Topic: The hunting accident
GolfBear's photo
Tue 06/05/07 05:54 PM
A billionarie who loves to hunt in exotic places all over the world,
finally finds the woman of hie dreams and is going to marry her.

After he has purposed to her, he realizes that all his long far away
hunts are going to have to end. So he arrangs one last amazing hunt in
the depths of africa.

During his final hunt, a freak accident causes his penis to get shot
off. While in the doctors office he realizes that he can't go back to
his new bride not being able to satisfy her. While talking to the doctor
he finds out about a eurologist who does this amazing precedure with
baby elephant trunks.

Being a billionarie, money was of no concern, and he went to the
eurologist and had the precedure done.

Once back home to his wife to be, he had to break the news to her. While
shocked and a little horrified at first, she quickly started to love the
idea of this trunk. It was so active, always up and around, which made
for climactic sex all the time.

Between there "marathons" the couple finaly gets everything ready for
the wedding. At the reheresal dinner, all of both sides of there familys
are there. Everyone wishing them well and happy as can be.

His wife however had other things on her mind, not to mention in her
hands. She just couldn't get enough of this thing and had it out under
the table, playing with it.

Now dinner starts to come around and everybodies dishing up.
Appatizers, salads, meats, wines, everything you can imagine.
The billionarie starts loading his plate up with all this wonderful
food, trying to pay no attention to the happenings below his plate. When
a plate of baked potatoes comes by and it happens....The little trunk
pokes up from under the table, snatchs a baked potatoe, and darts back
under the table cloth.

You could've heard a pin drop in that dinning hall. Every single person
staring down at the couple. When the mother to be staring at him in
astounishment says, "I can't believe what i just saw, could you do that

The billionarie looks over at her half grimaceing, half smiling and
says, "I'd love to, but i don't think i have room in my ass for another
baked potatote."

no photo
Tue 06/05/07 05:59 PM
cool joke

no photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:49 PM
hilairious LOL

GolfBear's photo
Tue 06/05/07 07:25 PM
This ones funnybigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

GolfBear's photo
Tue 06/05/07 07:42 PM
A man jogging down the street see this beautiful blonde getting out of
her car and popping the hood. he thinks nothing of it when he sees her
get back in, and keeps jogging.
but then she gets right back out again and opens the hood again.
So he stops and is going to help her when see closes the hood and gets
back in. as she opens the door for the third time the man walks over and
asks her whats wrong, She says " it keeps saying check engine, but i
don't know what for"