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Topic: Cheney Defends Torture:
InvictusV's photo
Mon 02/15/10 04:37 PM

All this B S. Why doesn’t some body go interview some of those people who would have been killed if the torture hadn’t been used?

I suppose you know the future and all of the consequences that may or may not come to pass regarding every evil action taken by every person or country in the world?

Don't justify evil. For evil to exist only requires that good men do nothing. You are making excuses for them, trying to justify them. I am really appalled by this kind of thinking. It is un-American.

It is like the Salem witch trials where they tortured women to confess that they were witches. How many innocents were tortured and killed? Its just wrong.... period.

People have RIGHTS. HUMAN RIGHTS. Just because we are made to believe that our enemy is evil.... that does not justify that we can practice evil too.

People should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. People should have a right to a lawyer and a trial by jury. NOT taken off to some prison outside of the jurisdiction of the United States with no rights and no lawyer. THAT'S JUST LIKE HITLER DID. That is a dictatorship.

Don't let this happen to your country. Wake up people!

Don't support or defend this kind of government. It will eventually get back to you, when someone decides to call you a "terrorist" just because they can.

Waterboarding isn't evil.. Waterboarding is not even comparable to the Salem Witch Trials or what Hitler did.. I wish people would stop the unnecessary exaggerations. If you want to debate whether its effective or not, that is one thing. Using the morality card isn't going to cut it. There is no morality in war. There never has been and there never will be.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Mon 02/15/10 04:56 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Mon 02/15/10 04:57 PM
You're aboslutely right...(because I don't use religious terms like "evil" so it's really really bad)...and waterboarding is ILLEGAL and IMMORAL..Chainy and the Dippic et.al. ordered the torturing of detainees...they are criminals.

It is ILLEGAL and IMMORAL to torture and didn't America prosecuted the Japenese for doing it in WWII...hummmm.

But JTC, we haven't even brushed the surface of the illegal things they did, the renditions and secret prisons...oh, more will be exposed.

Those who defend the criminals HAVE SOME NERVE!!!

InvictusV's photo
Mon 02/15/10 05:11 PM

You're aboslutely right...(because I don't use religious terms like "evil" so it's really really bad)...and waterboarding is ILLEGAL and IMMORAL..Chainy and the Dippic et.al. ordered the torturing of detainees...they are criminals.

It is ILLEGAL and IMMORAL to torture and didn't America prosecuted the Japenese for doing it in WWII...hummmm.

But JTC, we haven't even brushed the surface of the illegal things they did, the renditions and secret prisons...oh, more will be exposed.

Those who defend the criminals HAVE SOME NERVE!!!

Using the morality clause doesn't sway me. We prosecuted the Japanese because we won the war. Don't you think dropping 2 atomic bombs, firebombing tokyo, and destroying Dresden would have led to prosecutions had we lost the war? Of course it would have... Waterboarding didn't kill millions of civilians..

s1owhand's photo
Mon 02/15/10 06:13 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Mon 02/15/10 06:16 PM

I think I know who was responsible for 9-11 and any idiot could see with their own eyes that those buildings came down in a controlled demolition. They were taken down by explosives. No plane could have done that!!! Wake up people!

The 911 conspiracy theories have been thoroughly debunked.
It was the planes.


no photo
Mon 02/15/10 06:49 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 02/15/10 06:57 PM

All this B S. Why doesn’t some body go interview some of those people who would have been killed if the torture hadn’t been used?

I suppose you know the future and all of the consequences that may or may not come to pass regarding every evil action taken by every person or country in the world?

Don't justify evil. For evil to exist only requires that good men do nothing. You are making excuses for them, trying to justify them. I am really appalled by this kind of thinking. It is un-American.

It is like the Salem witch trials where they tortured women to confess that they were witches. How many innocents were tortured and killed? Its just wrong.... period.

People have RIGHTS. HUMAN RIGHTS. Just because we are made to believe that our enemy is evil.... that does not justify that we can practice evil too.

People should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. People should have a right to a lawyer and a trial by jury. NOT taken off to some prison outside of the jurisdiction of the United States with no rights and no lawyer. THAT'S JUST LIKE HITLER DID. That is a dictatorship.

Don't let this happen to your country. Wake up people!

Don't support or defend this kind of government. It will eventually get back to you, when someone decides to call you a "terrorist" just because they can.

Waterboarding isn't evil.. Waterboarding is not even comparable to the Salem Witch Trials or what Hitler did.. I wish people would stop the unnecessary exaggerations. If you want to debate whether its effective or not, that is one thing. Using the morality card isn't going to cut it. There is no morality in war. There never has been and there never will be.

IF there is such a thing as "good and evil" then TORTURE would qualify as "evil" because its just bad.

