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Topic: Well...once again, another one bites the dust!
Roco's photo
Sat 03/06/10 08:23 AM
also, run, not walk, as fast as you can...away from this guy..sounds like he's setting you up for something, and it wouldn't surprise me the least bit if he asks for money....all stand up guys that i know wouldn't reveal such financial information, at least not that early in the relationship and especially if they are really into you...they'd rather use their credit card, borrow money from friends, ect..nothing short of moving mountains and seas to have the opportunity to spend time with you....


p.s. -- you sure know how to pick em..

redhead44613's photo
Sat 03/06/10 08:26 AM
Believe me I will run from this one. Not what I want in a guy.

Roco's photo
Sat 03/06/10 08:41 AM

Believe me I will run from this one. Not what I want in a guy.

good decision, just curios, not to be to invasive or anything, but were there any indicators ...such as ..hey, we'll go dutch...i have a coupon for this restaraunt..or the more direct approach..you got me on this one...ect...., did he mention anything of his circumstance prior to you going out..


Roco's photo
Sat 03/06/10 08:49 AM
btw - great new pictures, i plan on putting up some more facial shots myself


numbers1962's photo
Sat 03/06/10 10:14 AM
So had it with men. He asks questions, I answer them open and honest. Then he says I am to emotional, then he says my emotions are not normal....what the hell is that all about. He wont answer me when I ask him to explain himself. Holy crap we havent even met. He wont tell me what his kids names are. So done with men!

no photo
Sat 03/06/10 10:18 AM

So had it with men. He asks questions, I answer them open and honest. Then he says I am to emotional, then he says my emotions are not normal....what the hell is that all about. He wont answer me when I ask him to explain himself. Holy crap we havent even met. He wont tell me what his kids names are. So done with men!

Many people are protective of their children, if I had kids, I wouldn't be volunteering personal info about them to strangers on the net. As for being done with all men, certainly you don't think they're all like that? I don't blame you for being frustrated, but all men aren't the same, just like all women aren't the same. Good luck next time in making better choices.flowerforyou

redhead44613's photo
Sat 03/06/10 10:56 AM

Believe me I will run from this one. Not what I want in a guy.

good decision, just curios, not to be to invasive or anything, but were there any indicators ...such as ..hey, we'll go dutch...i have a coupon for this restaraunt..or the more direct approach..you got me on this one...ect...., did he mention anything of his circumstance prior to you going out..

No he never said anything. I told him that I can pick up the bill or we can split. but he said no its the mans job whoa

no photo
Sat 03/06/10 11:03 AM
He's making excuses, if a guy wants to be with you, he makes it happen, no matter what. And he sounds like a sexist pig, that whole "man's job" is outdated bs, be glad you're rid of him.

no photo
Sat 03/06/10 11:28 AM
Oh heck...

He was just blocking the way for that special guy to come into your life....

His loss.........

redhead44613's photo
Sat 03/06/10 12:36 PM
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 02:33 PM
Sorry to hear another one showed he didn't have manparts. Just be glad it didn't get worse.

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 03:03 PM

Sorry to hear another one showed he didn't have manparts. Just be glad it didn't get worse.


wesssssss's photo
Mon 03/08/10 01:02 AM
Sorry but he sounds like a tosser.

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