Topic: He's Watching
Driveteach's photo
Sat 02/06/10 09:14 AM
A burglar broke into a house one night. Shining his flashlight around, he looked for any valuables, when a voice came from the dark, "Jesus is watching you!" He quickly flipped off his flashlight and froze in place.

After a moment or two of hearing nothing else, he proceeded to remove the stereo from the bookcase, when, again, the voice called out, "Jesus is watching you!"

Flashing his light frantically about the room, he saw a small parrot on a lamp. Sneering, he said to the parrot, "Did you just say that?" The parrot replied, "Yes, I was just trying to warn you of the error of your ways!"

Said the burglar, "And just who do you think you are to preach at me?"

Said the parrot, "My name is Moses!"

Said the burglar, "Hah! Who would name a parrot Moses?"

Said the parrot, "The same people who named the Rottweiler, Jesus!"