Topic: What were you in.........
papersmile's photo
Mon 10/12/09 04:18 AM
i was a kid who knew a lot of people, but mostly preferred being alone (or with one or two friends).

i was a kid who got scored really high academically, but never needed to study much.

i was a kid who was neither cool nor nerdy, but fell somewhere in the middle.

i was a kid who never knew what the inside of the principal's office looked like.

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 10/12/09 05:53 AM
I was just another long hair redneck with a attitude and a rifle rack in my truck

this is me fresh out of high school

4974's photo
Mon 10/12/09 05:54 AM
i was in the in crowd, always the life of the party...i haven't changed a bit

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:00 AM


Did you belong to the cool kid crowd? the geek/nerd crowd? the stuck up
crowd? Were you bullied? Have you changed????

<---------FORMER COOL KID!!!! :wink: laugh :wink: laugh :wink:
:smile: after jr year I was a cool kid:smile:

michiganman3's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:02 AM
Stoner/Get high.
Student Body Gov.
Forensics Team.
Theater Geek.
A's in some classes, D's in others
Many acquaintances, few friends.

Holly4459's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:12 AM

<-----------Queen of the NERDSglasses

Lilypetal's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:16 AM
I didn't hang out with kids from school. I was in with an adult crowd.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:19 AM
:smile: I hung out with the Dungeons and Dragons group but I was one of the populer kids:smile:

catseyes1's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:30 AM
I was the shy and quiet type so I got bullied, but I did not let it bother me. Yes I have changed, I am outspoken to a certain extent. I am told I talk to much now lol.

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:36 AM
I was on the track and field team..
also a stoner hippie child with my own group of friends...none which were on the track team with me.

FindMe1113's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:38 AM
I was top cheer leader for our basketball honor roll student, and president of our student council.

I wasn't concerned about hanging out with the "cool" kidswhoa

I'm a LEADER...not a FOLLOWER:angel:

Gazzatron's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:41 AM


Did you belong to the cool kid crowd? the geek/nerd crowd? the stuck up
crowd? Were you bullied? Have you changed????

<---------FORMER COOL KID!!!! :wink: laugh :wink: laugh :wink:

<-----Former nerd....

bullied? always, but did I let it get to me? not back in them days. In fact, i've been bullied so long even with simple gibes from my brothers that to only have it affect me once in almost 25 years is just down to how much I let it get to me.

Have I changed? yes, i'm a little bit lazier now... but what happens when you go from academic 30-35 hour/5 day weeks to working 6 days at over 50 hours per week? :P

no photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:43 AM

wux's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:57 AM
Edited by wux on Mon 10/12/09 08:00 AM
grades 9-11: was in "in" crowd. To be in there you did not need to absolutely act cool; it was good enough to make others laugh. The louder laughs your jokes drew, the inner you were. Was voted most popular kid for two years in a row. No friends, though. Every leadership-type kid tried to bully me. I was A+ in math, physics, phys-ed and Hungarian literature; distinguished student award in physics; D- in languages, geography and history. My philosoph was to do only the work I enjoyed doing. Consequently I did no work, in lit I got by with my compositions, in math and physics I got by knowing (intuitively) more than the teachers, in phys ed I got by with brute force, I've got no co-ordination whatsoever. Wood shop made me hate my life.

Grade 11: in the out-crowd in Germany. Meek school, never got beat up. C- student overall.

Grades 12-13 in Toronto: Ignored kid, nobody spoke my language and I spoke nobody else's. All boy school, why bother talking to anyone. Academically Ontario Scholar, I really applied myself this time. English was my worse subject, in two years from not knowing a word of English I worked my way up to a C+. All other subjects A or A+.

Everyone was at least one full head taller than I, even the kids two years behind me.

Graduated with virginity and not a puff of drugs in me ever. That should tell you volumes of my social isolation.

Goofball73's photo
Mon 10/12/09 08:14 AM
I was the King of the Dorks....which is part of the nerd community. And I am damn proud of it too.:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

wux's photo
Mon 10/12/09 09:27 AM

I was top cheer leader for our basketball honor roll student, and president of our student council.

I wasn't concerned about hanging out with the "cool" kidswhoa

I'm a LEADER...not a FOLLOWER:angel:

Ahem... (... I feel a joke coming up... it's tickling my throat...) I take it that it was considered and honour in your school to have a roll with you?

I assume you made everyone happy and proud of you, by performing your roll as a leader admirably.

Rah! Rah! Go, get them, Tigress! (How long, how many years from tigressness to cougarhood?)

(Please forgive me... it's not my intention to insult... it's just that I'm very giddy today. Manic, more like it.)

RKISIT's photo
Mon 10/12/09 02:08 PM
metalhead/jock/hated poserslaugh

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 10/12/09 02:14 PM
Homecoming princess
Ecology group
Photography club
"best eyes"

But always Found time for my "stoner" freinds!:heart:

wannacuddlewthme's photo
Mon 10/12/09 02:19 PM
7th and 8th grades jock.9th thru 12th pot and alcohol came into my life.Those days were a blur dont remember much

eileena9's photo
Mon 10/12/09 02:56 PM

Why wasn't I on this one?? The whole old crowd was here, Nus, Karensmiles, Creationsfire, Newg, Davinci, Sassy, Nativegurl,laughs...and some of us who hung around..... I wonder if Nus and Karen are still together?

I was kind of on the edge of all the groups, sung in the chorus, worked on the stage crew, didn't really have to study to do well, hung with the stoners but didn't do anything but have a few drinks.