It does not matter if it is "effective" or not. I am sure it creates more enemies than it saves lives. It is not American. It is not what the "good guys" do. We (America).. used to be the "good guys." I think we are loosing that reputation.

Torture is the tool of a dictator. It cancels the rights of American citizens, and it can be used on ANYONE accused of "terrorism."

What really gets my goat is when the news media calls it "enhanced interrogation techniques." "Water boarding" sounds like some kind of sport. It is cruelty plain and simple.

No, it does not compare (Yet) to what Hitler did, but that is how it started with Hitler. He also had a building "bombed by terrorists" and he also passed something like the Patriot Act after that happened. Both 9-11 and Hitler's building accomplished the same thing. More power to the government to arrest and torture people without trial or a lawyer.... in the name of "national security." What a load of crap they feed us in order to take away our power and freedom.

They scare people with their carefully planned acts of terrorism and then we allow let them to pass laws that rob us of our freedom and our rights so they can "protect us" against terrorism. Guess what? They are the ones ultimately behind terrorism.

Don't let them scare you. Don't support their agenda and don't make excuses for torture and cruelty. You think the end justifies the means? I don't. War turns men into animals. It is insanity.

But the powers that be, want war because war is good business. ITS JUST GOOD BUSINESS. It is used to transfer property and wealth to those who rule us and the world.

Don't be a pawn. Don't let them take your humanity. Don't defend them. They (the government) will NOT be there for you when everything falls apart. They were not there for New Orleans after hurricane Katrina and they won't be there for you for a larger natural disaster, except to move in and take over your town and your lives and your communications.

FEMA tore down a local communications tower to disrupt local law enforcement communication during Katrina so that they would be the only one's in charge. The local law put it back up and had to place armed guards there to prevent them from doing it again. Some counties even had armed men to prevent FEMA troups from going into their county. FEMA went around confiscating guns from good citizens and they had nothing to protect themselves with. This kind of action is typical of Marshall law.

Give them an inch and they will take it all.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Mon 02/15/10 06:55 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Mon 02/15/10 06:57 PM



GEE I wonder why they don't just call it what the hell it is.


Dick Cheney is a dick. And if Mingle sensors the word dick I will spell it out for you D.I.C.K. That's his name for crap sake.

No damn wonder people HATE AMERICA. I am outraged by the idiots we have elected to govern us.

Cheney Defends Torture: It ‘Would Have Been Unethical Or Immoral’ For Us Not To Torture..

And of course he uses 9-11 as his excuse. What a load of crap. I think I know who was responsible for 9-11 and any idiot could see with their own eyes that those buildings came down in a controlled demolition. They were taken down by explosives. No plane could have done that!!! Wake up people!


I BLAME THE REPUBLICANS. Most of these war mongers are republicans.

Yeah, Republicans are a problem, but dems equally so. :tongue:


Just to see the pic...not worth ripping.

s1owhand's photo
Tue 02/16/10 03:01 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Tue 02/16/10 03:03 AM
there is a fine line between coercive questioning and torture.

it is a line which our county recognizes (unlike many other countries)

it is the U.S. policy not to torture. no point in arguing about that.

on the other hand it is valid to argue about what constitutes
torture and this is what most of these arguments are really about.
for example, if you define torture as an activity which does
physical damage to the subject, then waterboarding is not torture
by that definition. but a lot of people are not comfortable with
that definition because it allows for an almost unlimited amount
of psychological stress.

if you define torture as an activity which makes the subject believe
that their life might be in danger then waterboarding is torture by
that definition. but that is a lame definition because just leaving
the subject alone for a period of time or warning them of vague
dire consequences, or asking them to dig a hole or do some other
form of hard labor might make them feel that their life was in

so, in our polarized political environment we hear cries from the
right saying we must be allowed to aggressively interrogate these
terrorists (true). and from the left we hear that we must not
torture if we want to respect the ideals central to our country (true).

and then, without adequately defining the terms, the right asserts.
"we do not torture!" and the left points the finger at them and says
"you torturer you!"...



well that is pointless. so the real argument is how far do you go?
and guess what? there is no "right" answer to that question!!

it is only a matter of opinion!
so have at it and knock yourselves out!


no photo
Tue 02/16/10 12:39 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 02/16/10 12:39 PM

there is a fine line between coercive questioning and torture.

it is a line which our county recognizes (unlike many other countries)

it is the U.S. policy not to torture. no point in arguing about that.

on the other hand it is valid to argue about what constitutes
torture and this is what most of these arguments are really about.
for example, if you define torture as an activity which does
physical damage to the subject, then waterboarding is not torture
by that definition. but a lot of people are not comfortable with
that definition because it allows for an almost unlimited amount
of psychological stress.

