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Topic: Federal Grand Jury Set to Indict John Edwards, Report Claims
MiddleEarthling's photo
Fri 03/05/10 04:55 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Fri 03/05/10 04:59 PM

Before I respond(which you don't even deserve) I reccommend you talk to your doctor about a couple of medications, one being lithium and the other haldol. I think they would really help you.....

Well, *I* recommend that _you_ read the posting rules for this folder and terms of service. You're not allowed to insult other posters in this manner-- you're supposed to respond to the post and NOT flame the poster.

You get one free hit and then you're going to get reported every time you do this.

As to your 'facts' on Newt Gingrich, when someone is still married to someone else and has consents for another person perform oral sex upon them, that IS adultery.

-Kerry O.

I overlooked the irony in that post.

I do not have HC insurance...so if the RW nutbaggery want me to be "sane" then they'll have to pass HC reform first.

Here's 2006 - did yall know that Ted Haggard spoke weekly with the Dippic...I guess that's why he's honored on this list.

Steve Aiken, campaign manager for a Republican candidate for Congress in Arizona, former Quakertown, PA, police officer and self-proclaimed reverend, was convicted of having sex with two underage girls.[46]

Louis Beres, chairman of the Christian Coalition of Oregon. 3 of his family members accuse him of molesting them when they were pre-teens. In August 06, Beres confessed.[47]

Howard L. Brooks, Republican legislative aide and adviser to a California assemblyman, was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography. [48]

Randall Casseday, Washington Times newspaper executive, pleaded guilty to soliciting sex from a 13-year old girl on the internet.[49]

Larry Corrigan, Republican operative and Director of Operations and Budget at King County Prosecutor's Office, OR, was arrested for soliciting sex from 13-year old girls.[50]

Carey Lee Cramer Political consultant and anti-Kerry ad producer, tried for molesting two young girls, one of whom lived with him, and was 8 yrs old; the other starred in an anti-Kerry commercial. Diary [51]

Mark Foley, Republican Representative, Florida Sixteenth Congressional District. Resigned after trying to solicit sex from male congressional pages via an instant messenger program. The conversations included his asking a sixteen-year-old "stud" whether his penis was erect and requesting that he take out and measure his penis. The cover-up involved Republican House Majority Leader John Boehner, Ohio Eighth Congressional District and Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Illinois Fourteenth District.

Look at this letter Foley once sent to Jeb Bush...how two faced.


Jim Gibbons, then US Rep. and Republican candidate for governor, was accused by a Las Vegas casino cocktail waitress of grabbing her, shoving her against a wall and threatening her after she rebuffed his advances.[53][54] Since elected Governor, Gibbons is under investigation by the FBI on corruption charges and is embroiled in what looks set to become a very messy divorce.[55]

Ted Haggard, was fired as pastor of the New Life Church and resigned from his position as president of the National Association of Evangelicals in November 2006 after a former male prostitute alleged they had a cash-for-sex relationship. The man also said he saw Haggard use methamphetamine. Haggard confessed to undisclosed “sexual immorality” and said he bought meth but didn’t use it.[56] After the scandal was publicized, Haggard entered three weeks of intensive counseling, overseen by four ministers. In Feb 2007, one of those ministers, Tim Ralph, said that Haggard "is completely heterosexual." As of early 2009, Haggard continues to receive counseling, and now he says that he is a “heterosexual with issues”. [57]

Here's a great video of Haggard saying that evangelicals have the best and most often sex...


Don Haidl, Assistant Sheriff of Orange Country, in violation of California's rape shield law, led a smear campaign against the child his son poisoned and then violently gang-raped on videotape, adding up to 24 felony counts. He said that his son "acted accordingly" because the child was a "slut".[58][59]

Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, Christian conservative activist and lawyer with close ties to Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and Scott Baugh, head of the Orange County Republican Party, was arrested for having sex with a 14-year old boy.[60]

Jeffrey Patti, local Republican Committee chairman from Sparta, NJ, was arrested for distributing what experts call "some of the most offensive material in the child pornography world" - a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.[61]

Brent Schepp, Republican County Board Candidate was charged with molesting a 14-year old girl and killed himself three days later."

