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Topic: IndnPrncs Hotel/Bar - part 90
myssfytz's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:01 PM

Well let me know if I can help in any way... I hope you have a wonderful time with the family....

I haven't started shopping yet.. For me there is something about Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving, I just can't do it... I have his looooooonnnnnnnnnnnng list though.... laugh

Know anyone in the justice system down here ??? LOL

I will, my 5 yr old neice is a real pistol, full of energy but cute as a button.

Wish I could have all my neices and my nephew all in one place for a week at least.THAT would make my year, let alone Christmas.

Ive only bought one item so far, something I have to send away.Other than that, no much to buy.Except I keep seeing things I want !!!

Im sure he's got tons of eletronics on there huh ???

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:07 PM
Wouldn't that be nice? I miss the nieces and nephews that live far away...

Hmmm I don't believe I do... If I think of someone I'll let you know for sure...

Oh I am so bad, I see things all the time.. I stay away from the malls and stores b/c I'm a shopaholic.... lol...

He has most everything electronic a kid could want so he mostly has ps3 games on his list which I have an issue spending $60 per game for him to beat them within a week and then trade them in for 1/2 of what I've paid.. Still finding my work around for this... lol

myssfytz's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:15 PM

Wouldn't that be nice? I miss the nieces and nephews that live far away...

Hmmm I don't believe I do... If I think of someone I'll let you know for sure...

Oh I am so bad, I see things all the time.. I stay away from the malls and stores b/c I'm a shopaholic.... lol...

He has most everything electronic a kid could want so he mostly has ps3 games on his list which I have an issue spending $60 per game for him to beat them within a week and then trade them in for 1/2 of what I've paid.. Still finding my work around for this... lol

Yeah, for me, the little ones make Christmas the best.Seeing them sooo excited and full of love n laughter.

Or a hitman ??? LOL I'll take either please !!!

Hmm, that is tough.Can you get the games used perhaps so you dont lose so much money ???

Ive been wanting a new comforter set for the longest time now.I went to Anna's Linens down here, not sure if theyre everywhere or not, and saw a 7 pc set I really really want.Im gettin it king sized cause I want the comforter larger than my bed(queen) cause I get all entangled in it and wrap up tight in them.LOL It comes with a comforter,2 shams,a skirt, and I think 2 decor pillows...something to that effect at least.
It's normally $69.99 but on sale now for $49.99.Its a steal for how nice it is and I LOVE it.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:19 PM
Little one's are so adorable.. I miss having little one's in some ways... lol...

We have Anna's here.. I love that place... Great deals for a fraction of what Macy's etc would charge... I got a beautiful set taht was 1/2 price from $150 to $75, I just love it.. My dog ate my other one... lol...

Um hit men not so much lol... but hey it's the internet you never know... laugh j/k...

Updawg's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:21 PM
Hey ladies

Im taking my neice and daughter shopping on Weds. Im struggling really bad this year for my daughters gifts.

myssfytz's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:22 PM
Isnt someone in your fmaily having a lyl one soon ??? Or just had one ???

Exactly.Theyre prices are amazing.Esp right now too.


I cant get a REALLY REALLY nice one cause my cats will kinda claw at it and ruin it.But this one is nice.

<<<<<<<<<<< See it ??? I LOVE IT !!!

LOL Nahhh....I could never do soemthing like that for real.Never live with myself.LOL

Any hot dates lately ???

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:24 PM
Updawg, hows the day?

Struggling? She's 6 right? Aren't there all things 6 yr olds want? I'm out of the loop these days if it's not a ps3 or wii... lol

Oh Mys, I forgot the games you can get used but I think the newest are harder if not impossible to get used...

myssfytz's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:29 PM
Hiya Up...

Dont they like Hannah Montana or Tinker Bell stuff now ???

Maybe a pet hamster ???

