Topic: Natural Home Made Beauty Recipes
whispertoascream's photo
Tue 06/05/07 12:45 PM
I came across these recipes a couple of months ago and have tried a
couple of them and they work GREAT! Thought I would share them with all
the ladies (or men) out here.


Strawberry Cleanser

Strawberries make an excellent mild
cleanser for all skin types. They have a
neutral pH close to that of your skin's pH
level (you want to keep your pH neutral
to avoid dryness). Strawberries also provide
high doses of vitamins A and C, antioxidants
that help ward off cell-damaging free
radicals. If you can't find fresh strawberries,
substitute thawed frozen whole ones. (Make
sure there's no added sugar.)

6 whole strawberries, rinsed
2 tablespoons almond oil
3 tablespoons witch hazel

Place all ingredients in a blender or food
processor and blend until smooth. Store
in a jar with a lid in the refrigerator.

Place a small amount in your hand
and massage gently into your skin. Rinse
well with tepid water and pat dry.

Note: If you have oily skin, you may
want to reduce the amount of oil in this
recipe by half.

Cleansing Milk
39 cents

In this gentle dry-skin formula, the yogurt
and oil help cleanse and moisturize and
the lemon juice maintains your skin's
neutral pH level (a disrupted pH balance
makes your skin dry and taut).

1/2 cup plain yogurt
1 tablespoon sunflower oil or
any light vegetable oil
1 1/2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice

Mix together all
ingredients. Store
in a bottle in the

To wash your
face, pour a small
amount into your
hand and massage
gently into
your skin. Rinse well
with tepid water and
pat dry.

Grapefruit Cleanser

This recipe suits oily skin best because the
grapefruit juice makes it mildly astringent
(astringency removes excess oil). You may
use any citrus fruit in place of the grapefruit.
Borax powder is a natural cleanser
available in the laundry section of natural
food stores and some drug stores.

Peel from one grapefruit,
torn into pieces
1/2 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons fresh
grapefruit juice
1/2 teaspoon borax powder

Mix all the ingredients together in a
microwave-safe bowl. Heat in the
microwave on high for 2 minutes or
until very hot but not boiling.

Let the mixture cool completely. Pour
it through a strainer to remove the grapefruit
peel. Store in an airtight container.

Place a small amount in your hand
and massage gently into your skin.
Rinse well with tepid water and pat your
face dry.

Green Tea Skin Toner
32 cents

Toners lift dirt, oils, or dead skin cells that
cleansers leave behind. The green tea in
this recipe tightens pores and calms skin,
and it contains strong antioxidant
substances that may fight signs of aging.
This product works for all skin types and
especially soothes aggravated or sunburned
skin. Apply it before a moisturizer.

1/2 cup pure spring water or
distilled water
2 teaspoons green tea leaves
or 1 bag green tea

Bring the water to a boil. Place the tea
leaves or tea bag in a clean glass or
ceramic bowl. Pour the boiling water
over the leaves or bag and allow to steep
for 2 to 3 minutes.
Strain the green
tea into a bottle
and allow it to

Apply it to
cleansed skin
with cotton or gauze. Do not rinse.
Original Greek Cold Cream

The Greek physician Galen developed
cold cream during the second century. The
combination of oil, wax, and borax (a mild
cleanser) means that cold cream both
cleanses and, if you leave it on, moisturizes.
Most cold creams contain mineral
oil; I prefer this recipe because the olive
oil seems to penetrate my skin better.
Borax powder is available in the laundry
section of natural food stores and some
drug stores. This recipe is for all skin types.

1/8 teaspoon borax powder
1/4 cup distilled water
1/2 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons grated beeswax
1 teaspoon rose water

Dissolve the borax in the water in a glass
measuring cup and set aside.

Mix together the oil and beeswax in
another glass measuring cup. Place the
glass cup in a saucepan filled with 1 to
2 inches of water. Heat saucepan over
medium heat until the beeswax is
melted (8 to 10 minutes), stirring occasionally.
Remove from heat.

When the beeswax is melted, place
the borax-water mixture in the microwave
and heat on high for 1 minute, or until boiling.
Remove the measuring cup containing
the wax mixture from the water bath, and
slowly add the borax-water mixture to it, stirring
briskly. (You can also put both mixtures
in a blender and whip to get a lighter texture.)
As the mixture cools, add the rose
water and stir well. Pour the cream into a
container with a lid. It will thicken as it cools.

Massage a small amount into your skin
and wipe off with a tissue or rinse off with
warm water. Or leave it on to relieve dry skin.

Sublime Sunflower Scrub
33 cents

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E oil,
which may protect skin tissues from breaking
down. Because the seeds can slough off dead
skin cells, they also make an excellent facial
scrub for all skin types. (You can also use this
scrub on your body.) Use once or twice
weekly for incredibly smooth skin.

1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds
with no shells
Distilled water for mixing

In a food processor or clean coffee grinder,
process the raw seeds until you have a
powder that resembles coarse sugar. Store
in a container with a lid.

When you want to use the scrub, mix 1
tablespoon of the ground sunflower seeds
with a few teaspoons of distilled water to
create a paste. You can do this in the palm
of your hand or in a small ceramic bowl.
Massage this mixture onto your face and
neck and rinse well with warm water followed
by cool water. Pat your skin dry with
a soft towel.

Pina Colada Mask

This tropical mask will give your complexion
a healthy glow. Bromelain, an enzyme in fresh
pineapple, removes dead skin cells and other
surface impurities. All skin types can use this
mask. Use once or twice weekly.

1/4 cup chopped
fresh pineapple
tablespoon coconut milk

Place ingredients in a blender or food
processor and blend until smooth.

Spread the mixture in a thin layer over
clean skin. Leave on for 5 or 10 minutes
and then rinse well with warm water. Pat
your skin dry with a soft towel.

rivergirl301's photo
Tue 06/05/07 12:47 PM
Good salt scrub:
1 cup sea salt, 1 cup olive oil. Mix. Apply to wet skin in shower and
rinse off. Don't leave the tub all slippery!

whispertoascream's photo
Tue 06/05/07 12:51 PM
Thank you for your addition.

lma's photo
Tue 06/05/07 01:32 PM
These are great... can't wait to try 'em.