Topic: moment of clarity | |
Spiritual growth is amazing. Have you ever met a try psychic? I know many. Have you ever met a person that heals (via powers from supreme being)? I have, and do that myself. What one human can do, ALL can do. Refer to bible verse: "Do ye not know that ye are gods?"
Spiritual growth is amazing. Have you ever met a try psychic? I know many. Have you ever met a person that heals (via powers from supreme being)? I have, and do that myself. What one human can do, ALL can do. Refer to bible verse: "Do ye not know that ye are gods?" Yes I know I am. |
In answer to the original question, yes, I have had that experience. I remember the first time very clearly. Being a Christian at the time, I immediately thought of the Bible verse that talks about the scales falling away from your eyes and seeing things as they really are.
It was total clarity, total understanding and yet part of that understanding was the realization that I could not understand. It was perfect calm and perfect acceptance and I knew people really were blind to reality. |
Those moments tend to be painful for me, when it is evident that I'm practically blind. I like to think that science lets me see, but perhaps this is rash emotional interference. I wouldn't argue against that.
Lately, my moments of thinking differently about the world occur when I wake up, or half wake up, and then manage to scribble afterwords. I never thought that a dream writing would involve science instead of freudian interpretation, which I doubt less and less the more I look at myself objectively. Which is also something of a sin, when creativity comes into account. |
Spiritual growth is amazing. Have you ever met a try psychic? I know many. Have you ever met a person that heals (via powers from supreme being)? I have, and do that myself. What one human can do, ALL can do. Refer to bible verse: "Do ye not know that ye are gods?" Healing works, or has some effect, and that scares me. I mean, I could do something and not 'set it' right or something. Yikes! It's too much tampering with the natural energy and flow of a life. Probably less of a headache to practice that it is for me to think about though! |
Hard to really explain with today's Knowledge! |