Princess, not into the whole gaming thing so I dont know what ya can get or not.You're probably best not listening to me on that point.LOL

Maybe try Movie Stop/Game Stop store ??? Who knows ???!!!

My 5 yr old down in Miami wants some kind of mind game thing...but its like $69.00 my mom told me.Lyl one is NUTS if she thinks shes gettin THAT for Xmas !!! LOL

myssfytz's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:29 PM
P......Do ya like the set Ive got as my display pic ???

Updawg's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:30 PM
One would think, but a 6 year old girl is hard...almost out of barbie stage, way past dolls and kitchen...That leaves what?

I hate to get her started on the video games...but maybe

myssfytz's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:32 PM
Is she into arts and crafts at all ???

Updawg's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:32 PM
Its pretty, I had a group of ladies friends making fun of my bed set. They took pics and were posted it on fb and the hunting site. They said it was too pretty.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:33 PM
Yeah the games are about $60 a piece for the ps3.. We go to gamestop but I'm thinking of getting him gamefly it works like netflix, at least I'm paying to rent rather than buy and be stuck with or get 1/2 price for.. lol..

Um no dates let alone hot one's... laugh

Oh Updawg, the time I would have finding things.. One of my favorite things was to go into Toys R Us and shop.. Of course it detrimental b/c I had to buy just about everything but I think I had as much fun trying out and playing with the toys as kids do... I think I might be quite embarassing to take into a toy store... blushing

myssfytz's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:35 PM

Its pretty, I had a group of ladies friends making fun of my bed set. They took pics and were posted it on fb and the hunting site. They said it was too pretty.

Thanks !!!

And what design WAS it that they made that much fun of it ??? Camouflage or hunting design Im assuming ???

My bedroom is just a bedroom right now, but I want it to be a place of serenity and peace.Been a long time coming for me to do this.And it helps I love this set and its not too expensive either.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:38 PM
It's very nice Mys... Mine is kinda girly, it's brown and powder blue sort of the royal crest design satin and embroider kind of thing..

myssfytz's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:40 PM

Yeah the games are about $60 a piece for the ps3.. We go to gamestop but I'm thinking of getting him gamefly it works like netflix, at least I'm paying to rent rather than buy and be stuck with or get 1/2 price for.. lol..

Um no dates let alone hot one's... laugh

Oh Updawg, the time I would have finding things.. One of my favorite things was to go into Toys R Us and shop.. Of course it detrimental b/c I had to buy just about everything but I think I had as much fun trying out and playing with the toys as kids do... I think I might be quite embarassing to take into a toy store... blushing

Thats a great idea !!! Rent Rent Rent !!!

For me, not really actively "looking" for a man.If he comes along naturally, great, but not gonna go searching.Although I dont care to spend holidays alone either.But I am happy being me.

Up....perhaps a kids digital camera ???

I love kids shopping too.....I want to bring my neice with me and mom when we go Friday but she thinks she wont enjoy it.

I bet she would !!!

myssfytz's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:42 PM

It's very nice Mys... Mine is kinda girly, it's brown and powder blue sort of the royal crest design satin and embroider kind of thing..

This one is embroidered I think....You can see it on their website.Its satiny on top side, soft on underside.

I think I may just throw away my inhibitions and just go for it tomorrow on ym way home from work.

Updawg's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:42 PM
Ummm, I said tooo pretty. It is a deep red, it might even have some designs on it. I might have to change it to mossy oak after they all were gathering in there.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:43 PM
I think you're looking at it the right way Mys, if it's meant to happen it will... Can't force things or find things that aren't meant to be found or had...

I think most girls enjoy shopping, especially nieces that Auntie can't resist buying things for... I'm a sucker for kids...

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:44 PM

Ummm, I said tooo pretty. It is a deep red, it might even have some designs on it. I might have to change it to mossy oak after they all were gathering in there.

Of course not seeing it I can't say for sure but usually when I see nice things I think "good/classy taste" man or woman...

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