Topic: Culture, faith and holidays
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Fri 06/01/07 05:01 PM
What are some holidays you celebrate? Which ones don't you celebrate and

Christmas, Easter, thanksgiving,Kwanza, Hanukkah etc..

I think it will be interesting to see how people celebrate differently
with their own views on a holiday or celebration.

BRING in the culture and personal experiences flowerforyou If there's
a tradition done in your family please share.

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Fri 06/01/07 05:05 PM
Also share family traditions and explain the message behind them :smile:

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Fri 06/01/07 05:10 PM
You left out Festivus.

I celebrate all the Christian ones: Christmas and Resurrection Sunday.
Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Halloween. I'm all for any holiday that
results in time off work.

The first Easter I remember was living in the country in Arkansas. My
mother took me and my brothers for a walk and made us stop about 100
feet down the road to rest. We were very confused, because we never
went for walks and it made no sense to stop so close to the house.
After what seemed like forever, we heard our father yelling and he fired
his shotgun in the air a couple times. We were terrified and didn't
want to go home, but our mother forced us. We got home and my dad told
us that some rabbit had been running around the yard leaving eggs laying
around. We started crying because we were afraid our dad had killed the
Easter bunny. I know my parents were trying to do something special,
but "The best laid plans of mice and men..." Looking back it was a
strage thing for my parents to do, but out of all 34 Easters of my life,
it's the one I remember most.

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Fri 06/01/07 05:12 PM
indifferent sooooooooooooooooooooooo did they kill the bunny?

Great story

"I'm all for any holiday that results in time off work."
laugh laugh Funny

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 05:17 PM
:smile: Which is your favorite holiday?

I :heart: Christmas. I was told Jesus wasn't born in the winter but in
the spring but I still like that holiday.

Isn't it mixture of other cultures that do it differently?
Why is it such a huge misconception in the story of Saint Nick?
You know...indifferent the emphasis on the gift aspects.

I know he helped out children and gave gifts of joy, but I guess someone
took the gift aspect and ran with i

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 05:37 PM
Christmas is a great holiday, I love it. When Jesus was born isn't
important, the important thing is that we celebrate the gift that Jesus
gave us. Since I was a child, I tear up to "The Little Drummer Boy".
The message is so true, it brings me to tears. God doesn't expect us to
give him money or nice things, we should use our talents to glorify him.

I used to have a tradition of watching "It's a Wonderful Life" every
Christmas Eve with my ex-wife, but since the divorce I can't watch it
anymore. My ex-girlfiend's family does the Soul Train dance line, but I
was never stupid enough to get up there. They also have chitlins every
Thanksgiving, but only the women will eat those things. I guess women
have iron stomachs compared to guys.

I know it's not popular in Christian circles, but I like Halloween.
Maybe it's just that I still have some growing to do in the spirit.

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 05:40 PM
Wow, I must need sleep. That last post was just stream of
consciousness. It's all true, but it looks like it was written by a
crack head.

wonderman37's photo
Fri 06/01/07 05:43 PM

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 07:37 PM
Spider- "That last post was just stream of
consciousness. It's all true, but it looks like it was written by a
crack head. " laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 07:38 PM
Spider I don't eat chitlins they stink too much to even bite. Being from
the south my family does but I CAN'T! sick

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Fri 06/01/07 09:45 PM

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Fri 06/01/07 09:46 PM
I'm from the south and I had never even seen chitlins until I moved up
north. To me, they smell just like a hot fresh diaper.

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Fri 06/01/07 09:48 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh


Chitlins are southern food isn't it? My family from Georgia (the heart
of the south) introduced me to that gross stuff.

It was so foul I couldn't make myself bite it.

What part of the Chicken is it? or is it a chickin?
laugh I wouldn't be suprised if it was a ...

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Fri 06/01/07 09:49 PM
It's pig intestines.

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Fri 06/01/07 09:49 PM
sick sick No wonder..the things we eat as humans and

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 09:54 PM
well except the vegetariansohwell

Differentkindofwench's photo
Fri 06/01/07 10:12 PM
Actually, Chitlins, I found to be rather boring, even when they told me
to put hot sauce on 'em. Although my x-husband did warn me that if I
ever got stuck cleaning them, I'd never it them again. We didn't live
by the family, so that never happened.

Funny you talk about the Little Drummer Boy Spider. We didn't have a
lot of money one year and the Christmas decorations had all died long
ago. We took my sons action figures and used playdough to dress them up
as the manger scene with the wisemen and then made the animals out of
playdough too. We used the little drummer boy as our guide for the

MicheleNC's photo
Fri 06/01/07 11:26 PM
What a fun idea! I love holidays! And agree that ones that you don't
have to work are great.

I celebrate most/all of the Jewish festivals/holidays (Chanukah, Sukkot,
Passover, Shavuos, Purim) and the High Holy Days. Sometimes they sneak
up on you and you can forget since most are not commercialized.

Of course, the US holidays (Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Independence
Day, etc) and the fun ones (Halloween, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's
Day, Talk like a Pirate Day, etc).

December is always a fun month with Chanukah and my son's birthday. He
thinks the month is all about presents for him. Ahhh, to be 6 again.

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Sat 06/02/07 11:48 AM
Thankyou micheleNC and Differentkindofwench for posting

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Sat 06/02/07 07:44 PM
I'm not familiar with many jewish festivals ..feel free to share