Topic: Hold Tight To Those Dreams
trublu5ft2's photo
Mon 11/23/09 04:57 PM
They say you can't miss what you have never had. I wonder about that sometimes. My oldest son called me last night to say he just found out his dad died 3 months ago. You have to understand that my son had never seen his dad and only talked to him on the phone only once. That is a story within itself. son mourns for something that he never had. I think that what he is mourning.. is not the man.. but the dream of meeting him face to face one day and get the answers he so desperately needed and deserved. Now that dream is lost forever. I do not know how to console him. I have been honest with him about his dad and that was all I could do for him. Sometimes... it is just the clinging to a dream that keeps us in the hands of hope.
Let us cling to dreams when nothing else will do.. and let those dreams carry us as far as the possibly can... for without those dreams... we lose a piece of ourselves. I love you Clay!


Abracadabra's photo
Mon 11/23/09 10:42 PM
They say you can't miss what you have never had.

Whoever "they" are, I can assure you that they are not wise people. :wink:

Yes, you can definitely miss what you've never had. flowerforyou

Nice write, by the way. flowers