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Topic: Pagan...
Gwendolyn2009's photo
Wed 02/02/11 12:24 PM
TECHNICALLY a Pagan is anyone NOT of the Christian faith. To call a Wiccan a Pagan actually is an insult. Same to call a Druid a Pagan. Pagans were actually more associated with Satanics.

The etymology of "pagan" comes from the Roman "pagani," which mean hill folk or country dwellers. It was a term of derision for the uneducated laborers who worked the land. Until the advent of Christianity as a major monotheistic religion, it was unnecessary to use "polytheistic" since most cultures believed in many gods. Zoroastrianism and Judaism are two exceptions, but even within Zoroastrianism, there was Mithra, a Christlike figure who was the go-between humans and Ahura Mazda.

"Pagan" predates the concept of Satan and has come to mean "polytheistic." Wiccans are pagan and so were the Druids--so are Hindus and many other religions. The only reason I can think of as to why a Wiccan would resent being called pagan is that it is often used as a term of scorn by mainstream Christians. Regardless of any resentment, Wiccans ARE pagans.

I have known many pagans, including Wiccans, and I have never known one to be insulted by the word "pagan."

Jews and Muslims are not pagans; even dictionary.com defines the word as someone not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim; any monotheistic faith would fall into the same category.

However, both "pagan" and "heathen" are sometimes used to refer to a person who has no religious beliefs. Interestingly, the Romans called Jews and Christians "atheists" because they didn't believe in the Roman gods.

Foliel's photo
Thu 04/21/11 04:49 AM
I have been pagan since I was about 12, I do not worship one particular God. I believe in spirituality and the earth.

I grew up in a catholic family but couldn't adjust to the idea of just one God. I stumbled onto paganism while doing a school project and enjoyed it so much I never looked back.

Jack0fHearts87's photo
Mon 07/11/11 11:11 PM

In hindsight, I realize that I've always been a pagan from birth.

Could not agree more! I've stayed the same, but my understanding of my beliefs has clarified.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 07/12/11 11:58 AM
So do any Pagan girls want to celebrate the Solstice with me properly?

Sun 03/04/12 05:48 AM
For most of my life I was a devout Catholic. I prayed every day,I went to church every Sunday, and tried to live my life in a good way. There was always something about Christianity that I just couldn't buy. I didn't truly believe in my heart. I've always explored other faiths in order to try an find one that made sense to me. I do truly believe in the natural order of things. I do not believe in eternal life or reincarnation. We're born,we live,and we die that's it. You only live once. That's what I believe. I know much about christianity and it's only upon removing myself from it that I realize more and more everyday how permeated God is in society.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 03/04/12 08:04 AM

For most of my life I was a devout Catholic. I prayed every day,I went to church every Sunday, and tried to live my life in a good way. There was always something about Christianity that I just couldn't buy. I didn't truly believe in my heart. I've always explored other faiths in order to try an find one that made sense to me. I do truly believe in the natural order of things. I do not believe in eternal life or reincarnation. We're born,we live,and we die that's it. You only live once. That's what I believe. I know much about christianity and it's only upon removing myself from it that I realize more and more everyday how permeated God is in society.

So, you are now an agnostic or an atheist?

Sun 03/04/12 08:15 AM
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."

Mark Twain

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 03/04/12 08:25 AM

"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."

Mark Twain

Wait...did you just call me a fool? what

juicydiva99's photo
Tue 10/14/14 05:05 AM

Been looking into it more an more, really starting to like it. I am starting to get it now. So to the Pagans out there...when did you become Pagan? What can I do to let this new religion into my heart?

I am a natural witch. Baptist father, Jehovah's witness mother. No support from them. Didn't understand my gifts. I learned stuff over time. I was 22 before I found others like me. I'm 40 now. I run a coven, I blog about herbal work. I work with runes, sigils, bind runes and work with student all over the country. No one will accept you, until you accept your path 100%. I had to learn that myself.

Draccus's photo
Tue 08/18/15 06:33 PM
I was born into a Pagan family but we all had to study other faiths along with our own but for each of us we chose this path because the Old Ways felt right to us. I know that for me I felt the call of the Great Mother and Sacred Father they called to my heart and soul and I have never looked back. I still love to study all faiths and learn more each day from my studies and from the Goddess but for all it must be the path they feel is right for them. There are many paths up the mountain of truth some more straight and smoother and others more winding and rough but in the end they all have the same destination in the end.

no photo
Wed 08/19/15 06:54 AM
Well said, Draccus...

Welcome to Mingle...

Draccus's photo
Wed 08/19/15 02:29 PM

Well said, Draccus...

Welcome to Mingle...

Thanks Storm been on Mingle for awhile just found the forums yesterday dating is harder when there are so few Pagans around.

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 08/20/15 09:14 AM

I was born into a Pagan family but we all had to study other faiths along with our own but for each of us we chose this path because the Old Ways felt right to us. I know that for me I felt the call of the Great Mother and Sacred Father they called to my heart and soul and I have never looked back. I still love to study all faiths and learn more each day from my studies and from the Goddess but for all it must be the path they feel is right for them. There are many paths up the mountain of truth some more straight and smoother and others more winding and rough but in the end they all have the same destination in the end.


mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 03:07 AM

if it works 4 u and makes you a better person go for it there is no right or wrong way to
. People the only right way is trough the Bible self.

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 03:15 AM
Hi everybody! I was passing trough this topics. The best way for proof the right and truth way. Is showing the people their questions and doubt BIBLICAL.
I'm not on this side so the one who has begin this must let GOD answered everybody their questions. Thanks

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