Topic: space-time is accelerating | |
Thanx a lot, Joe!
Seems like the more we discover, the more is left to be discovered! Total Knowledge is really just a relative term!!! |
And I thought I had to much time on my hands.
I have heard over the last few years, that we do not live in a static universe. In fact the universe is not just expanding, it is accelerating at a faster and faster rate. This is due in part to dark energy. So why does this only effect galaxies and really large objects, but not planetary systems, or people, or atoms? We see the red-shifts in galaxies, but why not closer to home? look: the galaxies are moving by themselves to a certain direction ![]() So just think about it. We are never at the same place. NO WONDER I FEEL DIZZY!!! ![]() |
The universe, time, and everything else is accelerating because it's all made by TOYOTA ... please remove the floormat and wait until time comes to a complete stop before moving about the planet.
"The last couple of years have seen a remarkable convergence of evidence, all suggesting that we live in a universe with a few percent of the normal matter of our everyday experience, maybe 25% of something called "dark matter," which is a name given to hide our ignorance of what it is, and 75% of this energy that wants to push space apart—call it "dark energy." If true, then relatively recently in the history of the universe the "dark energy" has become dominant over "dark matter." During the transient dominance of dark matter, it caused the collapse into all the structure of the universe that we have come to know and appreciate.
Maybe we should be less enamored of dark energy. But it is the delight of physicists because it might provide a laboratory for the moment of creation. It may be that the present source of repulsion is quite different from the primordial situation. Certainly the energy density levels and time scales are vastly different. However, if we can understand the mechanism of the present acceleration perhaps we can get a clue about the acceleration at the first instant of our time. A complicated scenario indeed! So how big is the universe in the inflation model? It begs the question of what is going on at the boundaries and whether information could be communicated across universes. We suppose not. It may well be that only a tiny part of even our own universe is in our horizon, within the domain that we might hope to know. " Brent Tully Nova Runaway Universe |
Indeed. According to the
New evidence has confirmed that the expansion of the universe is accelerating under the influence of a gravitationally repulsive form of (Dark) energy that makes up two-thirds of the cosmos
u guys probably never get sleep at do i, but not cuz of solar]
but yea, we gonna die and if the big bang created a rock so big that it couldnt move it, where would it put it? hypathetical question ^ |
Indeed. According to the New evidence has confirmed that the expansion of the universe is accelerating under the influence of a gravitationally repulsive form of (Dark) energy that makes up two-thirds of the cosmos
Ever notice how the physicists always manage to criticize dark energy ... ? Life is SO unfair ... I mean, WHO decided that dark energy is 'gravitationally repulsive', anyway? That's a value judgement ... |
Edited by
Sun 03/14/10 12:44 AM
JaneStar: Indeed. According to the New evidence has confirmed that the expansion of the universe is accelerating under the influence of a gravitationally repulsive form of (Dark) energy that makes up two-thirds of the cosmos
Kings_Knight: Ever notice how the physicists always manage to criticize dark energy ... ? Life is SO unfair ... I mean, WHO decided that dark energy is 'gravitationally repulsive', anyway? That's a value judgement ... As a matter of fact, I wonder who's better equiped to make a value judgement: the lei-men, or the physicists who spend their time studying dark energy? ? ? |
Edited by
Sun 03/21/10 01:57 PM
JaneStar <snip> As a matter of fact, I wonder who's better equiped to make a value judgement: the lei-men, or the physicists who spend their time studying dark energy? ? ? Enquiring minds want to know: 'Lei-men' ... ? 'LEI-men' ... ? The men who put the lei around tourists' neck when they arrive in Hawaii ... ? Surely you meant 'laymen' ... or 'lay-people' if we''re being 'politically correct' and 'gender neutral' as we must be these days ... |
JaneStar <snip> As a matter of fact, I wonder who's better equiped to make a value judgement: the lei-men, or the physicists who spend their time studying dark energy? ? ? Surely you meant 'laymen' ... or 'lay-people' if we''re being 'politically correct' and 'gender neutral' as we must be these days ... Sorry for my typo distracting you FROM ANSWERING MY HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION! In fact, that typo saved you a lot of embarrassment (cuz you know the answer!) |