Topic: Evidence...
no photo
Mon 01/04/10 12:28 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 01/04/10 12:32 PM

I do choose what to believe but I look for the truth of the matter. I just want to be aware somewhat of what is going on in the world around me. But I tell myself that the bad guys have been here all along, since the beginning, so there is no reason to let fear and anger get the best of me or let it ruin my life. I do create my personal reality.

So when you use the word reality you're talking about something that doesn't have to be the same as "what's really going on"? I think that's a big source of confusion because to the rest of us that's pretty much exactly what we mean by reality. Personally I'd use the term world view for what you seem to be talking about.

I said "personal reality" which means how I choose to live my life. Where I live, what I do, what I believe, what I manifest, and even how I clean and paint my house.

"Personal reality" is not my "world view."

The advantage to being aware of who the bad guys are and what they are doing is you know who to avoid and who not to trust with your life. It is good advice to know something about the enemy.

Its a jungle. If you are a gazelle, you live your daily life as always; and if you are alert you might not get eaten by a lion or a cheetah, but it helps to know what to look for and where in the bush they are likely to hide.

We were saying something more like "why not just not agree that lions and cheetahs can eat you? Believe their teeth are made out of squeeky toys and that their claws are balloon animals. If belief can change what's actually happening it should be that easy."

Do you mean "can't" eat you?

Theoretically, that is true. But you have to have a LOT of MIND power to cause yourself to believe those things in a shared reality where everyone disagrees with you on both a conscious and subconscious level. Try doing it in a dream first, the next time you are dreaming about a lion chasing you. Its not easy even in a dream.

The first thing you have to do is realize it is a dream, (This is lucid dreaming) then you have to realize you can use your mind to alter the dream scape. Then you have to practice it. It takes a lot of visual concentration and mental energy to even do this in a dream.

If and when you are practiced at lucid dreaming and control of your lucid dreams, then you might want to begin practicing with this reality. After all, it too is a dream.


But in the analogy, I am comparing the lions and cheeta's to the "bad guys." And YES I do believe that they can't hurt me.

I guess that's why I have not been a victim of them, or why I have not been abducted by aliens. bigsmile I simply forbid it to happen.

no photo
Mon 01/04/10 06:13 PM

So it sounds, maybe, like you believe that every aspect of reality can be changed by the wills of individuals - but since there are many individuals who might have conflicting desires, no one individual is guaranteed complete mental control over reality? But only because they might be thwarted by the will of other individuals?

Suppose I want to turn the water in my glass into vodka. What factors outside of my own mind prevent me? The beliefs of others? Reality-inertia? Any rules I need to follow?

no photo
Mon 01/04/10 07:41 PM


So it sounds, maybe, like you believe that every aspect of reality can be changed by the wills of individuals - but since there are many individuals who might have conflicting desires, no one individual is guaranteed complete mental control over reality? But only because they might be thwarted by the will of other individuals?

Suppose I want to turn the water in my glass into vodka. What factors outside of my own mind prevent me? The beliefs of others? Reality-inertia? Any rules I need to follow?

Yes, pretty much. The conflicting desires, some stronger and more focused than others, account for the vast diversity, confusion and chaos of the state of this shared reality. (How messed up it is.) laugh :tongue:

Of course no single individual is guaranteed complete mental control over reality. That is a given. :smile:

And If you could convince yourself that the water in your glass is vodka, (via self hypnosis) you would taste it, smell it, and probably get drunk with it. If you were a hypnotist, you might be able to convince someone else that the water they are drinking is vodka and they could taste it, and even get drunk with it.

Factors "outside" of your "own mind" that would prevent you would be to believe and accept as truth, the beliefs of others. Once you accept something as truth and believe it, it becomes real to you personally.

If someone told you that the vodka you were drinking was water and you believed them, then your idea that it was vodka might disappear.

Even if it was vodka, and you drank so much that you passed out, if you still believed it was water, you might think that you just fell asleep. Or maybe a hypnotized person drinking vodka thinking it was water, would not get drunk at all. It would be an interesting experiment.

creativesoul's photo
Mon 01/04/10 08:45 PM

no photo
Mon 01/04/10 09:19 PM
It would just be a "bad day."

