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Gator76's photo
Sun 11/08/09 06:01 AM
No idea why the double postfrustrated Sorry!

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Sun 11/08/09 07:44 AM

India is a wonderfully rich and complex country culturally...with staggering poverty some places and geat wealth in small pockets (pun non intended necessarily). I have traveled there over nearly 40 years...and to see the evolution and influences of Western culture in some areas...and the strict adherence to traditional ways has been fascinating. I love the people, generally. The food. The crowded nature of this great country defies description. Literally places where a million people live in a matter of a square mile. The kids there now lace their native dialects with American slang. Adults scratch their heads in wonder at today's youth....as they follow every American trend....from Hollywood movies to American Idol. Yet, arranged marriages are still not uncommon. The juxtaposition of these "co-existing" elements can be interesting. It is a great place to go for those who have a thirst for knowledge and people.

They do like American music a lot, too. A few restaurants we went to were playing older 80s/90s rock.

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