Topic: running advice
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Fri 12/18/09 12:02 AM
i want to start running to get into shape and for it to be a part of my exercise regimen. i've never really done running before; i hate the feeling of intense pain, like the feeling of your chest ready to explode. however, i hear it's one of the most effective ways to get into shape, and my whole family does it.
so, i want to start running, but i just want to know if there's anything i should know before doing it. any advice on how to run?

LewisW123's photo
Fri 12/18/09 03:49 AM
Edited by LewisW123 on Fri 12/18/09 03:51 AM
Invest in a good pair of shoes. Go to a store that specifically caters to runners. It's going to cost more than Walmart, but it is worth the investment, if you can get assistance from someone that knows about running.

Start with a specific time/distance. For beginners 2miles/20-30 minutes is average, but don't worry about speed. Run/jog at a pace that doesn't make you TOO short of breath. Walk at times, if you have to. That actually isn't such a bad thing, when it comes to burning calories.

If you can find someone to run with you, it is easier, especially if you can find a running club in your area. I joined one this year, that has runners and walkers at all pace and distances.

Start out running every other day, to give your body time to recover. Read the book "Chi Running." It has great advice on how to avoid injury.

Watch your diet. Pick up a Runner's World magazine. They always have great advice on what foods to eat, that will help your training. Mostly common sense tho.

Lastly, pick a race in your area to train for (5k or 3.1 miles) and go to or to get a training schedule. This will give you a specific goal and keep you motivated.

Good Luck!

reckmen's photo
Fri 12/18/09 05:13 AM
I well how i used to do it was instead of driving every where i used to start walking to my friends house that was a little more than 5 miles away from me then take my time every day but each day i tried walking a little faster until i was at jogging pace. but on weekends when i didn't have anything to do i would start heading over their but take the Long way and make a few extra turns. the reason i chose to take it to my friends house was because if it was hot out and i needed some water it would be OK to stop their kick back and relax then head back out. or if i was really really late for work i could go over their and shower before work .

BABCHI's photo
Fri 12/18/09 05:18 AM
I do a fast walk with the dog for 4-5 mile most days and it worked for me. I went from 209lbs to 140.:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

carlos2342's photo
Fri 12/18/09 07:55 AM
1. Buy running shoes and break them in first. 2. stretch well. 3. do not eat too much fatty food or bad food or beverages before running hours or day before best. 4. running on pavement over time causes hairline cracks in your ankles from impact try to run on soft surfaces. 5. drink plenty of water before running but not right before or during as you will cramp up. 6. land on the ball of your feet with each stride landing on ur sole first is bad bad. 7. wear sports bra and men wear underwear. 8. if you stop jogging u will cramp. At traffic lights etc Jog in place. 9. stretch after running. 10. start at lower mileage and work way up over time use hills too. 11. dress weather appropriate. 12. wear clothes that make u visible to drivers. 13. run in pairs or more. im sure i missed some things!

kirk443's photo
Fri 12/18/09 08:33 AM
good advice everyone, i really need to start to get into shape