Can't you comprehend a healthy sarcazm???

Naturally, a few hundred thousand of people dyeing is nothing compared with the entire humanity... (but that's just a rough estimate!)

However, the event is still a few years ahead, so it's not reasonable sounding alarmist!!!

Shoku's photo
Mon 01/04/10 11:41 PM

Well I grew up being taught to believe the authority, to trust what I am told. Time and time again I discovered I was being fed a bunch of lies and propaganda from the Bible to the wars we have endured, to the gruesome black operations of our own government. Now, I don't believe much of anything on CNN. I look for truth from people face to face, from ordinary people on the Internet, through analyzing information looking for agendas, lies and propaganda intertwined with truth.

My conclusions about what is really going on, I'm quite sure, would freak most people out. Its a dangerous world. Don't believe what they tell you about it, is all I can advise.

But why not just believe that there are no reptilians and all of that if reality is what you make it? If it works how you've been saying you could just choose for newscasters to be a bunch of pricks doing their best to support party views while having some general flaws in their thinking that cause a variety of problems and fail to handle others.

I'm sure it looks to you like that's the world I've chosen and if that's all it takes for things to be "real" why not choose the same yourself? Did you accidentally choose something a lot worse and there's no do overs?

Well because I choose not to delude myself. Beliefs change only when you are willing to look deeper at what is really going on. Many people don't want to know the truth. Like the movie line, they "can't handle the truth."

Wait wait wait. So you're saying that truth is independent of belief?

Yes of course. Beliefs change all the time.

But to a single observer who believes in something 100%, to him or her, that is the truth. (They would not believe it if they did not think it was true.) (Duh!)

If the truth changes all the time what good is the truth?

no photo
Tue 01/05/10 12:12 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 01/05/10 12:23 AM

Well I grew up being taught to believe the authority, to trust what I am told. Time and time again I discovered I was being fed a bunch of lies and propaganda from the Bible to the wars we have endured, to the gruesome black operations of our own government. Now, I don't believe much of anything on CNN. I look for truth from people face to face, from ordinary people on the Internet, through analyzing information looking for agendas, lies and propaganda intertwined with truth.

My conclusions about what is really going on, I'm quite sure, would freak most people out. Its a dangerous world. Don't believe what they tell you about it, is all I can advise.

But why not just believe that there are no reptilians and all of that if reality is what you make it? If it works how you've been saying you could just choose for newscasters to be a bunch of pricks doing their best to support party views while having some general flaws in their thinking that cause a variety of problems and fail to handle others.

I'm sure it looks to you like that's the world I've chosen and if that's all it takes for things to be "real" why not choose the same yourself? Did you accidentally choose something a lot worse and there's no do overs?

Well because I choose not to delude myself. Beliefs change only when you are willing to look deeper at what is really going on. Many people don't want to know the truth. Like the movie line, they "can't handle the truth."

Wait wait wait. So you're saying that truth is independent of belief?

Yes of course. Beliefs change all the time.

But to a single observer who believes in something 100%, to him or her, that is the truth. (They would not believe it if they did not think it was true.) (Duh!)

If the truth changes all the time what good is the truth?

Well I did not say the truth changes all the time.

I said that BELIEFS change all the time. I think you are you confusing meaning of the terms "truth" and "belief."

Just get to the point. Tell me what it is I am saying that you don't understand.

no photo
Tue 01/05/10 12:13 AM


Oh goody you found a name for one of the effects.

That is why placebo's sometimes work. But they don't work all the time.

no photo
Tue 01/05/10 12:34 AM
all of the following statements....

And If you could convince yourself that the water in your glass is vodka, (via self hypnosis) you would taste it, smell it, and probably get drunk with it. If you were a hypnotist, you might be able to convince someone else that the water they are drinking is vodka and they could taste it, and even get drunk with it.

Factors "outside" of your "own mind" that would prevent you would be to believe and accept as truth, the beliefs of others. Once you accept something as truth and believe it, it becomes real to you personally.

