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Topic: History of Religion ????
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Thu 06/07/07 07:39 AM
What is the History of your Faith, Belief, (( Religion ))

1.. Is Religion a Socio - culture ?

2.. Have you researched your Religous Faith ?

3.. If you have Researched your Religion

Did it change your view of what you believe ?

If you would like to research The History of Religion

Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia on line is a source loaded with


Katian's photo
Thu 06/07/07 08:28 AM
yes, but wikipedia is a site that can be edited by you...or by me....not
exactly accurate...maybe close, but there's been some weird definitions
in there that are soooo wrong.

NomadicAngel's photo
Thu 06/07/07 08:29 AM
To be honest I am not sure -- My father went to several different types
of churches so i had that up-bringing when all my children turned 18
they went a different route -- both sons are wiccans (blessed be) and i
had one daughter who is a christian and one who is an atheist -- just a
few days ago i had the most wonderful experience of religion that i
thought would ever be possible -- this was during a peace walk in philly

Went to a mosque and learned somewhat of the muslim faith -- as well
had a buddhist ceremony while visiting a catholic church during our
visit with the mennonites and heard from the sikhs finally proceeded to
a jewish synagouge (sp) as i said it was a interesting experience --
religously i understand the belief --- just do not have one that i
follow -- a higher being?

no photo
Thu 06/07/07 08:42 AM
Wiki can be edited sure it is just a starting point..

However it still remains an excellent source of

accurate information !!!!!

Many try to discredit it as a source because they

Don't want the truth out !!!!!

search other sources to confirm facts...

no photo
Thu 06/07/07 08:42 AM

no photo
Thu 06/07/07 09:58 AM
University of Edinbury on line

Has many on line research links to the World..

Go here if you like.... for research...

no photo
Thu 06/07/07 10:03 AM
Yes I've researched my beliefs (or religion to some)

I think it is important to know the background history and the current
state of my beliefs.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 06/07/07 10:11 AM
Funlover I have researched many 'religions'.

I have found contained within each truths that uplift and falsness that
appears to have been added over time to make controling that religion
by an elite group possible.

I have found simularities that indicate ALL monotheistic religions come
from the same source.

I have noticed also that once the religion becomes established (at
between 200 and 400 years) major changes to that religion's writings are
made and things are added such as 'This is the only way' and 'This is
the only true message' and 'Our messenger is the ONLY messenger of God'.
This is promptly put to a lie when a new Prophet comes along a few years
later with the original message of Love, Hope and Faith and the Promise
of God. (the new messenger is of course promptly persecuted).

no photo
Thu 06/07/07 10:15 AM
I have researched many religions and cultures and as they are a

part of the human global family I find it very Interesting.

no photo
Thu 06/07/07 10:18 AM

no photo
Thu 06/07/07 10:25 AM

It has been many years ago I began my

Religious Research and you are learning

keep studying.


AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 06/07/07 10:28 AM
One of the things I noticed in that Wikki page you mentioned is the
changes in practice of faith as the clan became a tribe, which became a
city state, which became a nation.

We should now be seeing the next great manifistation as we now have
moved to a place where nations must give way to a planatary

Having a planatary outlook will require our faith to grow yet again to
encompass this new reality.

This may mean that people who can not or will not release man made
ritual and man made doctrine will be left behind. Unfortunatly those
that cling to theses rituals will cause an upheaval of planatary
proportions as the attempt to hold on to that which no longer fits
reality as it has become.

no photo
Thu 06/07/07 02:44 PM
The University of Edinburg Library online

will link you to about any subject you would

want to Research..

The University enjoys a remarkable

& deserved reputation for ground breaking research..

It has one of the largest and most important academic

libraries in the World.. at

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:45 PM
aye lots of information.

To bad I am not a student. I could not get access to the materials I
would like study.

Seems I must pay my dues to Cesar no matter where I go within the fields
of mankind.

no photo
Thu 06/07/07 04:19 PM

There is a lot of links to free information on Religion &

Spirituality through the Library links on religion..

scroll down the pages they are the bottom....

also they have audio and video free on Enlightment...

this covers Globalization and the good and bad..

If I may say the University is the Mother of Globalization !!!

more than 200 years in the process and it is a mess ??

Yes...or no ??

the Enlightment 2002 speches are on line..on civil society

check it out if you would like it cover humanity to a point..

and a follow up later this month will be on line...

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 06/08/07 02:46 AM
The History of my faith goes back to the (IMO) Yahshua/apostles.Going
on through the council of Trent forfathers being labed and killed as
heritics. on to the middle ages to the persecutions of the Poor Men of
Lyons. Spreading on to the settlers in Rhode Island as this began as a
Sabbath keeping State. With a sabbath keeping govenor.Where at it's
beginnings every Sabbath the whole state shut down at sunset friday
night till sunset saturday night in rememberance of the sabbath
commandment. To crossing the Usa to the Sabbath baptists then to the
Feast of tabernacles meeting in Eugene Oregan in 1926. Where many Elders
came to agreement that the true name of Yahweh and Yahshua must be kept
as it was in times past as The apostles and poor Men of Lyons of the
1200's did. Herbert Armstrong as many of you have probally heard of (who
started the radio Church of g-d then becoming the WWCG) was in
attandence as an Elder who departed the faith. Choosing instead to use
the Christian names as he felt this would bring in more converts. he was
right untill his death when the church went through many transformations
and probally hundreds of splinter groups began. But the one he started
is not thier today(in doctrine and beliefs) as the splinter groups have
pursued to go back to what he started. But at one time, contrary to his
writings he was part of what many on here and elsewhere is called ( "The
Holy Name Movement" ) Myself I call a Yahwists ( one who will only obey
Yahweh's words)(this includes his sons ways as he came in his fathers
name Yahshua meaning Yahweh Saves or is Salvation.Using his poetic name
Yah as you see in the Prophets names ie
ZecharYah,ZephanYah,ObanYah,JeremYah, IsaYah,EliYah ect...Also in his
titles/essence YahShalom,YahZikkinu, meaning Yahweh's Peace and Yahweh's
Rightousness respectively.) Ending with ists as for many, Yahweh's Many
> Yahwists. This is my history of what I believe to be true.. Shalom and
Take Care..... Miles

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 06:38 AM
THX Miles

The ( WWCG ) Radio, I have listened to many times THX for the

History Commentary.

no photo
Sat 06/09/07 04:14 AM
A link to Bibical Studies on the web. by Subject.

Subject Gateways

Religous Studies


no photo
Sat 06/09/07 04:31 AM
Some web sites has internal links on sitethe above link failed

try this one..

hope this one works

no photo
Sat 06/09/07 04:47 AM
google....(( religous studies )) for your research or your

topic......... that is easy to get results.

or use your favorite search

research is fun

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