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Topic: THE DAM GAME......... - part 43
chevylover1965's photo
Wed 02/24/10 06:07 AM
im, damn glad that night is over with !!!!!!

galendgirl's photo
Wed 02/24/10 06:29 AM
51 damn degrees in my house this morning due to no furnace until it gets repaired today (needed a part!) Kinda like camping but with a more comfy bed and indoor plumbing. ohwell

Anton_k's photo
Wed 02/24/10 03:21 PM
damn.. i told you how to fix it..bigsmile

galendgirl's photo
Wed 02/24/10 04:01 PM

damn.. i told you how to fix it..bigsmile

If only! Cross your fingers...the repair should be done in an hour. Otherwise it'll be a bundle up damn tight night AGAIN!

no photo
Wed 02/24/10 05:15 PM
another damn SNOW storm is commin' my way!!sad

Anton_k's photo
Wed 02/24/10 08:18 PM
Edited by Anton_k on Wed 02/24/10 08:19 PM

damn.. i told you how to fix it..bigsmile

If only! Cross your fingers...the repair should be done in an hour. Otherwise it'll be a bundle up damn tight night AGAIN!

damn.. told you there was a spare bed here..drinker
and it's nice and warm . i am sure Kody would love to keep you warm too..bigsmile

galendgirl's photo
Wed 02/24/10 08:43 PM

damn.. i told you how to fix it..bigsmile

If only! Cross your fingers...the repair should be done in an hour. Otherwise it'll be a bundle up damn tight night AGAIN!

damn.. told you there was a spare bed here..drinker
and it's nice and warm . i am sure Kody would love to keep you warm too..bigsmile

By tomorrow that may sound good...
Of all the glow-switches in all the world and I live in all the nowherevilles on the planet - guess what couldn't be had in town today? One more night of bundled up joy :)

Anton_k's photo
Thu 02/25/10 04:47 AM
damn.. so that was the problem a glow switch....nevermind..bigsmile

delilady's photo
Thu 02/25/10 05:24 AM
Galend, I hope you can get that damn switch fixed today!!! Blue clothing looks nice on blonds but turning blue is not a fashion DO!!!

galendgirl's photo
Thu 02/25/10 05:31 AM
It was SIXTY-one in here this morning...now that really IS almost balmy. No damn worries :)

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 05:40 AM
damn good morning all waving

galendgirl's photo
Thu 02/25/10 05:47 AM
Edited by galendgirl on Thu 02/25/10 05:47 AM
Hi jersy...
How ARE you???
(oops! DAMN good morning to you!)

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 05:52 AM
doing good but damn all the kids are sick grumble

galendgirl's photo
Thu 02/25/10 05:55 AM
Well that IS a damn shame...
I hope they feel better soon and YOU don't catch it!

chevylover1965's photo
Thu 02/25/10 06:03 AM
damn, it's cold outside.......

galendgirl's photo
Thu 02/25/10 06:05 AM
Chilly here too...I'm waiting for the damn sweatpants to come out of the dryer before I go walking (it's not a "clothing optional" neighborhood!)

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 06:05 AM
thank you flowerforyou ...but i know damn well ill catch it

chevylover1965's photo
Thu 02/25/10 06:06 AM
it's a damn whopping -0 outside here ! frustrated

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 06:09 AM
well i have more damn snow sad

MariJane63's photo
Thu 02/25/10 06:10 AM
yes... DAMN it's snowing again...expecting up to a foot AGAIN!


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