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Topic: Are you afraid of pitbulls?
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Fri 10/30/09 08:12 PM

I believe in civil rights for dogs.Racism is ignorance
I'm with you on that one. Anybody that thinks they are better than a dog has some realizing to do. They operate the same way we, and every other animal on this planet do.

Is this a joke?

I Beleive they Are referring to BSL's which are Breed Specific laws Wich are Exactly That Racism....

the most Probe to bite dogs ive seen are Little Yappers i know quite a few people that have scars from stupid little yappers .... Dalmations are a Dodgy breed That bite quite often But handled by a responsible owner can be graet dogs..

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:13 PM

that depends. do you know the owner? if so take stock of what they might be like. the dog is scared of something. figure out what it is. if somebody locked you up all day in a space and denied you the right to really use your muscles the way they were meant to, or if they just scared you shitless, wouldnt you be screaming to get out too?

I don't know the owner.
The dog does not appear to be scared of anything.
The space is not confined, he has 10,000 sq. ft. to roam.

So why is he barking like a sonofabitch and acting like he wants to kill me?

mistreated by somebody somewhere down the line and holding a grudge like most of us do. that is one dog. not the whole breed. just like if i were to ask you if you saw two couples, one had an abusive relationship, and the other appeared to be happy. would you suspect the happy couple of the same thing just because a male is involved?

BABCHI's photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:14 PM
Most dogs reflect the owner in my book.....

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:18 PM
Edited by OutkastBoss on Fri 10/30/09 08:19 PM

that depends. do you know the owner? if so take stock of what they might be like. the dog is scared of something. figure out what it is. if somebody locked you up all day in a space and denied you the right to really use your muscles the way they were meant to, or if they just scared you shitless, wouldnt you be screaming to get out too?

I don't know the owner.
The dog does not appear to be scared of anything.
The space is not confined, he has 10,000 sq. ft. to roam.

So why is he barking like a sonofabitch and acting like he wants to kill me?

mistreated by somebody somewhere down the line and holding a grudge like most of us do. that is one dog. not the whole breed. just like if i were to ask you if you saw two couples, one had an abusive relationship, and the other appeared to be happy. would you suspect the happy couple of the same thing just because a male is involved?

Even if Abuse is The Cause and its not some dos are Just unstale just as some people are.. either way there is NO EXCUSE you cant explain away bad behavior it has to be Dealt with Swiftly and Firmly or something will happen and the WHOLE BREED SUFFERS

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:19 PM
I didn't know this would be such a heated topic.:angel:

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:20 PM

COmparing a Pit To a .45 or a Freakin Cobra is ludacrous.. ALL reptiles are considred wild and should be treated as such ive owned and regularly handle large snakes respect and admiration yes trust NEVER..... Canines are domesticated and a pit is less likelt to hurt you than a human any day ... in my experiance their mental status and physiology is very similar to ours .. if any dog exibits unstable mental capacities or acts of Humn aggression its time to be a Responsible dog owner and either treat it as a dangerous animal and use a muzzl or put it down.. There must be a ZERO tolerance policy on human aggression...

As Far as Pit bulls go ive owned many dogs cant remember any time in my life i didnt have that comfort of uncondition love and respect that comes with being Alpha of a dog.. im my opinion they are THE BEST dog.. Although prone to animal aggression due to the origin that same origin bred human aggression .. as MOst fight dog owners in the hayday of it kpt them as a family pet around children and also they were handled and touched during fights by the owner and the official and both owners were in the ring at all times .. any act of human aggression was an act that would end the dogs life.. due ti this Pit Type dogs are the only dogs that differentiate between human and animal aggression... Animal aggression needs to taught as a BIG nono by proper socialization...

MY First "angel" was an absolute sweetheart allowing my young neice to climb her and pull her ears and torment her to no end (i stopped it at a point) and angels only repurcussion would be a good Full Body Wag (all pit owners have een this Exhuberant display of affection) and a promp retreat to a child free room... Her animal aggression was never fuly cured But through socialization she made a few animal friends .. As a REAL dog owner she was kept out of situations that would lead her into any confrontation with stranger dogs or other critters....

