slipped away and went on and on..... |
It is a beautiful thing to share ones problems, lives, hurtles and happy times in words that everyone can relate to in some way.
We all have a connection, we all have a heart and they beat in the same way and our blood is the same color.... Thank you all for reading and giving me your thoughts and words. We are all artists in our own ways... Have a blessed day... Sasha |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I so get it. ![]() |
WOW. You are in the victim place! You need to get yourself into a martial arts class of some kind., I recommend Judo first highly! It is non combative in nature. You have got to break this cycle. I hope I ma making grand assumptions here (and I mean seriously assuming a lot) you have got to break the victim cycle. Your body and mind are in two different places and I bet you feel some kind of disembodiment at times. You need to strengthen your body and use it to help focus your mind. Part of the process is recovering your confidence. You get hit you hit back. Actually with Judo they try to hit you, you toss them. They try to hit you again you toss them and break their arm. They scream in pain how they are going to do this to you and that? You take what your instructor tells you about not getting into fights and you hospitalize the rat bastard and make sure his hands are really f****d up so that person can never raise it in anger to you again.
I can already tell again, I am assuming, you are a victim of domestic violence. This is an offer for you to begin to really heal your wounds. You have to decide now (the sooner the better) if you are going to go on being a victim or you are going to lick your wounds and get up and learn from the experience and never let it happen to you again. That means you have to strengthen your body and learn to defend yourself. This does not mean you need to get an attitude. This does not mean you learn to shoot your mouth off (think "I am a strong woman hear me ROAR!" beyatch sort of way). Those are ways victims of domestic violence try to compensate for their perceived weakness. All you need to do is learn not to lose yourself to your pain. Call it therapy but martial arts training helps in more than one way to get you out of the pain cycle. If you do not make the decision to change for yourself you will just live the pain over and over again! You got artistic chops but man your poetry is depressing enough to make Edgar Allen Poe want to kill himself! Come on, you can't let the evil of one man wreck you! Bet back at him by succeeding where he failed! Even if that means just looking at him and smiling with the knowing you made good and he licked dog **lls. even better yet is if someone else reaches out to harm you and you wind up hurting them horribly instead and you are left without a mark! Nothing and I mean nothing emasculates a man more than getting his *** handed to him by a woman! Man I am hoping I am assuming a lot here! DV bothers me a lot. |
nice write....
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