Topic: Dr No...vs the evil empire.. | |
this is FYI...for those who believe there is no hope, that it is
rigged...or that voting for anyone not being endorsed by the evening news is a wasted vote...then you probably dont want to read this... Congressman Paul is the only Republican presidential contender who opposes the war in Iraq; in 2002, he was one of six House Republicans who voted against authorizing the use of military force. And he opposes our military involvement with such vehemence -- both on the campaign trail and on the House floor -- that critics have suggested he ought to run as a Democrat. (Paul was unbowed in the second Republican debate last week, using the word "empire" to describe American engagements abroad and invoking his training as a doctor in offering up his assessment: "If we made the wrong diagnosis, we should change the treatment … We're not making progress there and we should come home.") While it's true that many of Paul's positions seem out of step with the current Republican Party (he also voted against the Patriot Act and Internet regulation), Paul's no lefty; his positions are in keeping with his libertarian small-government principles and his own austere interpretation of the Constitution. First elected in 1976, Paul has long opposed government intervention abroad and within the free market system. (His libertarianism doesn't extend to many social issues: He's pro-life and adamantly opposed to amnesty for undocumented immigrants and birthright citizenship for their children.) Paul votes against spending bills and new government tasks so frequently (even when the initiatives have sweeping Republican support) that his dissents have earned him the nickname "Dr. No." the article is here: |
Fortunately there is Lieberman to balance him out.
Hey, bro!
I've been reading your posts on Paul with growing interest. By temperament, I am drawn to candidates who take unambiguous and coherent positions on the most difficult issues. So when it comes to domestic electoral politcs I am usually out of it. I haven't been able to figure out a way to reconcile the dual needs of electoral politics: stance on the issues (that I approve of, of course!), and electability. So I am left, election after election with the choice between 'the lesser of two evils'. I'm sick of this, but we may well be inching our way toward this situation once again. I am neither Democrat nor Republican; neither liberal nor conservative. My fault is to believe in informed intelligence wherever it is found. But can informed intelligence be elected? Good posts, daVinci. Thanks. ![]() Oceans |
Voices like Ron Paul which place the blame on the United States for
every ailment in international politics are doing an extreme disservice to the United States. They promote an agenda of denigrating the country at every opportunity. Any benefit they might create by promoting their peaceful movement is far exceeded by the hatred they generate in the world for the United States with their continual ill-considered criticisms and neglect for promoting the character and values of the common man. Many just like Ron Paul will not be happy until our country no longer exists. At that point it remains questionable whether they will be bright enough to recognize the tremendous loss to the world. |
last time i looked America was already unrecognizable ...
sounds like he's just making a diagnosis according to world opinion he has the good call. |
it sure has backslide from itz intended purpose
that is for sure |
Well, we do know that the diagnosis of a doctor doesn't create the
disease! Of course, soemtimes that patient and his family get mad at the doctor, the bearer of bad news.... ![]() Oceans |
so true oceans
and we think we won WWII ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeah, I know.... The US has at several key junctures in human history been the light of the world, or at least of the "western' world -- Europe. It was that in the Middle East when it came to the post-WWI situation. remember? The Us was one of the leaders in the anti-colonial movement. One of the leaders in the liberal arts. One of the leaders in political stability. One of the leaders in science and technology. One of the leaders in diplomacy to build international stability and well-being. But that light went out, bit by bit, under the twin assaults of ignorance and selfishness. And under this US administration that light has been entirely snuffed out. But, you know what? Candles can be relit. There is still something deep in the American soul that suggests to me that with the right leadership we can begin to come back from being the world's bully to again lead the way toward an enlightenment. I know that it will take time and patience, and that we will have to earn and re-earn and earn again the world's trust. And I believe that the US someday COULD regain a position of honor in the community of nations, and again begin to offer the world ideas that are of seminal importance for all. I can hear each of you laughing at this.....I know. It may not seem possible or likely. But I would rather seek how to make this come about than give up.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Oceans |
from what i can see of the trends...people are willing
it's still something of a shock and quite sad, so i think if something happens to indeed relight the spirit of American friendliness you are a young nation, one, like a child that got too much too soon, and so it is a world resposibility to support you , and establish the universal boundaries for human rights... and the point that the US is exempt from the War Crimes Tribunal should be reversed. there has to be accountability. |
there is always a path back
but the path back can not move to the enslavement of the yankee people to travel back the u s must again promote freedoms and encourage free enterprise with a way to take help care of those that have a debilitating problems the u s can become a wanted world leader again but it will be a hard row to hoe but hey what do i know |
Yes, good point...
Current US unwillingness to join the many international legal organizations and courts seems to acknowledge that we are no longer confidant of our legal or moral footings. Part of a new enlightened America would have to be reversing this and becomeing a part of the community of nations, in every way. |
if thwe world wants to be in charge no one country
would be able to stop it whether it be the states or isreal or any other short of destroying the world itself but the world lacks the fortitude to do what it takes 'cause almost every other country is receiving monies from the u s so they sell their ""soul"" to the devil for a few pieces of silver then cry when the things are done they do not like =----------------------------------- and hey guess what that fits the yankee people as well at least most of them ----------------------------------- but hey what do i know |
well wonder how long b4 i am considered a
you know what and the you know who comes and wisks me away |
The who knows what is gonna get me!
![]() I hope! |
what is appealing to me about Ron Paul is his adherence to the rule of
law as outlined in the constitution....he is consistent because of that...which is important... the constitution has a nice flow of common sense to it...and do we ever need that right now... |
yes it does but it is getting brushed away a word or two at a time
via supreme court judges with an agenda given them when appointed the patriot act is so unconstitutional yet it is atill on the books going on six years |
adj4u....Im with you man...we need someone to begin the appeal/heal
process to put it back into place...and that goes for our congress too...gutless....even more gutless after anthrax appeared in selected offices after 911...weapons grade anthrax that is..hmmmmmm... I'll be attacked for that one... |
quick over here it will be harder to attack if we stick it out together |
adj4u...I know we are floatin in the same boat
as I sit here listening to Alex Jones... |