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Topic: Global Experiment To Manifest First Contact
Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 12/03/09 09:15 PM

You are invited to participate in a global experiment to manifest First
Contact with benevolent extraterrestrial races. The experiment is in
response to a request by extraterrestrials to give a `soul based' response
to the question, "Do You Wish That We Show Up?" <a
href=""></a> .

The global First Contact experiment is based on the concept of the 'Isaiah
Effect' popularized by the author Gregg Braden. The key idea in the 'Isaiah
Effect' is that by visualizing a desired event and fully immersing oneself
in positive emotions of the event as though it had occurred, a powerful
energetic impulse is created that helps manifest the desired event in the
concrete physical realm. The emotions of celebration, joy, love and
gratitude thus act as powerful engines for 'thought creation'.

Due to over 50 years of secrecy over the extraterrestrial presence, and the
tremendous damage done to human societies and the biosphere by the
suppression of extraterrestrial technologies, creation of 'black budgets',
and intimidation/silencing of officials/witnesses revealing the truth,
there is an urgent need to end all secrecy over the extraterrestrial
presence. Consequently, a world wide First Contact event where
extraterrestrials 'show up' is needed to bring openness, transparency,
truth and democratic decision-making to the way the extraterrestrial
presence is officially managed. The actual details of the Global First
Contact Experiment are as follows:

Visualization: Imagine luminous extraterrestrial ships suspended high over
every city of the planet for a period of seven days and nights. The ships
perform light displays that indicate universal greetings of peace, joy and
fraternity. Ships play natural sounds such as whale songs indicating
universal acknowledgment for cetaceans as an intelligent life form that
has long communicated with extraterrestrial races. The visualization should
be done in a way that elicits positive emotions such as joy, love and
celebration. The visualization can be modified in ways that best inspire
individuals to celebrate First Contact as a new era for humanity. The
visualization will be performed at 10 pm in every time zone thereby
creating an energetic wave of consciousness that sweeps around the planet.
The length of the visualization should be between 5-10 minutes.
Date &amp; Time: Sunday, December 21, at 10 pm (local time).

Results of the Experiment: You are invited to post any comments regarding
personal experience on the Yahoo forum prepare4contact or you can simply
email your comments to:

Etrain's photo
Thu 12/03/09 09:17 PM
surprised surprised surprised

Goofball73's photo
Thu 12/03/09 09:30 PM
I thought this was the title to a new porn film.grumble laugh

Shasta1's photo
Thu 12/03/09 09:37 PM
I really wonder about opening that can of worms when the planet is in the shape it is in. Wouldn't it be a tad bit more advisable to do that sort of thing with sending healing energy around the planet instead?
They'd probaly leave in a state of disgust on how capable but extremly stupid the human race is.....

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 12/03/09 09:40 PM

I really wonder about opening that can of worms when the planet is in the shape it is in. Wouldn't it be a tad bit more advisable to do that sort of thing with sending healing energy around the planet instead?
They'd probaly leave in a state of disgust on how capable but extremly stupid the human race is.....
I agree, we do need to be sending healing energy.
Some groups believe they are already quite aware how stupid we are..and that they are there here to help.

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 12/03/09 09:49 PM
too late, it would be 2nd contact. I have already contacted them, they are nice funny and lovable creatures.

Sorry for being a partypooper. :smile:

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 12/03/09 09:51 PM

too late, it would be 2nd contact. I have already contacted them, they are nice funny and lovable creatures.

Sorry for being a partypooper. :smile:

Most have not had any contact...your just special flowerforyou
No pooping on any parties

Shasta1's photo
Thu 12/03/09 09:52 PM

too late, it would be 2nd contact. I have already contacted them, they are nice funny and lovable creatures.

Sorry for being a partypooper. :smile:

They've been here all along.

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 12/03/09 09:53 PM

too late, it would be 2nd contact. I have already contacted them, they are nice funny and lovable creatures.

Sorry for being a partypooper. :smile:

Most have not had any contact...your just special flowerforyou
No pooping on any parties

Well, I got an need any hocus-pocus to be done, I can get them for ya..but first

I need your credit card number. :banana:

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 12/03/09 10:01 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Thu 12/03/09 10:01 PM

I really wonder about opening that can of worms when the planet is in the shape it is in. Wouldn't it be a tad bit more advisable to do that sort of thing with sending healing energy around the planet instead?
They'd probaly leave in a state of disgust on how capable but extremly stupid the human race is.....

Last year , all across the world, there was a movement and call for the sake of global peace and love. My friend told me, that a given hour, like 7 am (other places whatever time is that), everybody who can, make love to somebody. If millions upon million would have done it, they say, it would create a massive love energy impulse which would go around the globe like a giant tidal wave and instead of hate and war, people would feel more peaceful. I like these kind of experiments..regardless if they work or not. Every day should be like that, i just need partner first to "experiment" on it..testing testing testing....:wink:

Shasta1's photo
Thu 12/03/09 10:03 PM
Edited by Shasta1 on Thu 12/03/09 10:04 PM

I really wonder about opening that can of worms when the planet is in the shape it is in. Wouldn't it be a tad bit more advisable to do that sort of thing with sending healing energy around the planet instead?
They'd probaly leave in a state of disgust on how capable but extremly stupid the human race is.....