If someone told you that the vodka you were drinking was water and you believed them, then your idea that it was vodka might disappear.

Even if it was vodka, and you drank so much that you passed out, if you still believed it was water, you might think that you just fell asleep. Or maybe a hypnotized person drinking vodka thinking it was water, would not get drunk at all. It would be an interesting experiment.

...address the topic of mis-perception (hallucination, delusion, hypnosis...) of reality. To me, this is a completely different topic than 'creating reality with one's mind'. My goal in this exchange was to refine the discrimination between the two.

It seems to me, in the quoted section above, people's minds are determining their experience, without changing reality.

Shoku's photo
Tue 01/05/10 02:53 AM

News casters aren't really pricks, they are mostly just stupid pawns of the system.

That's pretty much the same thing. There aren't many people that roll out of bed in the morning and say to themselves that they will intentionally make the world worse today.

Its not the same thing. A prick, in my book MIGHT roll out of bed in the morning and plan how they might make the world worse today. Bad news gets ratings. LOL
Are we arguing about how nasty people in general are or how strong the word prick is?

They don't really care about the news, they want to be movie stars, LOL. It is the people they work for who own the news stations who are the propaganda pushers. They actually make the rules about what can and can not be reported. Its the same with news papers. They are told what they cannot print. Cattle mutilations are just one of them. I know a small town news paper owner who refused to comply... for a while... until they threatened his business and family too. THIS IS NOT PARANOIA, so if you think it is you are deluded.

Ya but there are a lot of reasons you might not be allowed to put cattle mutilation in the paper. I bet if I had a column I filled with roadkill pictures some people would want to put a stop to it too.

Having a column and owning your own newspaper are two different things. If you have a column your boss can tell you what you can't put in it. But if you own your own paper, NOBODY has the right to suppress your right to freedom of the press.
If I owned a newspaper I filled with pictures of flayed open human corpses and I went trying to hand it out and display it I think that people would still want to stop me doing it.

But maybe you are not familiar with freedom of the press? Freedom of speech? There is NO REASON or excuse for anyone (especially a covert or unknown government agency) to threaten an independent newsman who owns his own small newspaper for the purpose of preventing him from reporting the truth, which is the news. That is a violation of our (his) rights. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS!
So they didn't say they were with the government but you know they are because obviously the government would want to shut the paper down while not looking like the government except that they obviously look like the government.

So what exactly was s/he publishing and why was s/he told to stop?

He was a local farmer and rancher. He published a small "Ranch Land" newspaper for local farmers and ranchers. Local farmers and ranchers were loosing cows left and right all over the place. He was reporting these incidents in his paper long after the big news papers, (owned by the corporations,) were ordered to cease and desist any reporting of these incidents.

Why was he told to stop? surprised

They did not give him a reason. They simply threatened his family.

BUT I have to assume he was told to stop because someone was trying to control the flow of information (news, truth) about these incidents which were linked to silent top secret black helicopters, UF0's and other strange things.

But this was NEWS. And in America we are supposed to have FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. This is especially true if YOU OWN THE PUBLICATION.

My theory: Their job was to cover up all ALIEN ACTIVITY. This was in Falcon CO, east of Colorado Springs. Colorado Springs is a hot bed of alien activity and cattle mutilation cover-ups. It is home for Fort Carson, Peterson AFB, and other government defense agencies.

Our government made a deal with the aliens in exchange for some technology. These kinds of cover ups was part of/ is part of that deal.

So now go bury you head in the sand and laugh your a$$ off. Everyone else does.:wink: I don't give a rat's a$$. I tell it like I see it.

Who exactly threatened him? I'm assuming that with the family threats there wouldn't be any paperwork.

You know, I once heard about this family that had a bunch of dogs. It was this nice spot they chose away from folks so the barking wouldn't upset any neighbors but they got all these threats and then the government burned the dogs. I think the dogs must have been witnesses to alien activity. how do you link this to alien-government conspiracy other than it being in a place where people identify a lot of alien related stuff and cattle mutilations? Are the government and aliens the only groups capable of pointlessly mutilating cattle? The only ones capable of threatening people's families?

