Topic: The Winning Season
imrare's photo
Sun 01/10/10 04:38 AM
Attitude determines victories,
A winning attitude inspiring determination cannot be defeated.
A loosing countenance, deferring hope, is unable to possess victory.

* Hope is a match
* Faith is the fuel it ignites
* Praise is the wind that fuels the flame
* Celebration possesses the promise

Romans 8:31
In the face of all this, what is left to say?
If God is for us, what does it matter, who or what, may try to be
against us?

In this winning season, are we firmly convinced of ultimate and full

Romans 8:32
He who did not hold back His own Son,
but gave Him up for us all,
will He not, then, with Him,
freely give us all things?

Since God is love-

The question then is, did God give up His Son, sacrificially, for us?

John 3:16
For God had such love for the world, (Kosmos, creation, orderly
arrangement decoration)
That He gave His Son, His only Son,
So that no one who puts their trust in Him, will be lost.

Love gave Him-
Am I ready to receive all that love bought-

1 Timothy 6:17 in the living God, who generously gives us everything to

All things-

2 Timothy 3:16
Every scripture is God-breathed, and is profitable,
for doctrine, (teaching)
for reproof, (for refusing error)
for correction, (resetting the direction of a man's life)
for instruction in righteousness, (teaching and training to be right
before God),
In order to make the man of God,
mature, complete, proficient, well prepared and adequately equipped
to handle every good work, enterprise or disbursement.

* The praise, before the evidence
* The prayer, of relationship and identity
* The prophetic, decreeing the end from the beginning

Seize your win in 2010

Don't cut your victory thin in 2010

Press in to Command Anointing

Decree your win * seize your win * live in your win

Love paid for your winning season (John 3:16)
Love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8)
Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:39)

Ask Bigger than ever before

Expect Better than ever before

Speak Bolder than ever before