Topic: Non-debate or tag-team discussion
Abracadabra's photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:24 PM
IcePrincess wrote:
“survival is my only purpose in life at this point in time”

This is the boat that I’m in at this point in time as well.

I’ve accomplished a lot though out my life. I don’t believe that I had
a specific purpose. I believe that our purpose is to simply do the best
that we can do. I certainly failed to do the best that I could do. No
question about that. However, in all honestly I blame much of that on
lack of mentoring early on.

Looking back I think the most important thing I ever did in my entire
life was taking care of my mother in her old age. If the only reason I
was born was to take care of my mother in her final years that would
have been a worth purpose.

I have much to offer before I die too. But the key word there is
‘offer’. I’ve had a lot to offer other people throughout my life, but
if there are no people around who are interested in what I have to offer
then it isn’t worth having is it?

What good is it to have a loving heart if no one wants your love? You
can only give it to those who are open to receiving it. My cat gets a
lot of love. He’s easy. (ha ha)

I may get some other pets to love too. Animals seem to appreciate love
more than humans do.

But right at this particular point in time, I’m in the same boat with
IcePrincess. I just need to survive or I won’t have anything to offer
anyone. And survival is a worthy purpose!

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:25 PM
OKAY I understand the whole survival thing. But as mankind haven't we
evolved past this stage to something MORE?

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:27 PM
BC can you tell me what the next stage above survival might be?

What do you think God might have in store for us as our next stage of

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:29 PM

I just feel there is SOMETHING MORE than

"Okay let me survive day to day"

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:31 PM
I'm sleepy, sorry AB I'll get back to you on that

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:32 PM
Bored wrote:
“OKAY I understand the whole survival thing. But as mankind haven't we
evolved past this stage to something MORE?”

I’m not so sure about that. The industrial age was supposed to make
things easier, but it seems like people are working all the time. Even
more than they did before the industrial age.

I’m currently taking a refresher course on Biological Anthropology. The
course begins with an inside into the behavior of monkeys and the great
apes. It seems that those animals living in the wild and forging for
their food actually do less work in a day than a modern industrialized
human does.

So it does make one pause for thought.

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:35 PM
Abra yes we still need to survive but I don't think that is our ONLY
purpose laugh

It can vary for all of us. It can be something simple like being a great
parent, setting an example as a teacher, etc.

You know what I mean?

I can't see "Let me inhale all of the oxygen and eat daily to survive"

If that was the case then the accidents and tragedies wouldn't be a
factor of death.

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:37 PM
Abra "It seems that those animals living in the wild and forging for
their food actually do less work in a day than a modern industrialized
human does."

Very interesting and appealing statement. glasses Cool.

Humans we have all these processed foods, the tax system, bills unlike
animals though laugh

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:46 PM
Actually I think pack animals do have a tax system.

When the female lions make a kill the male lion gets to take a 'tax'
from it before any one eats.

Wolfs are the same way the Alpha male gets his 'tax' and then selects
(with the alpha female or what ever she is called) which members get to
eat and which don't.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:48 PM
Bored wrote:
“I just feel there is SOMETHING MORE than, ‘Okay let me survive day to

Alright, in addition to surviving,…

I am practicing the piano, violin, guitar, flute, and clarinet. Why I’m
doing this I’ll never know.

I’m also taking refresher courses on ‘Biological Anthropology’, ‘Music
Theory’, and ‘Liner Algebra’.

So I guess I’m doing more than just surviving.

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:48 PM
interesting view and how you use the term "tax"

glasses Very cool and good point

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:48 PM
flowerforyou Yes AB you are doing something MORE than surviving

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:48 PM
flowerforyou Yes ABRA you are doing something MORE than surviving

sorry it's late and i'm tired

Man we need an edit button

Fanta46's photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:51 PM
When my mother died on my 12th birthday, I was mad at God.
I hated him for years, and years!
Then one day I was replacing soffit and facial on a house and inside was
a bird nest with 2 little baby birds in it. Loving nature and wildlife,
I took the nest and set it in the top of a bush nearby.
I watched an all day the momma bird would fly down looking for her
babies. They would chirp, she would chirp back!
She could not seem to locate them though.
I fiqured they were safe, but I worried all that night.
I dont know why since I hadnt for years, but that night I prayed for
those little birds.
When I woke up the next day and went to work, I checked, and the little
birds were still alive.
Then it hit me what to do, like from out of no where. so I got some
string and I fashioned a hanging basket thing, like you see for plants
and I hung the nest with the little birds under the soffit exactly where
I had found them. Then 5 minutes later the momma bird flew down, she
chirpped, they chirrped and she flew right down and fed them.
Bam, my faith was restored and I have never not even for 1 sec doubted
that God existed!
I watched those birds for 2 or three weeks until they flew from the
nest!! I was so happy, I could have cried.
Now you will never hear anything like that come from my lips

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:54 PM
noway It's a miracle!

no photo
Mon 06/11/07 09:54 PM
sincerity does exist!!

Fanta46's photo
Mon 06/11/07 10:09 PM
That was to AB, Peace brother!!!drinker

LAMom's photo
Mon 06/11/07 10:11 PM
{{{Fanta}}}}} flowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Mon 06/11/07 10:54 PM
g-night my friends!!!drinker flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Mon 06/11/07 10:55 PM
Nite Sweetie,,, flowerforyou