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Topic: (Man thread!)Have you met completey
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Mon 10/19/09 09:10 PM

Crazy chicks...

One told me she was so 'hot' for me; she put ranch on her pu**y and had her dog like it off.

Another told me she loved me because I said I liked her shirt. She ended up stalking me for six months overone compliment.

One said she was falling head over heels for me and my sweet gentle nature. That she would be luckiest girl on earth to catch a rare guy like me.. That same night she got involved in a five guy orgy with no other girls present.... yup way to my heart..

One went ballistic on me and started throwing rocks at some dudes car because I had cat hair on my hoodie...

Another said, your cute, and then proceeded to slice her wrists in front of me.

My fiancee told me she wanted to get back together, apologized for her dumb *** materialistic ways, even gave me a bj n the parking lot.. next thing I know she's banging another dude and got impregnated by him. Also learn, my second daughter isn't even mine..

I met one chick who, as she so bluntly put it, 'wanted to f*** a horse'.

One thought dudes in clown suits were hot.

I had one who thought Elvis was stalking her..

One swore Albinoes only existed in mythology.

One who waited ten mins for the bus to take her five mins (walking distance) away..

So, leaving out some of the others..
I think I've had my fair share..


Atlantis75's photo
Mon 10/19/09 09:23 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Mon 10/19/09 09:26 PM
Ok, I got a story, it's like a dating nightmare from a few years ago.

I talked to this girl to meet her, she was in another town, a good 2hrs driving away.

Middle of Winter of course, slushy roads and so on..we decided to meet in a parking lot of a store.

So i went, and noticed i had like an extra 15min..so i ran into Big Y (I know rediculous) to buy her flowers.

So I found one red rose and i bought it and then went to meet her.

So when I arrive, there she is and as I said "hi", she says "Hi! Your car is dirty". I'm like "Yeah I know, I haven't had the chance to wash it yet (Remind you, it's in the middle of a winter with slushy roads, but i didn't say nothing, I'm a nice guy actually) . So she gets in and I give her the rose and she goes "Ohh this is nice, thanks!" and throws it with a move to my backseat. LOL..i tried to keep a straight face and act like this is all normal and so on.
So I ask her, where she wants to go. She goes "I don't know", do you know any good places?" and I'm like yeah, but not in this town, I don't know anything in this town so if you want to I can drive you back to my town and we can talk meanwhile..
She goes "No way, I don't want to go there!". I'm like "Okkk". No problem (I guess she was thinking that I'm some crazy freak trying to abduct her or something) so I ask her if she knows any places around. She goes "No, I don't, I just moved here in a few months ago and I don't know anything here".

So I tell her, then "Why don't I just drive around here a bit, maybe we find a restaurant or a bar or something, there is got to be something" ....She goes like "No, that's not really something I was looking forward, I really don't know if I want to do this..you know I guess just take me back to the parking lot.."

I'm like, "Alright..I'm truly sorry that I don't know your town well, maybe we can do this another time or you come down to my town, I know everything there" - But by then she wasn't really paying attention to me.

So I took her back to the parking lot and she goes like "Well, thanks, I'm sorry how this turned out..I'll write you something in email alright" and she turns and rushes to her car and I can hear she saying "Oh what the hell" and similar, while i'm just sitting there and looking like this smiley --->noway

So anyway, she never emailed me or called me again, actually by the time i logged on the next time , she already blocked me off the messenger and then of course she never called me.

I checked myself if i stink (impossible just took a shower) or maybe my car stinks inside (nope) or I look weird somehow..(no, not weirder than I normally look) so I couldn't figure out what happened, so i settled that she was just simply nuts.

There you have it.

Ever since then, if i ever talk to anyone who is from a town I don't know, I really go and check google maps where the restaurants are and so on and I have a GPS now that shows bars and restaurants so ....you know, if you don't know your town (nobody took you out yet?) we don't have this problem.

Jtevans's photo
Mon 10/19/09 09:25 PM
women are the devil! surprised scared

DTHRomeo's photo
Mon 10/19/09 09:28 PM
Women ... crazy???? surprised surprised surprised


I'm staying away from this one

*Walks Away*

auburngirl's photo
Mon 10/19/09 09:28 PM
WOW. She actually tossed the rose in the back seat??? TACKY!

Sunflower85's photo
Mon 10/19/09 09:29 PM

WOW. She actually tossed the rose in the back seat??? TACKY!

i agree

auburngirl's photo
Mon 10/19/09 09:31 PM
And I can't even imagine the very first thing out of her mouth would be "Your car is dirty" Especially if you live where there is snow/salt whatever that stuff is they put on the roads that gets all over every single part of EVERYONES car. noway

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 10/19/09 09:35 PM

And I can't even imagine the very first thing out of her mouth would be "Your car is dirty" Especially if you live where there is snow/salt whatever that stuff is they put on the roads that gets all over every single part of EVERYONES car. noway

She was so nervous actually, I don't know why, I kept thinking that I am making her nervous somehow (I also checked if my zipper was not down), somehow she gave me the impressiont, that even if i touch her accidentally or something, she would scream and die from being frightened to death.

MelodyGirl's photo
Mon 10/19/09 09:35 PM

Ok, I got a story, it's like a dating nightmare from a few years ago.

She isn't crazy -- she is down right rude and snobby! grumble

I think your rose was a nice touch and she tossed it in the back seat?

Your car was dirty?

She had no plan for the two of you -- in HER town? How difficult would it have been for her to research a little ahead of time since she was also in unknown territory?

I am so sorry that happened to such a nice person like you.

We all have those nightmare dates though!

auburngirl's photo
Mon 10/19/09 09:36 PM
Well, I can understand being nervous. But I agree with Melody. She was still rude.

MelodyGirl's photo
Mon 10/19/09 09:39 PM

Well, I can understand being nervous. But I agree with Melody. She was still rude.

Thank you flowerforyou

I also might understand the nervous defense but if she wasn't mature enough to admit that -- then you probably dodged a bullet.

I don't know if this is always the answer but when I am nervous on a first date, I say it ... "I'm a little nervous. Wanna grab a drink?"

I never drink more than one -- maybe wine to sip -- but it calms my nerves. At least the guy won't think he stinks because of MY akwardness. winking

CatsLoveMe's photo
Tue 10/20/09 01:35 PM
Edited by CatsLoveMe on Tue 10/20/09 01:35 PM

I'm a magnet for them

Me too, bro, I've got my filters on this time. Full power to the Shields! Enemy Attack!

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