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Topic: studying and medical transcriptioning
bellameetsbeau's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:27 PM
so is anyone a medical transcriptionist? if so is the actual work part
as all the studying i'm having to do and all the terms i'm having to
it is driving me crazy. i mean i understand i need to know how to do my
job but my head is starting to hurt. is it possible to fill your brain
with too much information?

davinci1952's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:29 PM
my brain is full and look at me...just fine...

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:30 PM
The stuff you don't need will make room for that you use most when
you're actually doing the job. I've been doing this work for 20 years.
Plus you never stop learning on the job too.

no photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:30 PM
I'm a software engineer for a Medical Transcription company.

bellameetsbeau's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:31 PM
thank God! because i'm getting burned out on it. like i'm only half way
done with my classes and stuff but i'm already tired of it. and i dont
want that. but i need something because i dont know what i want to do
with my life right now but i know i want something better than working
at IHOP.

good to know davinci. ty.

bellameetsbeau's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:32 PM
do u like it spider?

no photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:33 PM
It's a job. I used to have more fun at work, now I don't get any
interesting projects to work on. I guess MTing is good work, if you can
do it well. All of our MTs are in India though.

Marie55's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:34 PM
I have been doing it for about 27 years. It is a job where you learn
new things every day, always new drugs coming out, new procedures, etc.

I taught myself with a medical dictionary and a typewriter in a really
small hospital and looked up the words as I went, repeitition was how I
learned, didn't take any courses. A course would have been easier I am

But as Diff said, you will use what you need to know over and over and
learn the new things and the rest will be filed away for future
reference. I am sure it is overwhelming until you actually get into the
work. The worst part is the doctors with the foreign accents. The rest
is actually interesting, but trying to decipher somebody with a heavy
accent can drive you crazy. Good luck.

bellameetsbeau's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:34 PM
yeah well i dont plan on going to india. but i do love to type and i
live near dallas so i have plenty of doctors to possible work with.

bellameetsbeau's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:36 PM
thank you marie. i dont think accents bother me too much. i have petite
mal seizures and all but one of my doctors for the past 10 years have
been foreign. now i have one from russia.

Marie55's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:36 PM
Yeah Spider, companies in India are trying to take over as much of our
work as they can, just like the customer service for the big computer
companies, etc. Really frustrating.

no photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:38 PM
We're an American company, but we use Indian transcriptionists. We do
have American QAs though.

Marie55's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:38 PM
One thing that is now hot is the voice activated software, some of the
doctors are using it, talking into the computer and the computer types
what it hears him say, and the transcriptionists are being trained to
proof the doctors work, by listening to his dictation and proofing what
the computer typed and make corrections, pays about half of what the
typing the original transcription does, but they "say" you should be
able to get about twice the amount done in the same time. I haven't
tried it yet though.

bellameetsbeau's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:42 PM
yeah. we are suppose to be learning a little bit about that in a couple
weeks. i'm actually kinda excited about that though. it seems cool.

no photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:44 PM
I know that Dictaphone has a suite that does that. It seems like you
would need better quality MTs, because they are essentially QAing for a
very easlily confused MT.

Marie55's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:49 PM
My 2nd job is for a nationwide company and they offered the training to
anyone who wanted it, I didn't ask for it because I have enough on my
plate right now. They make their doctors take training on it and become
certified to use it, have to be good speakers apparently.

I have talked to someone who works for the same company who does it, she
says it is okay, but is a lot slower than they claimed, no way they are
doing twice the amount of what they would make typing, and she lost
money over what she would have made typing.

Marie55's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:50 PM
Some of us old timer MTs are less easily confused.

bellameetsbeau's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:51 PM
yeah. i was told you have to proof read your work more. wouldnt that
take up time? esp. if you are like me and have to do it backwords and go
soooooooooooo very slow.

Marie55's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:56 PM
You do have to proof your work, but after all these years I have gotten
pretty good at reading what I type while I type it and listening, so I
don't actually go back and relisten to the dication and proof it and I
seem to be okay at it, have been told I do good quality work. Just a
skill I developed over the years.

I do know of some who do go back and relisten and proof their reports.
Have to do what makes you comfortable and accurate. Once you get more
practice and comfortable with it, you may be able to develop a similar
skill and not have to relisten to each report.

bellameetsbeau's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:58 PM
that would be awesome. because i can type quickly and for the most part
accurately, but i am new to this so ya.

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