if you define torture as an activity which makes the subject believe
that their life might be in danger then waterboarding is torture by
that definition. but that is a lame definition because just leaving
the subject alone for a period of time or warning them of vague
dire consequences, or asking them to dig a hole or do some other
form of hard labor might make them feel that their life was in

so, in our polarized political environment we hear cries from the
right saying we must be allowed to aggressively interrogate these
terrorists (true). and from the left we hear that we must not
torture if we want to respect the ideals central to our country (true).

and then, without adequately defining the terms, the right asserts.
"we do not torture!" and the left points the finger at them and says
"you torturer you!"...



well that is pointless. so the real argument is how far do you go?
and guess what? there is no "right" answer to that question!!

it is only a matter of opinion!
so have at it and knock yourselves out!


Oh I think we all know the difference. Anyone who doesn't, has a problem in my opinion. A terrorist worth his salt is willing to die for his cause and endure torture, so waterboarding is probably not going to be effective with him. But what of the person who has little to offer, who is merely a suspect, who has no information? There have been some innocents subjected to this. This is not acceptable.

Even if I were to agree that it should be allowed, (which I don't) I don't think it is going to be effective with a person dedicated to a cause.

willing2's photo
Tue 02/16/10 05:59 PM
Those who use enhanced techniques know better than we do whether a suspect is lying or no. They are thoroughly trained in body language and the ways suspects answer questions. They are professionals and good at what they do.

Don't think for one moment torture isn't still used.

Check out the movie, The Killing Room.

Studies will continue as long as we have an enemy who uses torture, physical and mental stresses.

Don't believe it, sign up for a paid Gov. Medical Trial.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Tue 02/16/10 08:27 PM

You're aboslutely right...(because I don't use religious terms like "evil" so it's really really bad)...and waterboarding is ILLEGAL and IMMORAL..Chainy and the Dippic et.al. ordered the torturing of detainees...they are criminals.

It is ILLEGAL and IMMORAL to torture and didn't America prosecuted the Japenese for doing it in WWII...hummmm.

But JTC, we haven't even brushed the surface of the illegal things they did, the renditions and secret prisons...oh, more will be exposed.

Those who defend the criminals HAVE SOME NERVE!!!

Using the morality clause doesn't sway me. We prosecuted the Japanese because we won the war. Don't you think dropping 2 atomic bombs, firebombing tokyo, and destroying Dresden would have led to prosecutions had we lost the war? Of course it would have... Waterboarding didn't kill millions of civilians..

MiddleEarthling's photo
Tue 02/16/10 08:27 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Tue 02/16/10 08:32 PM

You're aboslutely right...(because I don't use religious terms like "evil" so it's really really bad)...and waterboarding is ILLEGAL and IMMORAL..Chainy and the Dippic et.al. ordered the torturing of detainees...they are criminals.

It is ILLEGAL and IMMORAL to torture and didn't America prosecuted the Japenese for doing it in WWII...hummmm.

But JTC, we haven't even brushed the surface of the illegal things they did, the renditions and secret prisons...oh, more will be exposed.

Those who defend the criminals HAVE SOME NERVE!!!

Using the morality clause doesn't sway me. We prosecuted the Japanese because we won the war. Don't you think dropping 2 atomic bombs, firebombing tokyo, and destroying Dresden would have led to prosecutions had we lost the war? Of course it would have... Waterboarding didn't kill millions of civilians..

Yeah yall act all "moral" when it fits your agendas...went apechit about Clinton getting a BJ in the WH...why was more money spent investigating Monica Lewinsky during the Clinton administration than was spent investigating 9/11 in 2001? Go figure.

Yeah "morals"...

jamesfortville's photo
Tue 02/16/10 10:07 PM

All this B S. Why doesn’t some body go interview some of those people who would have been killed if the torture hadn’t been used?

I suppose you know the future and all of the consequences that may or may not come to pass regarding every evil action taken by every person or country in the world?

Don't justify evil. For evil to exist only requires that good men do nothing. You are making excuses for them, trying to justify them. I am really appalled by this kind of thinking. It is un-American.

It is like the Salem witch trials where they tortured women to confess that they were witches. How many innocents were tortured and killed? Its just wrong.... period.

People have RIGHTS. HUMAN RIGHTS. Just because we are made to believe that our enemy is evil.... that does not justify that we can practice evil too.

People should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. People should have a right to a lawyer and a trial by jury. NOT taken off to some prison outside of the jurisdiction of the United States with no rights and no lawyer. THAT'S JUST LIKE HITLER DID. That is a dictatorship.

Don't let this happen to your country. Wake up people!

Don't support or defend this kind of government. It will eventually get back to you, when someone decides to call you a "terrorist" just because they can.

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