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Topic: Who pulls the strings?.
kidatheart70's photo
Wed 06/13/07 06:19 PM
laugh Is it sticky? Does it smell? What colour is it? is it made in

Jess642's photo
Wed 06/13/07 06:22 PM
laugh laugh Harry.flowerforyou

JJ, are you unable to access BBC, ABC, CNN, etc, from there in China?

Wow, I hadn't thought of that, and yet makes perfect sense.

We are fed what we are wanted to hear..no matter what country we live

kidatheart70's photo
Wed 06/13/07 06:24 PM
Hi Leeflowerforyou
Hi JJflowerforyou
Hi alldrinker

I get the feeling that "it's" the same everywhere and smells just as

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 06:28 PM
There is one English spoke channel here, yes BBC...but the television is
government ran....so what doesn't get through I have no idea...and have
found it useless..
I try to get my news on msn...and depending on what is on that page for
the day, will allow me or not allow me access. Many words are on the
system and automatically stop you from accessing...
Article 15. IIS providers shall not produce, reproduce, release, or
disseminate information with the following contents:

(1) Information that goes against the basic principles set in the

(2) Information that endangers national security, divulges state
secrets, subverts the government, or undermines national unification;

(3) Information that is detrimental to the honour and interests of the

(4) Information that instigates ethnic hatred or ethnic discrimination,
or that undermines national unity;

(5) Information that undermines the state's policy for religions, or
that preaches evil cults or feudalistic and superstitious beliefs;

(6) Information that disseminates rumours, disturbs social order or
undermines social stability;

(7) Information that disseminates pornography and other salacious
materials; that promotes gambling, violence, homicide, and terror; or
that instigates the commission of crimes;

(8) Information that insults or slanders other people, or that infringes
upon other people's legitimate rights and interests; and

(9) Other information prohibited by the law or administrative
Any words that affect any of the 9 articles above will and are
blacklisted...on occasion I can get through...but not very often

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 06:35 PM
Hey Kidflowerforyou

Zapchaser's photo
Wed 06/13/07 06:40 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Ah! There's the AB we all know and love! What's shakin' pal? drinker
Hey kid, sorry, even the cows are made in China nowadays. bigsmile I
was trying to put out a sentimental feeling I had at the time and my
remaining brain cell locked up. I was hoping something would be said
that would give it a jump start but no luck. Thanks anyway.blushing

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 06:42 PM
It's ok Zap....goodness we all have those days...I think I'm having one
myselflaugh flowerforyou

Zapchaser's photo
Wed 06/13/07 07:10 PM
WOW jj, and we complain about Big Brother here! sad Now I'm going to
ask the inevitable stupid question as always, the martyr for all, so
here goes: What do the Cinese people think about the censorship and are
they aware of the freedoms that are taken for granted in many countries?
Sorry, that was two stupid questions. Bank one if you will. bigsmile

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 06/13/07 07:30 PM
Hi everyone. Just wanted to say what an interesting thread to read.
Makes us all more aware that the vast majority of people, all over the
world, live their lives in a very small place. I have been guilty of
such short sightedness and conversations like this one, make me more
determined not to fall back into the cubicle. Thanks everyone!

Zapchaser's photo
Wed 06/13/07 07:42 PM
Hi red! I don't know what happened but until you showed up all I heard
was crickets. This forum is really dead tonight.bigsmile

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 08:37 PM
Sorry Zap...had to tutor a student...to answer your question the best
way that I can...most are not aware of the extent of sensorship in this
country. And have a hard time believing this to be so....even question
the validity of it at all in most cases. The people here are enthralled
with Americans...and think they are wonderful! I have never been treated
with such respect in my entire life. When speaking of military
action...the greater percent do not want this in any way shape or
form...(maybe why they were defeated in the past) As they truly are very
shy and peaceful people...
They have been raised for centuries in a subserviant world...although it
is changing. Everything is pretty cut and dry here...if you are
bad...you go to prison...if you are very bad...you die...from what I
have ascertained 8 to 10,000 a year are put to death with 68 offenses
being death penalty offenses...compared to the 60 in America last year
(I think, don't quote me) Can't google here very well...If you are put
to the death, it is done expediantly and the family has to pay for the
one bullet...
There are no guns allowed by anyone but the military....not an option...
But they have stopped wrapping womens feet...and they are allowed to be
educated! YAY!!!!
Just threw in a few tidbits of interesting topics....

Fanta46's photo
Wed 06/13/07 09:11 PM
Why are you in China, and are you in a SEZ?flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 09:14 PM
Hi Fanta...laugh ...here teachingflowerforyou

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 09:16 PM
I don't know whether this is zoned SEZ...I am next to Mongolia in the
middle eastern part of the country.....

Fanta46's photo
Wed 06/13/07 09:28 PM
Along the coast? I am interested in China. I know a little about it, but
not first hand experience like you! I know most of the coastal areas are
SEZ'z, and are very different than the rest of the country.
I used to think they were a First World Country and was surprised to
find out that they arent.
They are not Third World either, but some where in between.
Very ingenious people, and the Grand Canal project is fascinating.
Im trying to think of the area where their homes are carved into the
sides of the hills.
Its somewhere in the south near Tibet I think.
I think that is wild too. One day I would love to go there.

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 09:38 PM
The Province I am in which is Shanxi (not Shaanxi there are 2)...is rich
is history...The city Taiyuan...also known as the Dragon City, as it has
yielded 10 Emperors to this country (I think) And Emperors known as
Dragons... I would say that this would be a thrid world city...very
poor, not like Beijing or Shanghai or any of the coastal towns. This
cities main industry is from the coal mines. 3.5 million in this city
and 30 million in the Province, is considered a small amount of people
in Chinese terms...The foreign trade here is in baby stages...And the
best products are sent overseas....poor me!
But none the less, is a very interesting place to be. I went on an
outing a couple weeks ago to Pingyao, look it up...If I remember right
originated in 771BC...has withstood many Dynasties...Was fascinating and
in great shape for it's age...One full day there only experienced one
street, there are 72 of them, so I missed 71...it is surrounded by forty
miles od 40 foot high walls , 20 foot deep...
Yes fascinating...Hope to see the Great Wall in August on my summer

Fanta46's photo
Wed 06/13/07 09:49 PM
Im tired now, but it that the place with the golden gates where for
years you were not allowed in unless you had permission?
Something like that, I'll look it up later, I have a test on PLC's
tomorrow and my brain is full om octal and hexadecimal counting!!!
Whew,,,,,Talk about mind numbing!!! 0 is a number, 0 is a number, 0 is a
number......I:1.07/05, Thats an address...

Whew,,,flowerforyou G-night! Before I go to China, Ill remember to get
all my dental needs taken care of! No novacaine???? Whew,,,,,grumble
grumble grumble

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 09:52 PM
No there were no Golden Arches I can't rembember how to spell that
cities nameembarassed
Goodnight and sleep well....flowerforyou
and nope no novacainenoway It's all a bad dream...it really didn't
happen...clicking the heels of my ruby red slippers nowflowerforyou

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