Shoku's photo
Tue 01/05/10 02:55 AM

Well I grew up being taught to believe the authority, to trust what I am told. Time and time again I discovered I was being fed a bunch of lies and propaganda from the Bible to the wars we have endured, to the gruesome black operations of our own government. Now, I don't believe much of anything on CNN. I look for truth from people face to face, from ordinary people on the Internet, through analyzing information looking for agendas, lies and propaganda intertwined with truth.

My conclusions about what is really going on, I'm quite sure, would freak most people out. Its a dangerous world. Don't believe what they tell you about it, is all I can advise.

But why not just believe that there are no reptilians and all of that if reality is what you make it? If it works how you've been saying you could just choose for newscasters to be a bunch of pricks doing their best to support party views while having some general flaws in their thinking that cause a variety of problems and fail to handle others.

I'm sure it looks to you like that's the world I've chosen and if that's all it takes for things to be "real" why not choose the same yourself? Did you accidentally choose something a lot worse and there's no do overs?

Well because I choose not to delude myself. Beliefs change only when you are willing to look deeper at what is really going on. Many people don't want to know the truth. Like the movie line, they "can't handle the truth."

Wait wait wait. So you're saying that truth is independent of belief?

Yes of course. Beliefs change all the time.

But to a single observer who believes in something 100%, to him or her, that is the truth. (They would not believe it if they did not think it was true.) (Duh!)

If the truth changes all the time what good is the truth?

Well I did not say the truth changes all the time.

I said that BELIEFS change all the time. I think you are you confusing meaning of the terms "truth" and "belief."

Just get to the point. Tell me what it is I am saying that you don't understand.

"But to a single observer who believes in something 100%, to him or her, that is the truth."
"I said that BELIEFS change all the time. I think you are you confusing meaning of the terms "truth" and "belief.""

Well, let's go straight at it: tell me how the truth is different from belief.

Shoku's photo
Tue 01/05/10 03:14 AM

I do choose what to believe but I look for the truth of the matter. I just want to be aware somewhat of what is going on in the world around me. But I tell myself that the bad guys have been here all along, since the beginning, so there is no reason to let fear and anger get the best of me or let it ruin my life. I do create my personal reality.

So when you use the word reality you're talking about something that doesn't have to be the same as "what's really going on"? I think that's a big source of confusion because to the rest of us that's pretty much exactly what we mean by reality. Personally I'd use the term world view for what you seem to be talking about.

I said "personal reality" which means how I choose to live my life. Where I live, what I do, what I believe, what I manifest, and even how I clean and paint my house.

"Personal reality" is not my "world view."
Sounds like preferences to me. I like cookie dough icecream but I don't think calling it my reality makes much sense.

The advantage to being aware of who the bad guys are and what they are doing is you know who to avoid and who not to trust with your life. It is good advice to know something about the enemy.

Its a jungle. If you are a gazelle, you live your daily life as always; and if you are alert you might not get eaten by a lion or a cheetah, but it helps to know what to look for and where in the bush they are likely to hide.

We were saying something more like "why not just not agree that lions and cheetahs can eat you? Believe their teeth are made out of squeeky toys and that their claws are balloon animals. If belief can change what's actually happening it should be that easy."

Do you mean "can't" eat you?
No, that would be a double negative.
why not just- proposing something to do
not agree - action, interchangeable with "disagree"
that (animals) can eat you? - condition of the action.

Theoretically, that is true. But you have to have a LOT of MIND power to cause yourself to believe those things in a shared reality where everyone disagrees with you on both a conscious and subconscious level.
So if everyone disagrees with you about aliens there are no aliens?

Try doing it in a dream first, the next time you are dreaming about a lion chasing you. Its not easy even in a dream.
I have a harder time having actual dreams than lucid dreaming. Basically every time I'm awake enough that I'd remember the dream I ursurp it as it's become really easy for me to recognize I'm dreaming.

