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Topic: Go for it or stand down?
Vietscouty's photo
Sat 11/28/09 09:29 PM
I met this one girl on myspace. I was looking for someone around my age group, just about a year younger or older than me. I had ask her just to go out for some coffee just to get to know each other and all. Good thing was, she attends a military academy, so therefore what goes through my mind is "I always wanted someone who can relate to me and I can relate to her", and another thing she's cute. I continue to fight constantly with the reminders of what my friends and family embedded into my head, and yes, she's white so its a constant battle, mentally. The girl is physically fit and of course you had to be if you're part of the academy, right? After reading some of the mingle members have posted in response or emails, I'm going to take your advice into effect and hopefully it turns out well. And I'm taking it really slow and easy...still scared of the past relationships. LOL!

Totage's photo
Sat 11/28/09 10:04 PM
I have a bad feeling. A huge red flag is that you met her on my space, keep that in mind. :tongue:

Sounds good really. I hope it works out for you two.

wux's photo
Sat 11/28/09 10:13 PM
What is myspace?

Totage's photo
Sat 11/28/09 10:16 PM

What is myspace?

A social web site, similar to Mingle, but not a dating site, it's more general. It's one of the most popular ones, especially for spammers/scammers, teens, etc.

no photo
Sat 11/28/09 10:27 PM

I met this one girl on myspace. I was looking for someone around my age group, just about a year younger or older than me. I had ask her just to go out for some coffee just to get to know each other and all. Good thing was, she attends a military academy, so therefore what goes through my mind is "I always wanted someone who can relate to me and I can relate to her", and another thing she's cute. I continue to fight constantly with the reminders of what my friends and family embedded into my head, and yes, she's white so its a constant battle, mentally. The girl is physically fit and of course you had to be if you're part of the academy, right? After reading some of the mingle members have posted in response or emails, I'm going to take your advice into effect and hopefully it turns out well. And I'm taking it really slow and easy...still scared of the past relationships. LOL!

If she's not familiar with your culture, make sure you fill her in. If she's not comfortable being what you want her to be in the relationship, move on. Good luck to you.

Vietscouty's photo
Sat 11/28/09 10:29 PM

I have a bad feeling. A huge red flag is that you met her on my space, keep that in mind. :tongue:

Sounds good really. I hope it works out for you two.

Ok, I'll keep that in mind.

Vietscouty's photo
Sat 11/28/09 10:31 PM

If she's not familiar with your culture, make sure you fill her in. If she's not comfortable being what you want her to be in the relationship, move on. Good luck to you.

I'll be sure to fill her in. But if she's not the type then her and I can still be good friends.

no photo
Sat 11/28/09 10:35 PM

If she's not familiar with your culture, make sure you fill her in. If she's not comfortable being what you want her to be in the relationship, move on. Good luck to you.

I'll be sure to fill her in. But if she's not the type then her and I can still be good friends.

Exactly, now you're getting it!drinker

wux's photo
Sat 11/28/09 10:38 PM

I'll be sure to fill her in. But if she's not the type then her and I can still be good friends.

I'm sure you'll make it sure. Each guy dates a new gal ultimately in order to fill her in.

That's "she and I" or "her and me" or "we" or "two dozen red roses".

wux's photo
Sat 11/28/09 10:39 PM
Edited by wux on Sat 11/28/09 10:40 PM

What is myspace?

A social web site, similar to Mingle, but not a dating site, it's more general. It's one of the most popular ones, especially for spammers/scammers, teens, etc.

Thanks. What about the other one -- MyFace or something. I can't remember if that's a social site or a dating club. I know a couple who belongs, they're married, but if it's for daters, how can that be?

no photo
Sat 11/28/09 10:39 PM
Please tell me this is like a date thing and not a long term thought? noway

Vietscouty's photo
Sat 11/28/09 10:46 PM
Myspace is a social networking site not a dating site. And the other one is Facebook. I'm on those sites just to keep in touch with old friends and family.

no photo
Sat 11/28/09 10:47 PM

What is myspace?

A social web site, similar to Mingle, but not a dating site, it's more general. It's one of the most popular ones, especially for spammers/scammers, teens, etc.

Thanks. What about the other one -- MyFace or something. I can't remember if that's a social site or a dating club. I know a couple who belongs, they're married, but if it's for daters, how can that be?

