Topic: Sports are Fake
MrSandman_Reborn's photo
Sun 06/03/07 04:32 PM
Is Pro Basketball/Baseball/Hockey already called for? Fake?

Manwich's photo
Sun 06/03/07 04:37 PM
say what ?

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sun 06/03/07 04:41 PM
Have you ever seen what a hockey puck can do to a players mouth? FAKE?

derfw3's photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:07 PM
I may be wrong but I think he might be asking do the league try to
"fix" who is playing in championship games. It may seem like it but I
really don't think so. If so we wouldn't have San Antonio Vs. Cleveland
in the NBA it would be L.A. Lakers Vs. New York (two teams that are
going nowhere and getting there fast) same with Anahiem Vs. Ottawa or
even St. Louis Vs. Detroit in the World Series last year. As a hockey
fan I can tell you that the NHL officials are so afraid of affecting the
outcome they "sawllow their whistles" and refuse to call anything that
doesn't require a call the the local CSI.

adj4u's photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:08 PM
he is upset cause the pistons got sent home

and some of them lost there composure

aaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww poor detriot

gggggooooooooo ccccaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvssssssssssssssss

no photo
Tue 06/05/07 02:52 PM
nascar seems most rigged to me. i mean come on, jimmie johnson winning
five lowes races driving a LOWE'S sponsored car! what about Jr. winning
the next daytona race after his dad died. and the talk about jeff gordon
getting beer cans thrown at him 7 days before talladega. am i the only
one seeing this crap?

heatherrae's photo
Tue 06/05/07 02:55 PM
the only thing i get pissed abou whether or not they r fixed (which
wouldnt surprise me) is that professional athletes get paid millions and
millions to play games and school teachers make 20,000 a yr. who is more
impotant to society. hmmmmm?

no photo
Tue 06/05/07 02:58 PM
good point heather, i want to be a teacher myself, lol. i really do
though, really.

heatherrae's photo
Tue 06/05/07 03:05 PM
people should be paid based on their value to society not based on their
value to the sponsors. here's an idea. maybe teachers should have
sponsors! LOL! and mrs. johnsons first grade class brought to you by
budwieser and home depot! lets hear it for the team! LOL

no photo
Tue 06/05/07 03:06 PM
lol, very funny! that's a great idea, ill let dupont sponsor me cuz
gordons my man.

heatherrae's photo
Tue 06/05/07 03:07 PM
he he. i think i'd want to be sponsored by ky jelly! LOL

no photo
Tue 06/05/07 03:08 PM
lolz. good one.

no photo
Sat 06/09/07 08:46 AM
During the 1982 baseball season,when they had the mid-season strike
which led to a split season,causing the team with the best overall
record that year-Cincinatti Reds-to not make the playoffs(only in a
sport as idiotic as baseball), St. Louis manager Whitey Hertzog (who's
team was already granted a playoff spot)openly told everyone-including
the national media-that he would throw games without a moment's
hesitation in order to get an easy 1st round playoff opponent. No
punishment was ever given to him for this. I don't think sports are
"fixed", per se, but the outcomes can be "influenced" by a coach,
pivotal player, and/or an official/ref/ump. We, as fans, would probably
be shocked at the sheer number of sporting events that have been
"predetermined" by someone. The only difference sometimes between "real
sports" and pro wrestling is that wrestling openly admits it's a joke.

no photo
Sat 06/09/07 07:08 PM
good point knoxman. i didn't know about thar reds thing