I've never been chased by a lion in my dreams though. I dream about having to sit still while I'm having dental work done or watching meta-personalities (sort of people I know but exaggerated) doing random stuff.

The first thing you have to do is realize it is a dream, (This is lucid dreaming)
then you have to realize you can use your mind to alter the dream scape. Then you have to practice it. It takes a lot of visual concentration and mental energy to even do this in a dream.

If and when you are practiced at lucid dreaming and control of your lucid dreams, then you might want to begin practicing with this reality. After all, it too is a dream.
Most of the time if I've got a troublesome obstacle around in the dream I erase it and everything and then sit there wondering what I should do with the lucid dream. If I had them a little more often I'd probably remember things to try.


But in the analogy, I am comparing the lions and cheeta's to the "bad guys." And YES I do believe that they can't hurt me.
Well really before I ever started having lucid dreams nothing in the dreams could hurt me. I'd fall from helicopters many stories onto concrete and recognize that my legs were snapping and basically turning into processed hamburger but it was just kind of "dang, I liked that body. Oh well."

I thought you were supposed to wake up before you hit the ground in falling dreams but I guess I'm strange.

I guess that's why I have not been a victim of them, or why I have not been abducted by aliens. bigsmile I simply forbid it to happen.
Why not forbid it from happening to others? Seems like the until first abduction there aren't that many believers but they change their tune after.

*though as I've mentioned a lot if not all of the time it could just be sleep paralysis. People used to call it a demon but these days they call it aliens I guess.

no photo
Tue 01/05/10 06:19 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 01/05/10 06:20 AM
Well, let's go straight at it: tell me how the truth is different from belief.

The words mean different things. I'm sure you can look them up.

Let me ask you this, Is what you believe true? If it is not, and you find out will you change your belief?

Does the truth change?

Is truth a matter of perspective, actuality or belief? Is it subjective or objective?

It all depends what you are talking about, in what context and from who's perspective. The terms are very general.

I have completely changed my belief and my world view several times in my life after evaluating information. Does that change who I am? I don't think so. Beliefs change.

Does truth change? (That might depend on how you define truth.)

Is truth actual or a decision? (That itself is a decision you have to make.)

no photo
Tue 01/05/10 06:25 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 01/05/10 06:27 AM
I said "personal reality" which means how I choose to live my life. Where I live, what I do, what I believe, what I manifest, and even how I clean and paint my house.

"Personal reality" is not my "world view."

Sounds like preferences to me. I like cookie dough icecream but I don't think calling it my reality makes much sense.

What is meant by "personal reality" is what my(or your) personal life is like as a result of your decisions, intentions, attitudes and beliefs..

Do I live in a cardboard box or am I in prison? Am I married or single? How do I CHOOSE to live my life?

Yes your preferences and your decisions will mold your personal reality. You decide how you will live, what you will do, how you will react, what you will believe. That is YOUR personal reality.

You world view is something else.

no photo
Tue 01/05/10 06:35 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 01/05/10 06:54 AM
So if everyone disagrees with you about aliens there are no aliens?

I wish. laugh laugh

(But if everyone disagreed with me about aliens, I would probably never have accepted a belief in them in the first place.)

Seriously, I did not believe in aliens for a long time. I laughed at the idea and I avoided stories about them as a waste of time. But I was looking for answers and many of the mysteries I stumbled upon involved and eventually lead to the subject of aliens and I decided that my attitude about them was closed minded and bias against their existence and IF they did exist, I was avoiding and rejecting a truth.

So, I decided to examine all of the evidence that I kept finding. Mostly stories, sightings, and cattle mutilations. I also interviewed abductees etc.

So I became convinced that they (or something) exists. Whether you want to call them "aliens" or not is a personal preference. It is shorter than what they really are: "Non-human sentient life forms."

I just call the aliens. It's easier. bigsmile

no photo
Tue 01/05/10 06:46 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 01/05/10 06:53 AM
I guess that's why I have not been a victim of them, or why I have not been abducted by aliens. I simply forbid it to happen.

Why not forbid it from happening to others?

I do not have the power or authority to do that. I only have authority over my own life and experiences.