If you mean Facebook, it's not a dating site either, it's a social networking site where you can keep up with what friends/family are doing.

michiganman3's photo
Sun 11/29/09 05:43 AM
Met for a cup of coffee and conversation, it's a good idea.

It is just a meet and greet kind of thing.

No expectations, no worries.

no photo
Sun 11/29/09 06:36 AM
Awwwwwwww, why would you not go? I've met some of my best new friends (locally) on websites such as that. There really is no good reason not to, unless it's the culture thing. Life is short, go have fun!!

krupa's photo
Sun 11/29/09 06:40 AM
Lock and load trooper! You gotta storm the foxholes on that beach. Hit it with grit and determination in the withering cover fire just like the Polacks storming the beaches of Poland on D-Day.

no photo
Sun 11/29/09 07:43 AM

I met this one girl on myspace. I was looking for someone around my age group, just about a year younger or older than me. I had ask her just to go out for some coffee just to get to know each other and all. Good thing was, she attends a military academy, so therefore what goes through my mind is "I always wanted someone who can relate to me and I can relate to her", and another thing she's cute. I continue to fight constantly with the reminders of what my friends and family embedded into my head, and yes, she's white so its a constant battle, mentally. The girl is physically fit and of course you had to be if you're part of the academy, right? After reading some of the mingle members have posted in response or emails, I'm going to take your advice into effect and hopefully it turns out well. And I'm taking it really slow and easy...still scared of the past relationships. LOL!

I don't see any reason why you shouldn't go for it. Don't let past relationships get in the way.

catseyes1's photo
Sun 11/29/09 07:52 AM

I met this one girl on myspace. I was looking for someone around my age group, just about a year younger or older than me. I had ask her just to go out for some coffee just to get to know each other and all. Good thing was, she attends a military academy, so therefore what goes through my mind is "I always wanted someone who can relate to me and I can relate to her", and another thing she's cute. I continue to fight constantly with the reminders of what my friends and family embedded into my head, and yes, she's white so its a constant battle, mentally. The girl is physically fit and of course you had to be if you're part of the academy, right? After reading some of the mingle members have posted in response or emails, I'm going to take your advice into effect and hopefully it turns out well. And I'm taking it really slow and easy...still scared of the past relationships. LOL!

Hey if you like this girl, don't think about the past think about the present and the future. Good Luck.

Totage's photo
Sun 11/29/09 04:35 PM

What is myspace?

A social web site, similar to Mingle, but not a dating site, it's more general. It's one of the most popular ones, especially for spammers/scammers, teens, etc.

Thanks. What about the other one -- MyFace or something. I can't remember if that's a social site or a dating club. I know a couple who belongs, they're married, but if it's for daters, how can that be?

Facebook is another social site, it was actually created by someone looking for an old girlfriends or something. It was uspposed to be more to find old school friends and keep in contact with them, but I think it's turned into something more like Myspace. I don't use either one though.

wux's photo
Mon 11/30/09 06:31 PM
Edited by wux on Mon 11/30/09 06:40 PM
Thanks: Totage, Calleigh and Viet Kong for the face-up on face-book.

Totage, you ain't the only black cat on this threat. there is one just above you. that cat's hair is shinier -- probably feeds Iams.

There is an even better catfood than Iams, and it's healthier and three times as expensive. I fed my two black cats that. It's dry food, and they ate it, though it contains 1/600 of the ash the popular brands have. My cats died in perfect health! Shiny, loving, and they (especially the female) loved everyone who came to the house. I kept them as indoor beasts. They were Gypsy and Jetty, and they knew and responded to their names. If I screamed the name of one because they were feeding at the same time from the same bowl (which they were not supposed to do -- I had food out for them in separate bowls, in separate places in the house), then the one whose name I screamed would jump, the other continued as if nothing happened.

Gypsy would jump up at night to the dresser as I was undressing (people, try to erase this last bit from your fields of vision -- I'm short and fat) and she'd purr and I would stand there, half naked, patting and petting her, and I kept calling her "a piece of warm life". It means more than what it sounds in English, in the language I spoke to them in, in Hungarian, in our language.

Then when I read, in bed, Gypsy would lie in the little yard of the reading lamp on the sheet beside the pillow, and just veg there. Not lying in sleep, not purring, just meditating at the end of the day.

Jetty... but enough of my cats.

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