Topic: a Rothschild died today..applause please....
Zapchaser's photo
Fri 06/15/07 04:36 AM
No. Except no person. I am also against the death penalty. Killing
someone in anger solves nothing. Perhaps we could start another thread
concerning the death penalty rather than straying from davinci's topic.
Thanks for your comments davinci. I feel like that was well thought out
and from the heart. Comments duly noted. drinker
BTW Hey Alex! Grandpaville on the 25th! WOOHOO! happy happy happy

davinci1952's photo
Fri 06/15/07 06:18 AM
Zap..enjoy the grandpa life...I was fortunate to be in the delivery room
with both my daughters & both grandkids...I
was the photographer/ video guy for the grandkids..was wonderful after I
got over the embarrassment of it being my daughter..
good luck

Oceans5555's photo
Fri 06/15/07 06:37 AM
Good morning, everyone!

Back to the role of the Rothschilds....

The Rothschilds had their fingers in Palestine, too.

In the 1880s, Edmond de Rothschild funded some of the first Zionist
settlements in Palestine -- three farming communities. These led to the
massive Zionist immigration that made possible the military seizure of
much of Palestine.


no photo
Fri 06/15/07 08:49 AM
"The wages of sin is death." Any single sin that you have commited has
put you onto death row with everyone else. We are all equals here, none
of us are better than the other. If you hold out anger and refuse to
forgive anyone for any crime, you are in danger of being judged the same

There are many evil people in this world. Clyde Thompson was called the
"Meanest man in Texas"...a nickname given to him by the other prisoners
on death row. He was so violent, that they locked him into a room and
welded the door shut. He had nothing to read and nothing to do, so a
guard gave him a Bible. Years later, Clyde's sentence was commuted and
he was eventually released. He spent the rest of his life ministering
to people in jail.

Any one of us can be saved and make right all the wrongs we have done.
While there is life, there is hope.

God bless.

no photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:01 AM
Zap.... lol

thrive and prosper!flowerforyou

it's such a powerful experience, the privelege of a child...
and once again it shakes each of us to look around at the world we are
giving them to live in....

protect her from the programming, and the crazy greed of consumer
madness... teach her the wisdom of your humour and your walkabout with
her will give her all she needs.

she has chosen a beautiful nest

my perspective is in harmony with yours, and i am not taking a position
that condones celebrating the death of someone, but i figure .....

humans do this. they kill each other. whether i am against it or not, it
seems to be part of the nature of
i am more accepting of using this inherent trait to some kind of better
advantage than the waste of innocent lives...

if this is what we do then we should create the appropriate
forum/theatre for it to be acted out in. ... and who knows maybe we
could even find ways of extracting justice without taking a life...but
the crowds want blood..human we called the Mayans and
Incas and Aztecs barbaric for their human sacrifices but they lived in
peace until Cortez showed up and their barbarism and brutality has been
revised by historians....just a i grab at straws

we need to shift and the thrust is building...we need to use our
brilliant minds and ideals and imaginations and dig in ..for these Zaps..ours...all

we are at a very important time....for many RENOVATIONs REQUIRE
DEMOLITION...and as this administration collapses, a HUGE window of
opportunity opens for a real renovation of what has been destroyed.

i guess you ask then " what must we do?"
that's where IMAGINATION comes in...another side effect of this
administration can be looked at in many ways...the country cannot
financially float this, and communities are losing budgets for programs
and all sectors of civilian life are going to suffer the consequences
of these cutbacks as they are being felt in the streets...people will
have to be there for each other, communities should already be
preparing for the
rise in homeless and overcrowded hospitals etc etc etc ...when and if
they bring them home , rehabilitating them is going to be another
they are returning with the knowledge that the war was a failure...
and will meet that as they reintegrate back into daily life....

the best way to make it all not in vain, is to make something good from
it, so if it took this collateral damage of american lives to see what a
corrupt government has exploited, then don't waste those lives...
take down the government and use them to do it, so that they can come
full circle and keep the honor they are proud of and risked their lives


well i was all over the place while this post was building
should i reread it or click post...if i reread it i'll delete it so ....
get a chuckle