My current dog Loki Is A Big Boy And wouldnt hurt a Fly.. He Goes Belly up Constantly yeilding to any threat..(actually lays around sleeping on his back with one leg in air) ... when he gets hot he turns pink we joke that he is a girl... he avoids conflict in any form and retreatsto the furthest room from you if you even have a minor disagreeement..All he wants is to cuddle and sleep... on a few occasions he has been confronted by other dogs one was a time we went to my buddys and the dog that lived there Growled but made no advance toward him we had just walked in the door he made a u turn and ran for the hills out the door i was trying to close there friends now but he made it clear he had no animal aggression.. on another occasion we were confronted by a Mutt the size of a chihuahua i beleived to be a stray.. this little dog was goin nuts .. Loki went bellu up and the little dog attacked him.. (weird they usualy dont attack after the other dog submits) i just remember this tiny dog biting him and him looking at me like DO SOMETHING IM SCARED.. so ikicked the little dog and loki ranbehind me and hid behind me while i aggressively got rid of the little butthead..

I know this is rediculously long but one more thing when i was Potty training Mydaughter she had an obstacle in having accidents at night and when she was asked why she said she was scared of the dark.. on his own accord Loki began to sleep at the foot of er bed and when she woke he ould walk in front of her to the bathroom wait outside the door and Walk Her back to her bedroom... unfortunately he was stolen out of our backyard she was devstated ..After 4 monthe he returned MICROCHIP your beloved pet its worth it...

Sorry so long Please dont quote this post its too long... There are pics of loki on my profile

this thing jumped a page before i wrote this

devildog08's photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:20 PM
The whole breed should not suffer for the actions of some. Just like one race should not suffer for the actions of their fore fathers. That doesn't mean its who they are.

cassieflames's photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:23 PM
I am not scareed of pitbulls one of my ex's use dto raise them and i never got hurt or even felt threatened. If its raised by a crappy owner of course but you could have an angry lab too.

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:44 PM
Thank you everyone. Seems you either love em' or hate em'bigsmile

galendgirl's photo
Fri 10/30/09 08:48 PM
I don't like any aggressive breed if they are threatening me...
little ankle biting chihuahuas are the bane of my morning walks.

beauty314's photo
Fri 10/30/09 09:04 PM

Okay, so when I walk to my mail box every day, my neighbor has a pitbull in his back yard that sticks his head over the top of the fence and barks like a sonofabitch. I have done nothing to provoke this creature but he is acting like he wants to chew my azz up.

This is the dog acting like a wild beast, the owner is nowhere in sight.

Now what actions would you feel are appropriate to take?

It is uncool for your neighbor to allow his dog to harass you on your own property. The owner needs to introduce you to the dog so you can call him by name and give him a treat when you go by. Otherwise the dog is just doing his job and pits are very good at what they do.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/30/09 09:14 PM

Okay, so when I walk to my mail box every day, my neighbor has a pitbull in his back yard that sticks his head over the top of the fence and barks like a sonofabitch. I have done nothing to provoke this creature but he is acting like he wants to chew my azz up.

This is the dog acting like a wild beast, the owner is nowhere in sight.

Now what actions would you feel are appropriate to take?

My dog used to do that to the neighbors, I hated it, I used to reprimand her for torturing the neighbors.

I guess because they just walk around her and never come close she felt they were afraid or something like that. She definitely senses fear and responds aggressively. She is like me, she likes some folks and others she doesn't. The man/women who threw mail in our house through the mail chute everyday really roused her up...lol

Barking and acting tough does not always mean vicious dog. My dog is more dangerous when she growls low and raises her hair.

If you ignore their antics they will eventually give up.
But you can't be afraid, they sense it and act worse for some reason.

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 09:58 PM
I'm not afraid of any breed as a whole. This is something that I take on an individual basis, just like with people. Personally, I think pitbulls may have bad raps because a lot of bad owners are training them to be aggressive and violent because they're built for it and good at it. Just as Collies are good at herding sheep, etc. Since so many nefarious types are abusing these particular pitbull traits they are seen as "bad dogs". That's just my take on it.

Also, temperament has something to do with it. Some dogs, of any breed, can just have a bad temperament, just like people. It's all about individualism.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 10/30/09 11:21 PM
A long time fan of big dogs I have seen various large breeds be labled as vicious and used to intimidate people and protect property. Usually at the expense of the animal.

Sadly when any breed becomes popular they are over bred which causes all kinds of genetic and neglect or abuse problems that will create a problem dog with a compromised nervouse system that will be hyper reactive in the best of situations.

With Vet bills approaching human costs even responsible pet owners have a struggle in todays economy.

I personally would not keep a dog over 25 lbs. in a highly populated area. And certainly not anything bigger than 45 lbs, in a single family neighborhood. Dogs need space and are by nature loud and create waste problems that are not condusive to close quarters and neighborhood relationships.