I am not going to go back and forth with you, I am tired of making you look bad frankly.

I will however address one issue and prove how little you know or how little you look into what your posting.

I have known Governor Gibbons for years, in fact that blond you see in the picture with me is his wife. I have worked on campaigns for Jim and I have associated with him, outside of office. Jim is not only one of the nicest guys you will ever meet he is also a war hero.

What you failed to mention on the cocktail waitress is that NO charges were founded. It was looked at by several law enforcement officials in different branches of law enforcement on BOTH sides of of the political aisle.

It was also learned that the supposed victim was a paid staff member of the candidate running against him, coincidence right? Wrong. That is why no charges have stuck against him, but you would know that if you used sources other then Move on or Dailykos.

Funny, I don't feel bad...he also vetoed the gay marraige bill, I guess for "moral" reasons...then cheated on his wife. Quite the hypocrite.

"Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons was caught by a local news team repeatedly fibbing about whether he traveled to Washington with a Reno woman who the reporters then saw getting off the same plane, and later getting into the governor's state SUV.

Kathy Karrasch, the woman with whom Gibbons traveled to Washington for the National Governors Association conference, has been publicly linked to the governor since he had to reimburse the state for over 800 text messages he sent to her over a five-week period in 2007."


Here's Oklahoma's biggest hypocrite:

:In yet another example of Republican hypocrisy, Rachel Maddow rails against the contradictions from Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma. Recently, when pressed about the stimulus funds he stated: "There's no stimulus in the stimulus bill. It was nothing but social engineering and welfare." Compare that to a statement made last year when he took $25 million from the EPA for a cleanup effort in Oklahoma. He praised the funds and said they were "great news" and "necessary funds."


cashu's photo
Fri 03/05/10 05:32 PM

Before I respond(which you don't even deserve) I reccommend you talk to your doctor about a couple of medications, one being lithium and the other haldol. I think they would really help you.....

Well, *I* recommend that _you_ read the posting rules for this folder and terms of service. You're not allowed to insult other posters in this manner-- you're supposed to respond to the post and NOT flame the poster.

You get one free hit and then you're going to get reported every time you do this.

As to your 'facts' on Newt Gingrich, when someone is still married to someone else and has consents for another person perform oral sex upon them, that IS adultery.

-Kerry O.

I overlooked the irony in that post.

I do not have HC insurance...so if the RW nutbaggery want me to be "sane" then they'll have to pass HC reform first.

Here's 2006 - did yall know that Ted Haggard spoke weekly with the Dippic...I guess that's why he's honored on this list.

Steve Aiken, campaign manager for a Republican candidate for Congress in Arizona, former Quakertown, PA, police officer and self-proclaimed reverend, was convicted of having sex with two underage girls.[46]

Louis Beres, chairman of the Christian Coalition of Oregon. 3 of his family members accuse him of molesting them when they were pre-teens. In August 06, Beres confessed.[47]

Howard L. Brooks, Republican legislative aide and adviser to a California assemblyman, was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography. [48]

Randall Casseday, Washington Times newspaper executive, pleaded guilty to soliciting sex from a 13-year old girl on the internet.[49]

Larry Corrigan, Republican operative and Director of Operations and Budget at King County Prosecutor's Office, OR, was arrested for soliciting sex from 13-year old girls.[50]

Carey Lee Cramer Political consultant and anti-Kerry ad producer, tried for molesting two young girls, one of whom lived with him, and was 8 yrs old; the other starred in an anti-Kerry commercial. Diary [51]

Mark Foley, Republican Representative, Florida Sixteenth Congressional District. Resigned after trying to solicit sex from male congressional pages via an instant messenger program. The conversations included his asking a sixteen-year-old "stud" whether his penis was erect and requesting that he take out and measure his penis. The cover-up involved Republican House Majority Leader John Boehner, Ohio Eighth Congressional District and Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Illinois Fourteenth District.

Look at this letter Foley once sent to Jeb Bush...how two faced.


