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Topic: Newt Gingrich?
Zapchaser's photo
Mon 06/04/07 10:24 AM
President Newt? Radio rumors that Newt is throwing his hat into the

iRon's photo
Mon 06/04/07 10:27 AM
Oh yay another politician to lie to us noway

no photo
Mon 06/04/07 10:40 AM
ohhh iron, you must be a conspircy guy. these guys are our leaders, we
must lick their boots as zap would tell you....honest.

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 06/04/07 10:41 AM
I got something for you to lick, bear, a BBW (big bad weiner) laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh huh

no photo
Mon 06/04/07 10:59 AM
noway noway noway

no photo
Mon 06/04/07 11:07 AM
Did I hear a bear bark???huh huh

thedoctor's photo
Mon 06/04/07 11:11 AM
a Newt is just an amphibian....

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 06/04/07 11:18 AM
Hi Alex blushing blushing blushing blushing

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 06/04/07 11:40 AM
I am merely posing the question, people. bigsmile bigsmile

davinci1952's photo
Mon 06/04/07 06:02 PM
Gingrich is an evil reptile...shouldnt be allowed the oxygen the rest of
us use.. grumble

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 06/04/07 06:05 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh No Davinci, don't hold
back!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh happy happy happy

HangedMan's photo
Mon 06/04/07 06:08 PM
I'd vote for him.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 06/04/07 06:11 PM
I'd have to say even a monkey before Newt it is...drinker

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 06/04/07 06:11 PM
Still leaning toward Ronnie. Why Newt? Just curious.drinker

HangedMan's photo
Mon 06/04/07 06:14 PM
I will never vote socialist..oops i mean democrat and of the canidates
or possible canidates on the rep. side Newt is probably the most
conservative one of the bunch.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 06/04/07 06:15 PM
Actually I think Ruddy has best chance to win....I'm a bit skeptical on
some of his stances..but I'd vote for him..he has best chance of beating
Mrs Hitler:smile:

Fanta46's photo
Mon 06/04/07 06:15 PM
He should change his name to Komono!!!LOL
Komono Gingrich, yeah thats electable!!!laugh laugh laugh

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 06/04/07 06:17 PM
LOL's to Komoda Dragon Grinrichdrinker drinker

HangedMan's photo
Mon 06/04/07 06:19 PM
Rudy isn't much better than McCain. Both are to far towards the center
but i'll take Rudy over McCain.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 06/04/07 06:22 PM
I agree Hang...I'm really not comfortable with either ...but Ruddy can
win alot of moderate dems and is electable..Although Newt is a very
smart man and a good political infighter...he is not electable...doesn't
have the charisma

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