Keeping a large dog in mainstream society makes no more sense to me than keeping any other large animal in your back yard. It is not fair to the animal because needed exercise and stimulation is not possible if you don't have a full time dog handler. Most people don't come close to watering and feeding their pets a healthy diet and normal social developement is impossible. They will attach to humans but it is still not meeting an animals needs any more than it would meet yours or mine to be dropped in a situation where we can not have peers, normal activities, or habitat. To think that a large dog can not jump anything that is less than a 6' fence is ridiculous. Being muzzeled and or chained just doesn't seem right to me but it is really the only realistic safe way if a dog is ever going to be no threat. Most leashes for dogs are a joke. Large dogs are uniquely dangerous because they can leap,knock down, and bite on the throat in a matter of a few seconds faster than most people can draw a weapon. Considering one bite can crush a human face I would be more afraid of a dog bite than a bullet.

earthytaurus76's photo
Fri 10/30/09 11:23 PM
Edited by earthytaurus76 on Fri 10/30/09 11:24 PM
Yes, Im afraid of any dogs likely to bite me,


I HAVE a pit.

She just ripped my other dogs ear last night in a vicious fight.

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 11:53 PM
this is like saying

"Are you afraid of Black people because more of them have been convicted of felonies?"

No. I'm not afraid of pit bulls. and I'm not afraid of black people either. or anyone else for that matter.

All depends on how one was raised, and in what environment they grew up in.

AND PLZ LETS NOT ARGUE STATISTICS AND RACISM -- What I said was a fact. Whether it's wrong or not is a whole other topic.

msdestinbooty's photo
Sat 10/31/09 12:05 AM
Nope not scared of them. I love them. They arent born mean their owners train them to be mean when they get older. So if you dont train them to be mean or anything you should be fine!!

EquusDancer's photo
Sat 10/31/09 12:07 AM

Why would anyone want to own one? They are bred for one purpose, to kill. pitchfork

Why would anybody want to own a German Shepard? They are no different. Its not about the type of dog. Its about who owns the dog

EXACTLY!! But when you see an owner walk his or her pitbull, you don't know if the owner was raised responsibly, or if he or she came from a bad breeder or what.

You can only trust the dog as far as you can trust the owner, and all owners are big liars and cheats, for the simple reason that they are human.

If they are not cheaters and liars, you still are not out of the water, because it's impossible to tell the cheaters and liars from the honest ones.

Once this can be told apart, once psychological science gives us this tool to be able to discern between an honest man / woman and a dishonest one, I'll start to trust pitbulls, German sheppertds, cobra snakes, crocodiles and intercontinental ballistic missiles with foot odor.

Gee, if we taught children and adults to walk up and ASK the owner walking the dog on a leash first instead of run up and pet the dog, ALL DOGS, there might be less trouble. Heck, I do it even now. "May I pet your gorgoeous dog?" Doesn't hurt me, and they say nicely yes or no. Gosh. How difficult is that?!

EquusDancer's photo
Sat 10/31/09 12:08 AM

I believe in civil rights for dogs.Racism is ignorance
I'm with you on that one. Anybody that thinks they are better than a dog has some realizing to do. They operate the same way we, and every other animal on this planet do.

I'll second or third that!

EquusDancer's photo
Sat 10/31/09 12:14 AM

that depends. do you know the owner? if so take stock of what they might be like. the dog is scared of something. figure out what it is. if somebody locked you up all day in a space and denied you the right to really use your muscles the way they were meant to, or if they just scared you shitless, wouldnt you be screaming to get out too?

I don't know the owner.
The dog does not appear to be scared of anything.
The space is not confined, he has 10,000 sq. ft. to roam.

So why is he barking like a sonofabitch and acting like he wants to kill me?

If the owner isn't taking responsibility, then call animal control on him. There should be some laws in effect. I have no problems use the law to get the problem fixed, no matter how much I like a dog, or other animal.

10,000 sq ft may seem like a lot to you, but it isn't. The dog sounds bored out of his mind, obviously not in the house with his family, so he's acting out of boredom, and knows he's got you and other spooked, making it worse. He IS acting like a bully and claiming territory with his harrassment, and his owners don't care. If they aren't going to make the time to make him part of the family, then they need to get him into a better home. You don't leave your child home alone for long hours, and it's the same with a dog, or any animal, for that matter.

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