Oceans5555's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:21 AM
Congrats on becoming a grandfather, Zap!



davinci1952's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:25 AM
bl8ant...of course I agree with you...I guess my zealot nature has run
to the edge of the cliff when I view the world as it is today..In 50+
years I cannot remember a time that there was no death & mayhem being
perpetrated somewhere in the world..and now we have reached the point
where so-called leaders are actually using terms like "tactical nukes"
on if this was nothing..a little firecracker in the scheme of
war things...It just drives me nutz to think we allow this to happen
without a collective "WTF?" ...

I have 2 daughters 30 & 28..2 grandkids 7 & 6 ...we are very much middle
class and honest hard...very honest...ask for little
materialistically...but I do see our middle class status all but
disappearing now...and that concerns me for the future...
it is all about the children..a point that is lost to TPTB in my
opinion.... sad very sad...

Oceans5555's photo
Fri 06/15/07 11:44 AM
The nuclear bomb used at Hiroshima was about 15-17 kilotons. Today's
'suitcase' bombs are about 1.5 kilotons.

Too many people are still thinking in WWII and Cold War strategic terms,
like MAD, state-controlled weapons systems, and the dominance in
international affairs of national governments.

Instead we are entering a world in which sub-national groups can have
powerful weapons, and have the means to deliver them to their enemies.

One of the consequences of recent US activity overseas is to stir up the
anger of ordinary people, and this sooner or later will translate itself
into action against what is perceived as US bullying.

If this happens, the US CANNOT protect itself against counter-attack:
there are too many targets and too many weapons available. Yet our
leaders and large portions of our citizenry still think in WWII and Cold
War terms. Military force, even if it were intelligently missioned and
deployed, cannot stop this new reality.

The only sane and effective response will be international ties,
friendship and cooperation.

A lot of American cowboys won't like it, and the neocons won't like it,
but this is the reality. So much as some might distrust international
cooperation, we had better relearn how to do it. The US used to be
preeminent in the world as a peaceful, cooperative and admired country.
We need to regain this status and fast, not because it is 'nice,' but
because it is necessary for our security and that of our children.

We are coming full circle with AB's remarkable thread: "Are Weapons
Obsolete?" IIRC.



Oceans5555's photo
Fri 06/15/07 11:45 AM
DaVinci, what is TPTB?



Zapchaser's photo
Fri 06/15/07 06:04 PM
Thanks oceans!!! happy happy happy happy happy drinker
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 06/15/07 06:33 PM
Transexual People Torturing Bush......... or something like that.
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
drinker :wink:

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 06/15/07 06:34 PM
Hey! Which of you looney birds just pooped in the water by me?

Trizar's photo
Fri 06/15/07 07:16 PM
Zap didnt do anything wrong on this thread and bear sounds like a
whiner...running and snitching with lies. Zap's a good man.. he dosnt
bully anyone!!!!!!!!!1

Fanta46's photo
Fri 06/15/07 08:43 PM
I like the candy!!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

davinci1952's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:08 PM
TPTB...the powers that be

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:14 PM
Okay davinci, but I still like mine better. laugh laugh laugh
laugh bigsmile

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:20 PM
As I watch from my glass house it is pointed out to me that another
human being has died.

What they might have done to the world I have not a clue. I wonder how
they were raised and what of life they might have understood because of
that journey from childhood.

Hey Zap grats man.

I know that one will have a heck of a journey with you as a guide.

Ain't grandkids great.flowerforyou (darn no ceeegar motocon)

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:28 PM
Thanks AB I'm sitting in the garage at this moment enjoying a Hoyo
Excalibur 1066. On the lookout for an Opus X for the big day. I'll send
ya one pal! bigsmile drinker

Fanta46's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:52 PM
Congratulations Zap!!drinker bigsmile

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 06/15/07 10:45 PM
drinker drinker drinker Thx Glen!