Topic: Daily Cofession Part2
imrare's photo
Mon 01/25/10 10:45 AM
My New Covenant

My New Covenant is the will of
My God for me and my life.
It is a legal document, sealed in Blood
and ratified in Resurrection.
What it promises, I can bank on.
What it reveals, I will
relish and anticipate.
What it empowers and provides,
I will walk in.
His Word equals my victory.
God never tells a lie.
God is faithful and trustworthy.
There has never been a time and never
will be an occasion where God does not
do exactly what He promised.
I have been given a written covenant
with the God of all creation.
I am persuaded of its
truth and anbundance.
I am excited about all its blessings
which belong to me.
He said it, I receive it, it comes to pass.
I am expectantly, excited about His
covenant promises to me, and I
anxiously await their arrival.