Last year , all across the world, there was a movement and call for the sake of global peace and love. My friend told me, that a given hour, like 7 am (other places whatever time is that), everybody who can, make love to somebody. If millions upon million would have done it, they say, it would create a massive love energy impulse which would go around the globe like a giant tidal wave and instead of hate and war, people would feel more peaceful. I like these kind of experiments..regardless if they work or not. Every day should be like that, i just need partner first to "experiment" on it..testing testing testing....:wink:

I know these things do work, one person alone can move things. I was commenting on how we need to heal ourselves first before we invite anyone over to our house :wink: .

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 12/03/09 10:05 PM

I really wonder about opening that can of worms when the planet is in the shape it is in. Wouldn't it be a tad bit more advisable to do that sort of thing with sending healing energy around the planet instead?
They'd probaly leave in a state of disgust on how capable but extremly stupid the human race is.....

Last year , all across the world, there was a movement and call for the sake of global peace and love. My friend told me, that a given hour, like 7 am (other places whatever time is that), everybody who can, make love to somebody. If millions upon million would have done it, they say, it would create a massive love energy impulse which would go around the globe like a giant tidal wave and instead of hate and war, people would feel more peaceful. I like these kind of experiments..regardless if they work or not. Every day should be like that, i just need partner first to "experiment" on it..testing testing testing....:wink:

There was also the Sacred Geometry gathering in Yellowstone Park for the summer solstice... we did a mini version in Salt lake city with about 35 of us...
If millions upon millions would..we could.
And I will offer myself up for the experiment..I would do that for the higher good of all of mankind, that's just how I roll.
:wink: flowerforyou

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 12/03/09 10:30 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Thu 12/03/09 10:30 PM

And I will offer myself up for the experiment..I would do that for the higher good of all of mankind, that's just how I roll.
:wink: flowerforyou

I'm on the other hand wouldn't be saddened if it wouldn't work...that means it wasn't done correctly or long enough or wasnt passionate enough...:banana:

Practice makes perfect..bigsmile

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 12/03/09 10:33 PM

You are invited to participate in a global experiment to manifest First
Contact with benevolent extraterrestrial races. The experiment is in
response to a request by extraterrestrials to give a `soul based' response
to the question, "Do You Wish That We Show Up?" <a
href=""></a> .

The global First Contact experiment is based on the concept of the 'Isaiah
Effect' popularized by the author Gregg Braden. The key idea in the 'Isaiah
Effect' is that by visualizing a desired event and fully immersing oneself
in positive emotions of the event as though it had occurred, a powerful
energetic impulse is created that helps manifest the desired event in the
concrete physical realm. The emotions of celebration, joy, love and
gratitude thus act as powerful engines for 'thought creation'.

Due to over 50 years of secrecy over the extraterrestrial presence, and the
tremendous damage done to human societies and the biosphere by the
suppression of extraterrestrial technologies, creation of 'black budgets',
and intimidation/silencing of officials/witnesses revealing the truth,
there is an urgent need to end all secrecy over the extraterrestrial
presence. Consequently, a world wide First Contact event where
extraterrestrials 'show up' is needed to bring openness, transparency,
truth and democratic decision-making to the way the extraterrestrial
presence is officially managed. The actual details of the Global First
Contact Experiment are as follows:

Visualization: Imagine luminous extraterrestrial ships suspended high over
every city of the planet for a period of seven days and nights. The ships
perform light displays that indicate universal greetings of peace, joy and
fraternity. Ships play natural sounds such as whale songs indicating
universal acknowledgment for cetaceans as an intelligent life form that
has long communicated with extraterrestrial races. The visualization should
be done in a way that elicits positive emotions such as joy, love and
celebration. The visualization can be modified in ways that best inspire
individuals to celebrate First Contact as a new era for humanity. The
visualization will be performed at 10 pm in every time zone thereby
creating an energetic wave of consciousness that sweeps around the planet.
The length of the visualization should be between 5-10 minutes.
Date &amp; Time: Sunday, December 21, at 10 pm (local time).

Results of the Experiment: You are invited to post any comments regarding
personal experience on the Yahoo forum prepare4contact or you can simply
email your comments to:

drinker I am willing to participate.bigsmile Some of us have already made first contactflowerforyou

no photo
Thu 12/03/09 10:35 PM
Don't drink the kool-aid?

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 12/03/09 10:37 PM

Don't drink the kool-aid?

k..thanks for the advise and concern flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 12/03/09 10:41 PM
:heart: Lightbeings in human form:heart:

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 12/03/09 10:51 PM

:heart: Lightbeings in human form:heart:

Star Seed...Star Bourne :heart: flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 12/04/09 12:58 PM

:heart: Lightbeings in human form:heart:

Star Seed...Star Bourne :heart: flowerforyou
bigsmile yesflowers

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 12/04/09 03:40 PM

:heart: Lightbeings in human form:heart:

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