Topic: Hey! You scientific types! 3.
wux's photo
Sun 11/15/09 08:35 AM
Edited by wux on Sun 11/15/09 08:36 AM
What's the difference between "Quantanamera" and "Quantum Theory"?

For those who want a serious discussion: What's more important for mankind as a whole and for you, as a person: Music appreciation and the ability to get emotional, the ability to be carried away from all this for moments of musical serenity on one hand, or science and the power of knowledge on the other? What is their function in your life or in humans' lives that they each fill, and if you had to make a preference, which you don't, which would you choose over the other?

Boogman's photo
Sun 11/15/09 09:28 AM
Intresting question...!

But i would say nether. Both play a roll in my life and both are very important. I can sit and listen to the Star Trek Enterprise theme song written by Diane Warren and sung by Russell Watson, "Faith of The Heart" and pounder whats out there and it always moves me. So with your question, I have to also think about Relativity Therory.

So while listening to this song, I think of many things. I can look up at the stars and see greatness, a power greater then myself, GOD.

So yes to your question, I do Mental Masterbation

Mental Masterbation: Pondering philosophical questions, which may be enjoyable, yet are so removed from reality, or experience that they have no practical use.

That was a joke, I do think of things like this. I think the best one's deal with GOD.


Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 11/15/09 09:40 AM

What's the difference between "Quantanamera" and "Quantum Theory"?

For those who want a serious discussion: What's more important for mankind as a whole and for you, as a person: Music appreciation and the ability to get emotional, the ability to be carried away from all this for moments of musical serenity on one hand, or science and the power of knowledge on the other? What is their function in your life or in humans' lives that they each fill, and if you had to make a preference, which you don't, which would you choose over the other?

whoaaaaaaa big fella

too many questions at once

first, wtf is a Quantanamera?

second, music appreciation. funny, when I am playing and the notes and the melody and the phrasing all hit just perfect, the precision of it and the feeling gets me all choked up and then I can't play anymore haha. the better the music the more I falter and have to quit playing. THAT is what has kept me from ever playing on stage or in public

I'll address all those other questions in a bit

I'm hungry

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 11/15/09 09:42 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sun 11/15/09 09:43 AM
and music IS hard science

the absolute mathematical precision of vibrational relationships and harmonic resonances

and it just happens to sound good too

Boogman's photo
Sun 11/15/09 09:44 AM
You got it so far, Quantanamera.

wux's photo
Sun 11/15/09 04:31 PM
Boogman, I hear you: God is sexy, if you don't mind me putting it this way. The wind in the foliage is also sexy in the dusk, a scent of a flower garden, the look on a happy dog or a happy baby. Or a happy Jew. (Oy... I had to throw this in, don't get a cow, I'm Jewish.)

I prefer not to give it the name God, as I feel that would render me and the world secondary in importance. But that's just a personal option. Whatever makes you click your heels. God is great, if you believe that, then yes, he's great. Great.

wux's photo
Sun 11/15/09 04:37 PM
Edited by wux on Sun 11/15/09 04:39 PM
Quietman (why is everyone a "man" here?), I would like to venture and say that what you've said so far is not too distant from what Boogman said, in its essence. I hear the choking; I wonder how many times Einstein felt the gulp in his throat when he was getting certain that he was on the right track in the evolotion of his sceintific ideas.

I choke, too, when I hear good music, and I choke on my on verse and prose sometimes. It all makes sense, clearly, what you say, and I'm eager to hear more from you.

Quantanamera was a hit song in the sixties by an English-speaking American group who popularized Latin-American songs with their romantic interpretations of them. They had a number of great songs. My favourite is their rendition of "Louis, Louis", the Richard Berry tune (different from "the" Chuck Berry).

Boogman's photo
Sun 11/15/09 08:28 PM
Yea i hear you on the GOD thing, but the word GOD can mean many things to many people. I know a person that says; GOD = good orderly direction, click, click for him but not for me. Because of the type of person I am, I have to put something above me or before me. This is how I live. I did inject the word GOD before I clairfied it's meaning, sorry...!

GOD to me is the fiber of the universe, the stings that bind all things together, opps another theroy there.

So when I am asked a question of this nature. I have to break it down, take it apart and look at every piece.

Take love and hate.
I love you.
You love me.
We love to hate him.
(word game I know, lol)

Can we have one without the other?

I think Quietman_2009 said it better then I could have.
Quote: the absolute mathematical precision of vibrational relationships and harmonic resonances.

So at the quantum level, I can see this very clearly. One explains the other and some times the passion for knoledge is as beautiful as the songs we sing.

I thought I could answer your question but, aparrently I not smart enough.


Boogman's photo
Mon 11/16/09 12:33 AM
Edited by Boogman on Mon 11/16/09 12:38 AM
We are emotional beings. If i chose Quantum Theory, i would have to give up apart of me now.

Not going to happen, my Ex just toke one thing from me that i will always miss.
