Topic: GrOOvy LiL HiPPiE pAd~~ | |
I am here for the Bud and Luv!! (((((((((((( Hugs))))))))))))))
im here for my peace pipe..wat up bro!!!!!!!!!
Good morning all!!!!!!! Do you know where your bong
is?? |
The green one is behind the left speaker and the red one is being
used... Try it! Mornin'! |
Morning folks, where is our little Greeneyed girl
Look behind the other speaker, sage...
«´¨ `¤..¤:..:¤..¤´¨`» «´¨ `¤..¤:..:¤..¤´¨`» .*¨`»
(`'·.¸(`'·.¸(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´) «´¨ `¤..¤:..:¤..¤´¨`» ___________s§§§§§§§§§§§§§ss. ____________³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§s. _____________§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§s _____________§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§O§§§§§s ____________s§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§s§§§§§§s ___________s§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³§§§§§³³³³³' __________s§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³³³' __________§§§§§§§§§§§§³³'. _________s§§§§§§§§§³³'..… ________s§§§§§§§§³..... ________§§§§§§³.'.. … ________§§§§§'.. … ________§§§§'........ ________§§§.........xxxxxxx ________§§§ ________§§§§ssss ______s§§§§§§§§§§§s, _____s§§§§§§§³³³' ____§§§§³³³' |
Got my beanbag, flowers in my hair, I'm bare feet..................on
my way to share the love Love, love, love. all you need is love ( EVERYBODY) |
Hippie, when you wake up,
Have a great day. |
*rubs my sleepy eyes* Mornin' ya'll |
Good Morning ((((Hippie))) ((((sassy)))
hey hippie bout time you woke up
G'mornin Chicky!
Here a flower for you! _________________0___________________ _________________00__________________ ________________0000_________________ _______________000000________________ ____00_________000000__________00____ _____0000______000000______00000_____ _____000000____0000000___0000000_____ ______000000___0000000_0000000_______ _______0000000_000000_0000000________ _________000000_00000_000000_________ _0000_____000000_000_0000__000000000_ __000000000__0000_0_000_000000000____ _____000000000__0_0_0_000000000______ _________0000000000000000____________ ______________000_0_0000_____________ ____________00000_0__00000___________ ___________00_____0______00________ |
{{{{{NUS}}}}} bong is clear {{{{{STACEY}}}}} feeling better {{{{{CATCHME}}}}}... beautimus flower {{{{{TULIP}}}}}...yo yo yooooooooo {{{{{SAGE}}}}}.. thank you, you too {{{{{MISSBONNY}}}}}... awesome come on in and sit a spell {{{{{FALLEN}}}}}.... good morning {{{{{LISA}}}}}.... i just got up cause i was playing watch dog all night.... some of my sons friends showed up in the middle of the night and tried to get him to sneak out.... |
so I respond to EVERYONE and no one is here.. WTF..
*chills* |
All filled and ready for you when you get here !!!
`*.¸.*tiptoes into your room `*.¸.*´ steps quietly up on your bed `*.¸.*´ giggles `*.¸.*´ jumps up & down `*.¸.*´ shouts `*.¸.*´ It's ME `*.¸.*´ Then Jump up & down again`*.¸.*´ `*.¸.*´ YIKES Fell off the bed`*.¸.*´Stops `*.¸.*´ Smiles `*.¸Looks back.*´ then quickly runs off ,LAUGHING ...runs back and shuts the door now well let you sleep!!!.... Loves & Hugz always Lisa`*.¸.* |