Topic: 2020 is closer than we think
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Thu 01/28/10 10:37 PM
The last decade sure did pass really fast (at least...for me). Did it for you?

But you know, i'm really disappointed by this decade. For me 2010 was the year of the future, far behind the year 2000. We almost all got this perception of this new era that would change our lives.

I don't know for you but when I was kid I was actually imagining that we would be riding flying cars and a lot of other futuristic stuff.

I got to admit that we've done allot. But there's still this sensation that tells me : << WE WANT MORE!>>

Is this in human nature? always to want more? If we imagine a new world in 2020 (riding this time flying cars I hope) I don't think that we actually think of what we are going to think in 2020. I mean by there that we are not putting ourselves in the body of ourselves(if we're hopefully not dead) in our future and start thinking about the future of this future.

So if i was to exercise in doing that I would be just like right now. Maybe disappointed and then would just start thinking about a better future.

My point is that we can't really, truly satisfy the present moment *knowing that there will be a future to this moment* and this future can't escape from our mind because human nature makes that we are curious.

I know that some people wouldn't agree because we need that present moment to live. like this evident example which is love. but ya love is a big topic, but that's another topic...

but let's say that 2020 is tomorrow...just try to imagine that day. I think from there we learned from the last time. we learned that things maybe won't be as beautiful as in our imagination. So we ask ourselves this philosophical question which is the point of all this ranting.

If I am here to wait for a moment that I'm already living in the best possible way, then why do human nature makes me want more?

It's kinda nonsense but look also what this feeling did when we look at money, we always want more money, to get more stuff, to be in the pest position.

POWER is maybe also worse than money(today money=power(sometimes))

So yeah...this was just some lil ranting at 1:37am, hope you enjoy the theme ^.^

Aries151's photo
Thu 01/28/10 11:41 PM

The last decade sure did pass really fast (at least...for me). Did it for you?

But you know, i'm really disappointed by this decade. For me 2010 was the year of the future, far behind the year 2000. We almost all got this perception of this new era that would change our lives.

I don't know for you but when I was kid I was actually imagining that we would be riding flying cars and a lot of other futuristic stuff.

I got to admit that we've done allot. But there's still this sensation that tells me : << WE WANT MORE!>>

Is this in human nature? always to want more? If we imagine a new world in 2020 (riding this time flying cars I hope) I don't think that we actually think of what we are going to think in 2020. I mean by there that we are not putting ourselves in the body of ourselves(if we're hopefully not dead) in our future and start thinking about the future of this future.

So if i was to exercise in doing that I would be just like right now. Maybe disappointed and then would just start thinking about a better future.

My point is that we can't really, truly satisfy the present moment *knowing that there will be a future to this moment* and this future can't escape from our mind because human nature makes that we are curious.

I know that some people wouldn't agree because we need that present moment to live. like this evident example which is love. but ya love is a big topic, but that's another topic...

but let's say that 2020 is tomorrow...just try to imagine that day. I think from there we learned from the last time. we learned that things maybe won't be as beautiful as in our imagination. So we ask ourselves this philosophical question which is the point of all this ranting.

If I am here to wait for a moment that I'm already living in the best possible way, then why do human nature makes me want more?

It's kinda nonsense but look also what this feeling did when we look at money, we always want more money, to get more stuff, to be in the pest position.

POWER is maybe also worse than money(today money=power(sometimes))

So yeah...this was just some lil ranting at 1:37am, hope you enjoy the theme ^.^

The quest for human knowledge will never be quenched, unfortunately nor will the quest for money which is where the problem lies. The reason 2010 isn't like they made it out to be in the magazines back in the '70s is because of the fact that companies don't deem it necessary to innovate unless a competitor does first or their current sales are stagnating. That is why larger companies do what they can to either buy up or squish start ups that pose a threat to their business model. That is why our phones will always be about 5 years behind the ones in Japan.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 01/29/10 12:20 PM
It's all about the money.

no photo
Fri 01/29/10 07:55 PM
but the question isn't all about money. It's true that money is all the reason of our lives but I think there's more and you'll certainly agree when I specify science, music and other things.

in science we will always want to understand more, everything. same as art, exploring all what mind has to offer.

and if I ask my question again about these last things...

why do we spend millions on research like in the LHC (large hadron collider)? they don't wait for money to come out of nothing...

and when they are finished and discovered new things, they will still ask themselves other questions again. and there we go millions again...

we are always pushed by this force, to want more, more of everything. I was just wondering why this force is so important...and why is it here.

btw @ aries151 why do you think that human knowledge will never be quenched? i think we have to start by thinking that everything is possible...