Seems like the until first abduction there aren't that many believers but they change their tune after.

*though as I've mentioned a lot if not all of the time it could just be sleep paralysis. People used to call it a demon but these days they call it aliens I guess.

"Sleep paralysis" is just a term that describes consciousness level 10. (A term invented by Robert Monroe, author of "Out of Body experiences and two other books.)

Sleep paralysis does not have to involve "aliens." (Non-human sentient life forms.) but sometimes it does.

Demons = Non-human sentient life forms
Angels = Non-human sentient life forms
Reptilians = Non human sentient life forms
Greys = Non human sentient life forms
Gods = Non human sentient life forms
Big foot = Non human sentient life form.
Draconian = Non human sentient life form.
(A draconian looks like a devil. They have horns, a tail and some even have wings.)

What ever you want to call them, what ever it is ... we are not alone.

I am sorry, I have no physical evidence to present on these things, which is the subject of this thread.

Shoku's photo
Tue 01/05/10 12:26 PM

Well, let's go straight at it: tell me how the truth is different from belief.

The words mean different things. I'm sure you can look them up.

Nothing I've found looking them up explains this thing you said
"to a single observer who believes in something 100%, to him or her, that is the truth."

Let me ask you this, Is what you believe true? If it is not, and you find out will you change your belief?

Does the truth change?

Is truth a matter of perspective, actuality or belief? Is it subjective or objective?
That's almost exactly what I want you to tell me. If you tell me that it would be close enough that I could tell what you mean by truth.

It all depends what you are talking about, in what context and from who's perspective. The terms are very general.

I have completely changed my belief and my world view several times in my life after evaluating information. Does that change who I am? I don't think so. Beliefs change.

Does truth change? (That might depend on how you define truth.)
Please tell me how you define truth already.

Is truth actual or a decision? (That itself is a decision you have to make.)
I've already said enough about what I think about truth but we really need to know what you mean by truth to have a coherent conversation.

Shoku's photo
Tue 01/05/10 12:28 PM

I said "personal reality" which means how I choose to live my life. Where I live, what I do, what I believe, what I manifest, and even how I clean and paint my house.

"Personal reality" is not my "world view."

Sounds like preferences to me. I like cookie dough icecream but I don't think calling it my reality makes much sense.

What is meant by "personal reality" is what my(or your) personal life is like as a result of your decisions, intentions, attitudes and beliefs..

Do I live in a cardboard box or am I in prison? Am I married or single? How do I CHOOSE to live my life?

Yes your preferences and your decisions will mold your personal reality. You decide how you will live, what you will do, how you will react, what you will believe. That is YOUR personal reality.

You world view is something else.

I still don't see why you use the word reality there. You're just describing your life.

Shoku's photo
Tue 01/05/10 12:31 PM

So if everyone disagrees with you about aliens there are no aliens?

I wish. laugh laugh

(But if everyone disagreed with me about aliens, I would probably never have accepted a belief in them in the first place.)

Seriously, I did not believe in aliens for a long time. I laughed at the idea and I avoided stories about them as a waste of time. But I was looking for answers and many of the mysteries I stumbled upon involved and eventually lead to the subject of aliens and I decided that my attitude about them was closed minded and bias against their existence and IF they did exist, I was avoiding and rejecting a truth.

So, I decided to examine all of the evidence that I kept finding. Mostly stories, sightings, and cattle mutilations. I also interviewed abductees etc.

So I became convinced that they (or something) exists. Whether you want to call them "aliens" or not is a personal preference. It is shorter than what they really are: "Non-human sentient life forms."

I just call the aliens. It's easier. bigsmile
I wasn't trying to make this a topic about if there are aliens are not. It's still supposed to be about the question of belief.

But now you've said enough. What people believe doesn't determine actuality, correct?

no photo
Tue 01/05/10 01:47 PM
But now you've said enough. What people believe doesn't determine actuality, correct?

Nobody knows what actuality is.

From our point of power and observation, I would say no, but that is my opinion. I can't be certain of that because nobody really knows what actuality is.