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Topic: Common misconceptions about Christians
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Tue 06/12/07 08:59 PM
1. Real Christians don't make mistakes.
Contrary to popular belief, Christians are human. We have flaws and
failings just like everyone else. Christianity has the greatest role
model to ever live, Jesus, but we still sometimes fail to follow his
teachings completely.

2. Christians who say mean things are fake Christians.
Christians have feelings and emotions and sometimes we get riled up.
God does supply us with a conscience (just like everyone else), which
ensures that we feel suitably chastised for our bad behavior almost as
soon as we say or type something mean. Just because we are provoked,
that doesn't mean we have a right to respond in kind. But when we do
stoop down into the gutter, Jesus will always extend a hand to help us

3. Christians hate and/or avoid non-Christians.
Not at all! Christians are taught that we have no right to judge a
non-believer. We are told to love them and eat at the same table with
them. It's true that we are told to not marry a non-Believer, but
that's because it will complicate their married life.

4. Christians should never judge.
Christians should never judge *unfairly*. Never judging is a very
unethical position. Not judging would mean that crimes, from the least
to the most horrible, would never be prosecuted by Christians.

5. Christians should never use violence.
Jesus' teachings allowed for the use of self defense, even deadly self
defense, when a life was in danger. Violence should be a last option,
but it is in no way prohibited. For a study on this topic, go here:

6. Christians are prudes who don't enjoy sex.
Christians are supposed to enjoy sex, but only inside the convenent of
marriage. The Bible teaches us that a woman's breasts are there to
bring pleasure. We are told neither partner is marriage should deny the
other sex (ie, women are expected to ENJOY sex). The song of solomon
mentions both fellatio and cunninglingus using very vivid imagery.

7. Christians want to "shove their religion down other's throats"
This isn't true in the least. Christians are called on to be
messengers. We are told to tell what we see and feel and know about
Christianity, we are never to force our beliefs on others. You can't
make someone believe something with all their heart, so what would be
the point. God does not accept lip service. There is only one
situation when I would want to shove anything down someones throat...see
point 7.

8. Christians are slow and/or uneducated.
Simon Greenleaf, one of the greatest legal minds in history and devoted
athiest, became a Christian while trying to disprove Christianity. CS
Lewis, was an athiest from the age of 13 until 31, when he was finally
saved and became a powerful Christian aplogist. The three wise men of
the story of Jesus' birth are an example of intelligent people believing
in God.

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:03 PM
I think this is appropriate and timely considering that there was a
recent post on "pictures" of Christians.

I agree with all the points. People need to be aware of the
misconceptions when discussing topics with Christians.

I think this can clear up misconceptions or many stereotypical notions
on believers.

Also, keep in mind regardless of what "GREAT" oppressor that affilites
with Christianity through history DOES NOT reflect every individual
Christian. Hitler, etc

Same thing for historical events with extremists like the crusades


no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:03 PM
laugh Spider why is this so WIDE huh

what happened laugh

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Tue 06/12/07 09:08 PM
I would like to add the "fanatic" stereotype about believers who may
disagree with your opinion or stance on an issue. Just because believers
can voice their opinions without compromising or bending to the emotions
of others, it doesn't make them a fanatic or extremists.

Morals, values are dear and close to the heart. Many people won't bend
those for anyone.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:14 PM
Spider on point 7, I think that's a misprint somehow. Now as to exactly
what you're talkin about shoving down someone's throat - I'd say that
should be up to the individual owner of the targeted throat.

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:15 PM
9. Christians in the past killed and tortured many people.
This, unfortunately is true, but misleading. Stalin and Mao (both
non-Christians) killed more of their own people than were kill in all
wars in recorded history, combined. It is human nature to hate and kill
others, that has nothing to do with what Christ taught or what is
recorded in the Bible. Some humans, regardless of their faith, social
status or upbringing will commit murder and/or force their beliefs on
others. The truth is, we don't know how many people would have been
killed during the past 2,000 years if the world was ruled by purely
secular governments. But if we look at the mass murder commited by
socialists of the 20th Century, it would be a safe bet to say that the
numbers would have been far higher.

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:16 PM
OH NO. I added that last sentence on number 7 as a personal joke,
giggled and thought I deleted it. I am terribly sorry if I offended

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:17 PM
I'm completely mortified. I'm beet red. Where's the darn edit / delete
buttons on this crazy thing?

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:19 PM
I wish they had the edit feature..that would be great

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:20 PM
noway GOSH NAPOLEON u forgot to remove that sentence laugh

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:22 PM
I think differentkindofwench's point is that there are believers who are
too persistent and strive to shove their beliefs down your throat.
Again, don't let those reflect on the majority of believers frown

There are weirdos and offensive people in every religion (beliefs) in

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:23 PM
I would post my opinion here but to do so would get me labeled as
'attacking' christianity.

so instead I will just say..

Thank you for you opinion spider.

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:24 PM
AB you can express your opinion without rudeness or degrading comments.

Give it a shot.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:27 PM
Nope Bored, Spider got my point. Not offended Spider - I ask for
clarification when I believe it's necessary.

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:29 PM
noway oppsy laugh well i tried laugh

flowerforyou Night night everyone. Early morning is calling

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:30 PM

I can only condone that kind of behavior in marriage, so in my case, it
would be my wife.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:41 PM
Your call Spider. My point was more the consent than anything else. As
I've said on different threads, I do tend to be too literal at times.

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:48 PM

That's horrible. I thought you were joking, but you weren't? Did you
really think that I would support forced soddomy? What have I ever said
that would make you think that?

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:53 PM
soddomy eh huh where did that come from?

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:57 PM
Well jeez Spider, I have to admit I was a little surprised. Yes, I
realized you were joking. Perhaps not all would. The play on words was
interesting, but a little gag inducing if ya know what I mean??????

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