Topic: can't get right
skanktricil's photo
Wed 11/25/09 12:37 AM
hate my life, can't get a job, sad, depressed, no friends, no hope. any ideas? i'm fresh out of drugs and rum. what should i do?

no photo
Wed 11/25/09 12:41 AM
Consider the fact that there are people far worse off than you. No matter how bad your situation, someone has it worse. If you look at life from that perspective, and appreciate the good things in life, no matter how minuscule, you will feel better and things will open up for you.

Btw, drinking never solves anything- it leaves you broke, disoriented and when you come back from being "high" you have the same problems you started with.

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 11/25/09 12:46 AM

Consider the fact that there are people far worse off than you. No matter how bad your situation, someone has it worse. If you look at life from that perspective, and appreciate the good things in life, no matter how minuscule, you will feel better and things will open up for you.

Btw, drinking never solves anything- it leaves you broke, disoriented and when you come back from being "high" you have the same problems you started with.

yep, Calleigh pretty much said it there for ya. Many are having a difficult time right now..your not alone. And as bad as it seems, there is ALWAYS one who has it worse. Keep your chin up and try to stay positive...expect something good to happen, stay pro-active and something will come along. Life has a way of working itself out.

skanktricil's photo
Wed 11/25/09 12:50 AM
i am thankful i have a mother that doesn't want me in her house but allows me to sleep here anyway because i have nowhere else to go.

i could possibly go commit a felony and try to get arrested then i'd have a place to go and i wouldn't be a burden to my mother anymore, the state would be responsible for me... only i hate brushing my teeth with mint flavored baking soda every other week for maybe 2 - 3 days tops. they are stingy with that stuff. for the amount you get u'd think it was saffron costing somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 dollars or more an ounce. cos i know if i go to prison nobody will put money on my books and i'll only get to brush my teeth with more than just toothbrush for maybe like i said 2 or 3 days every couple of weeks, or maybe just the once a month. i dunno, they might have only passed that stuff out once a month. i don't remember. i'd have to commit a crime too. i'm not very good at all that. i mean i am a criminal and all but not a good one. so i might screw it up and do something i didn't mean to.

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 11/25/09 01:04 AM

hate my life, can't get a job, sad, depressed, no friends, no hope. any ideas? i'm fresh out of drugs and rum. what should i do?

Quit drinking? That alone should give your body/mind a jump in the right direction, can't continously drink depressants and decide that you suddenly want to be happy...that is a double negative.

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 11/25/09 01:11 AM

hate my life, can't get a job, sad, depressed, no friends, no hope. any ideas? i'm fresh out of drugs and rum. what should i do?

Quit drinking? That alone should give your body/mind a jump in the right direction, can't continously drink depressants and decide that you suddenly want to be happy...that is a double negative.

True that...just makes it worse. Broke, yet spending what little you have to drink and make your self feel worse. I would think stopping drinking would be easier than intentionally committing a crime so you can go to jail...and the toothpaste being the concern that would stop you from it....
Try sitting still and breathing, try to relax, clear your head some. A head full of booze isn't going to give you much clarity.

Good Luck to ya..hope things star looking up for ya.

skanktricil's photo
Wed 11/25/09 02:07 AM
hahahaha, i hardly ever drink! i don't spend any money because i have none. i was simply saying that in the event someone were to suggest i have a drink. rum is the only type of liquor i drink, and the only rum i drink is imported from venezuela. drank it all being upset about this one girl already so i have none left.

ladylid... i wish i really really wish i could just sit still and breathe and relax. somedays i manage... with a little help. other days i struggle. most days i should say. i hope i manage to get right for thanksgiving, i'd hate to not be able to try to enjoy my most favorite holiday. ennywei, i wish everyone reading a very happy thanksgiving and all the peace and happiness to which they are entitled. may you enjoy the company of those you love on this special day. cheers.