Jim Gibbons, then US Rep. and Republican candidate for governor, was accused by a Las Vegas casino cocktail waitress of grabbing her, shoving her against a wall and threatening her after she rebuffed his advances.[53][54] Since elected Governor, Gibbons is under investigation by the FBI on corruption charges and is embroiled in what looks set to become a very messy divorce.[55]

Ted Haggard, was fired as pastor of the New Life Church and resigned from his position as president of the National Association of Evangelicals in November 2006 after a former male prostitute alleged they had a cash-for-sex relationship. The man also said he saw Haggard use methamphetamine. Haggard confessed to undisclosed “sexual immorality” and said he bought meth but didn’t use it.[56] After the scandal was publicized, Haggard entered three weeks of intensive counseling, overseen by four ministers. In Feb 2007, one of those ministers, Tim Ralph, said that Haggard "is completely heterosexual." As of early 2009, Haggard continues to receive counseling, and now he says that he is a “heterosexual with issues”. [57]

Here's a great video of Haggard saying that evangelicals have the best and most often sex...


Don Haidl, Assistant Sheriff of Orange Country, in violation of California's rape shield law, led a smear campaign against the child his son poisoned and then violently gang-raped on videotape, adding up to 24 felony counts. He said that his son "acted accordingly" because the child was a "slut".[58][59]

Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, Christian conservative activist and lawyer with close ties to Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and Scott Baugh, head of the Orange County Republican Party, was arrested for having sex with a 14-year old boy.[60]

Jeffrey Patti, local Republican Committee chairman from Sparta, NJ, was arrested for distributing what experts call "some of the most offensive material in the child pornography world" - a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.[61]

Brent Schepp, Republican County Board Candidate was charged with molesting a 14-year old girl and killed himself three days later."

I am not going to go back and forth with you, I am tired of making you look bad frankly.

I will however address one issue and prove how little you know or how little you look into what your posting.

I have known Governor Gibbons for years, in fact that blond you see in the picture with me is his wife. I have worked on campaigns for Jim and I have associated with him, outside of office. Jim is not only one of the nicest guys you will ever meet he is also a war hero.

What you failed to mention on the cocktail waitress is that NO charges were founded. It was looked at by several law enforcement officials in different branches of law enforcement on BOTH sides of of the political aisle.

It was also learned that the supposed victim was a paid staff member of the candidate running against him, coincidence right? Wrong. That is why no charges have stuck against him, but you would know that if you used sources other then Move on or Dailykos.

Funny, I don't feel bad...he also vetoed the gay marraige bill, I guess for "moral" reasons...then cheated on his wife. Quite the hypocrite.

"Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons was caught by a local news team repeatedly fibbing about whether he traveled to Washington with a Reno woman who the reporters then saw getting off the same plane, and later getting into the governor's state SUV.

Kathy Karrasch, the woman with whom Gibbons traveled to Washington for the National Governors Association conference, has been publicly linked to the governor since he had to reimburse the state for over 800 text messages he sent to her over a five-week period in 2007."


Here's Oklahoma's biggest hypocrite:

:In yet another example of Republican hypocrisy, Rachel Maddow rails against the contradictions from Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma. Recently, when pressed about the stimulus funds he stated: "There's no stimulus in the stimulus bill. It was nothing but social engineering and welfare." Compare that to a statement made last year when he took $25 million from the EPA for a cleanup effort in Oklahoma. He praised the funds and said they were "great news" and "necessary funds."

AW there is never anyone so ilmoral than a moral person .

KerryO's photo
Fri 03/05/10 07:30 PM

Aww shucks, your going to report me because we differ politically. I don't think I will lose any sleep, especially being what I did was NOT flaming.

No, I'll report you for breaking the rules. Plain and simple.

Because what you did was flaming, a blatant personal attack no matter which way you spin it. I doubt the mods will see it any differently. They haven't in the past and the people who habitually break the rules usually burn out after a few threads get deleted. Some of them get kicked off.

Now, do you want to discuss the topic or just posture?

-Kerry O.

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