Topic: You got a beef | |
Hi Needs
Hey, Snuggles. How you doing?
For crying out loud. don't mention noah. We'll end up with a zoo in the
hot tub.Pops another chicken ball int mouth and sighs blissfully. Evenin' needs. |
Extremely tired tonight Needs....found out how out of shape I am...had
parent orientation for my daughters lost walked an extra six blocks.......very humid and hot here and I ended up soaking wet from to get the burning sensation to stop in my feet.......... |
Phillip and I do like to part-take in some of the more fruitful banter
you chaps are having here. We in particularly love the quaint little snacketts the one who calls herslf SheNerd provides. Just a thought, has this SheNerd person ever thought of supplying the royal household ? I will personally endorse it. Liz. Cheers ............ |
Soak them in ice water snuggles. works for me. how excited is your
daughter? Hey, uk. Pass some sort of poultry ball. I'm feeling a little pale!!! |
Okay, Liz, we'll talk to SheNerd but you know she and the monkey are a
team? |
See how far this thread has reached. We even got my quenn in here
now Llama ball your majesty? |
Talked to her when she had to go to dinner, she says Mom I dont like
what Ive seen so far.. She did promise me to give it at least one year of staying on campus...but if she really and truly hates it will leave her communte come the spring semester...someway I will come up with the money for another vehicle..... |
Sorry about leaving the UK there Queenie but a million a week is hard to
pass up!!! |
Queen Doh!
She'll be okay, snuggles. A) She was raised by a terrific lady. B)Once
she is into the groove, meets some new people, she'll be fine. |
damn a million a week.......who in the world deserves to make that kind
of money....boy that woke me up...and I was relaxing so nicely..... |
How does one curtsey on the web?
hmmmmmmmmm you say bowing down to you Queen
{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Snuggles,dear}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
children can bring pleasure to one's household, stick by your children, you will reap the rewards. I wish I had done the same with Charles, Anne, Andrew and edward. {{{{{{{{{{{ Mr UK}}}}}}}}}}}}} I will part-take of your little tiffins, one is getting rather partial to these little tit-bits. Make one want to call out the morris men and the beef eater foe a jolly good sing-song. Bottoms up. Liz |
And can you actually say the word balls to royalty?
Love the pic, uk!!!
Sorry Ma'ma but you know what Camilla thinks of her relatives the
Llamas |