Topic: So...yr tellin' me...
Dict8's photo
Tue 12/08/09 12:20 PM
...we can't find a 6'4 terrorist with a ZZ top beard, a 20Million Dollar bounty on his head, AND on Dialisis? C'mon!:tongue:

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 12/08/09 12:25 PM
I was just reading a report that he is back in Afghanistan this morning

in all fairness he does have several hundred million dollars to help him hide

Dict8's photo
Tue 12/08/09 12:32 PM
Oh...yea. That helps I guess, huh?laugh :tongue:

RKISIT's photo
Tue 12/08/09 12:37 PM
i think he owns alot of convenient stores here in america and hides in the coolers in the stores when the heat is ondrinker

slykatt13's photo
Tue 12/08/09 12:39 PM

i think he owns alot of convenient stores here in america and hides in the coolers in the stores when the heat is ondrinker
hahaha i think your pretty sure i seen him

Dict8's photo
Tue 12/08/09 12:40 PM

i think he owns alot of convenient stores here in america and hides in the coolers in the stores when the heat is ondrinker
Well..I know most Muslims don't drink but I wouldn't blame him if he started. drinker :tongue:

Dict8's photo
Tue 12/08/09 12:52 PM
Oh...wait. He's kickin' it in Opium ground zero. My bad...:tongue: smokin